1 Erratum to: Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess DOI 10.1007/s00477-016-1235-5

The author’s find it necessary to adjust some percentage values that were published in the original article in the sections abstract and conclusions in relation to Table 2.

In the Abstract section it should say:

In terms of average values, the analysis of daily rainfall indicates that low-intensity events account for 36 % of rainy days but only approximately 9 % of the total rain amount. In contrast, high- and very high-intensity events account for 37 % of rainy days and approximately 72 % of the total rain amount.

In the conclusion section it should say:

The analysis indicates that low-intensity events account for an average of 36 % of rainy days, contributing approximately 9 % of the total rain amount. In contrast, high- and very high intensity events account for 37 % of rainy day contribution and approximately 72 % of the rain amount.