
1 Introduction

There is a growing need of aerial surveillance for civil and military purposes in today’s world. This helps in maintaining the decorum of an area while simultaneously ensuring the safety and security of the place. Aerial Surveillance using drones/UAVs have been proved to be very useful in this context. Visual Inspection of areas is the most common practice used in surveillance. Use of an UAV to monitor and stream videos to the base station works as a better alternative as compared to the regular visual surveillance through CCTV system. Videos taken from a higher altitude provides a better visibility of the area. It also adds up to the advantage of tracking high speed objects with ease without increasing its own pace.

Real-time monitoring of unwanted and suspicious activities happening in an area is an important concern. This involves Detection and Recognition of objects followed by subsequent tracking of identified suspicious objects. Detection of objects, such as, vehicles, animals, is a challenging task in aerial images due to the small size of objects with respect to the complete frame. This often creates a misclassification scenario for the detector. The misclassification mainly happens due to the fact that there are several small surrounding structures and ambient background objects that look very similar to the objects of interest from the high altitude. Another major issue that makes the task of a detector more difficult is the use of low resolution cameras with UAVs. This is mainly due the limitation of the payload handling capacity of the drone.

Object detection in aerial images is performed by finding the most salient features of the objects and use them for further processing. Many Saliency based approaches have been developed which are effective to find small objects with salient spectral features but did not perform well in real-time aerial videos. The requirement of a real-time object detection has pushed the research towards using deep learning approaches. It has paced up the performance of object detection and recognition in real-time. Many Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based architectures have been proposed in recent works that can detect objects with high accuracy. Along with high accuracy, the detectors has also boosted the speed of detection. The convolutional framework of region proposal networks helped in detecting very small objects even when the object is partially occluded or looks similar to the background. The use of high resolution camera payloads with the UAVs has substantially improved the quality of aerial image datasets and consequently has reduced the chances of misclassification.

2 Related Works

Vehicle detection in aerial images has been an active area of research since last three decades. Most of the object detection algorithms use sliding window approach to generate candidate regions. The candidate regions which are similar to the object properties are considered as the detected objects. But these approaches are very time-consuming and computationally heavy as these methods use several different sized windows and slides over the entire image. Thus these techniques are not well suited for real-time object detection in videos. Region proposals provide computationally less complex solution for object detection. Several region proposal methods have been developed and the performance has improved a lot. Many saliency based approaches [1] have been developed that produce good results in images where number of objects is not very high and the foreground objects are significantly different from the background. But these methods fail to provide good results in real-time object detection problem.

To overcome the problem of dedicated feature extraction in images containing multiple objects, several deep learning based approaches have been developed in the last decade. Several CNN based frameworks [3] have been proposed that showed good results for object detection. Zhu et al. have developed a CNN architecture [17] based on the AlexNet framework with Selective Search with a simple modification using empirically set threshold range. A CNN based GoogleNet architecture has been adopted in [12] to detect objects in UCMerced dataset and classify the objects based on a threshold based decision process. A CNN based salient object detection has been proposed in [6], which uses nonlinear regression for refinement of saliency map generated. The CNN based object detection architectures can be broadly classified into two categories: one-stage and two-stage detectors. The one-stage detectors, namely, YOLO (you only look once), SSD (single shot multi-box detector) etc., provide very fast detection. But these detectors fail to detect small size objects. The two-stage detectors, on the other hand, are very accurate but detect objects at a subsequently low speed due to high computational complexity. CNN based object proposal classification has been proposed in [11] which uses region proposal network (RPN) and performs very accurate object detection. To incorporate location invariance, position-sensitive score maps have been computed for every proposal [2]. Due to good accuracy, several researchers have adopted the concept of RPN in their work [5, 13] for object detection in aerial images in DLR-3K and VEDAI [9] datasets. The accuracy of two-stage object detection has been improved further by adopting the faster RCNN like framework and modifying it by using hierarchical feature maps [4, 15]. A coupled R-CNN based vehicle proposal network has been proposed in [14] that reported good accuracy in aerial images in DLR-3K dataset. The above mentioned two-stage classifiers perform well but are noticeably slower as compared to the one-stage classifiers. YOLO [10] and SSD [8] provides very fast detection by using only one CNN architecture for both classification and localization of the objects. But these methods fail to detect objects in aerial images as size of objects are very small as compared to the size of proposals. To provide a solution to this problem, focal loss [7] has been introduced by Lin et al. which involves a scaling factor that puts more weightage to hard classifiable objects as compared to easily classifiable objects.

