Authentication and Anti-Duplication Security System for Visa and MasterCard Cards

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Brian Meneses
Enrique Lee Huamani
Melissa Yauri-Machaca
Jean Meneses-Claudio
Rosa Perez-Siguas


This document attempts to provide the security to make a transaction, with the online transaction authentication flow, in order to make our purchases safely as there are many frauds and little security on the part of users when making an online purchase, as well as identity theft or card duplication, which cause transactions to be less reliable , with this system we will try to give the necessary confidence to make online purchases with our transaction flow, we will also use an agile methodology to design the system, which to develop it we will have to follow a few steps which will be elaborated, by 5 steps to develop this article.

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How to Cite
Meneses, B., Huamani, E. L., Yauri-Machaca, M., Meneses-Claudio, J., & Perez-Siguas, R. (2022). Authentication and Anti-Duplication Security System for Visa and MasterCard Cards. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 10(7), 01–05.