Women Entrepreneurial Innovative Behavior: The Role of Lean start-up and Business Coaching


  • Rimsha Khalid Department of Business and Mangement, Limkokwing University of creative technology, Cyberjaya, Malaysia
  • Mohsin Raza Faculty of Management Sciences, Phuket Rajabhat University, Phuket Thailand
  • Anusara Sawangchai Faculty of Management Sciences, Phuket Rajabhat University, Phuket Thailand
  • Wendy July Allauca-Castillo Facultad de Economía y Contabilidad, Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo, Perú
  • Rosario Mercedes Huerta-Soto Faculta de Economia y Contabilidad, Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo, Perú




lean start-up, women entrepreneurs, innovative behaviour, entrepreneurship, business coaching


The main objective of a startup is to discover a suitable plan of action that can create value for growth in the economy. This research provides evidence and allied vision engrossed on three perspectives: business coaching, lean start-up approach, and innovative work behavior of women's context in solar energy entrepreneurial action. Moreover, the study is based on a quantitative method, and results indicated that it has a significant impact on the lean start-up approach on innovative work behavior and has a significant mediating effect on business coaching. This study helps researchers and practitioners cope with the entrepreneurial incubation programs for women entrepreneurs in the lean start-up approach. Moreover, this also contributes to the deep understanding of women's exploring, building, and implementing business ideas. Additionally, the study argues that guidance and directions are important for innovative entrepreneurial actions.


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