Switching from contextual to tone fear conditioning and vice versa: The key role of the glutamatergic hippocampal-lateral septal neurotransmission

  1. Aline Desmedt1
  1. 1Centre de Neurosciences Intégratives et Cognitives, CNRS UMR 5228, Université de Bordeaux, 33405 Talence, France
  2. 2Physiologie de la Reproduction et des Comportements, INRA UMR 85, CNRS UMR 6175, Université François Rabelais de Tours, Haras Nationaux, 37380 Nouzilly, France


    The aim of the present experiment was to directly assess the role of the glutamatergic hippocampal-lateral septal (HPC-LS) neurotransmission in tone and contextual fear conditioning. We found that pretraining infusion of glutamatergic acid into the lateral septum promotes tone conditioning and concomitantly disrupts contextual conditioning. Infusion of glutamatergic antagonist, on the contrary, promotes contextual conditioning to the detriment of tone fear conditioning. These findings highlight the direct contribution of the glutamatergic HPC-LS neurotransmission to the adaptive selection among environmental stimuli of those that best predict the occurrence of the aversive event.


    • 3 Corresponding author.

      E-mail ludovic.calandreau{at}tours.inra.fr; fax 33 247 42 77 43.

    • Received May 5, 2010.
    • Accepted July 21, 2010.
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