Phonological Awareness and Initial Reading in Preschool Children of Educational Institutions Peripheral of Abancay

Teresa Villafuerte Palomino, Oscar Arbieto Mamani, Rosmery S. Pozo Enciso, Sofía Villafuerte Palomino, Nivia M. Pilares Estrada, Miguel Á. Juro Llamocca


The research deals with phonological awareness and initial reading in children of 5 years of age, has the purpose of determining the relationship between phonological awareness and initial reading in children under six years of age. It is based on the quantitative approach, the basic and substantive methodology of a cross-sectional correlational descriptive level; In this understanding, a test of phonological awareness and initial reading was applied to 100 students of the last year of the initial level, the application of the instrument was in 5 peripheral educational institutions of the city of Abancay, thus achieving the result that no more than 78.5 % of the students have considerable mastery about the two study variables. In this understanding, it is concluded that there is a significant relationship between phonological awareness and initial reading in the evaluated preschool students. In turn, it is found that they need to be attended with regard to the development of phonological awareness, which takes time and requires attention from professionals, to have successful results in reading comprehension and all areas of learning. Therefore, the increase of competence within  communication is proposed, called "developing phonological awareness," which is considered in the curricular design of the initial level of the second cycle. In that understanding, it could be considered as a contribution to education. 



Keywords: Phonological Awareness, Initial Reading, Preschool Children






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