The current approaches for vehicle detection are mainly focused on aerial images and thus speed factor is not taken much in consideration in these detectors. Even the methods, that perform fast detection of vehicles, are unable to produce very accurate results. This sums up to the unavailability of a suitable vehicle detection framework for real-time aerial videos. In the following section, a two-stage CNN based framework have been proposed that addresses both speed and accuracy issue.

3 Proposed Framework

The proposed object detection framework is a two-stage model that uses a skip connected convolutional network followed by a region proposal network. It generates features from images using convolution layers. The features derived are then used to generate multiple object-like regions with scores by applying a region proposal network. The proposed framework as shown in Fig. 1. It uses first 5 convolutional layers of the ZF-Net architecture [16]. The features from the shallow layer provides low level information about the images. The deeper layers compute more fine details about the image. The features from the shallow layers and the deep layers are merged into a single feature map to define new hyper feature map. This incorporates low level details and deep level highly semantic representation of data together.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Proposed convolutional hyper maps based framework

The output of each convolution layer is passed through Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) activation function to induce non-linearity in the data. The ReLU output is normalized using Local Response Normalization (LRN). The output of corresponding units of the same convolution layers from different kernels are used to normalize the value of every unit in the image. The normalization function is defined by Eq. 1, where \(a^k_{i,j}\) is the output of the k-th kernel at image location (i, j), \(b^k_{i,j}\) is the output of LRN at location (i, j), N is the total number of convolution kernels in a layer and n is the size of the normalization window. The output of the normalization layer in conv1 and conv2 is passed through Max pooling layer is performed that helps in adapting the detector to adapt to the small rotational changes of the objects.

$$\begin{aligned} b^k_{i,j}= a^k_{i,j}/(\kappa + \alpha \sum _{l=max(0, k-n/2)}^{min(N-1, k+n/2)} (a^l_{i,j})^2)^\beta \end{aligned}$$

The shallow and deep layers are first scaled to an intermediate size. The ReLU normalized output of the third convolution layer is passed through an intermediate convolutional layer with 256 kernels. The ReLU output of the conv3inter3 layer is normalized using LRN and concatenated with Pool2 output, to define the shallow level features of images. Similarly, the ReLU output of the fourth convolution layer is passed through an intermediate convolutional layer with 256 kernels to generate conv4inter4 output. The output is then passed through ReLU nonlinear unit and then further normalized. These outputs are merged with the normalized output of conv5 to generate deep feature maps. The deep and shallow feature maps are merged together to define Hyper Maps that provide a complete description of the images.

The hyper map contains 1024 feature maps. To define the region proposals, sliding window of size \(3\times 3\) is traversed through the entire feature map. The output of sliding operation is passed through two sibling \(1\times 1\) convolution layers to consider features from all the kernels at each sliding window location. For each of the sliding window location, one network computes the possible locations of the proposals in terms of a vector, \({(x_0, y_0, width, height)}\), through regression. The other convolution network performs classification of the objects into predefined classes and generates a score for each of the predicted region.

The predicted regions are compared with the ground truth boxes in the images. Intersection over Union (IoU) metric is used to define the similarity of the predicted regions to the ground truth. The total loss at each epoch is computed using a composite loss function that includes the loss of classification as well as regression network. We have employed different loss function for the two components in RPN. We have used Softmax classifier for calculation of loss in score generation of each predicted region of the classification network. Smooth L1 loss has been used to compute loss in the regression layer. The smooth L1 and cross entropy loss functions have been described in Eqs. 3 and 3 respectively. The overall loss function is defined in Eq. 2 where \(L_{cls}\) represents classification loss and \(L_{reg}\) represents regression loss. The parameter \(\alpha \) in Eq. 2 represents a trade-off factor between classification and regression loss.

$$\begin{aligned} L_{total}=L_{cls}+\alpha L_{reg} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} L_{reg}= {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 0.5 x^2 &{}{, for |x|<1}\\ |x|-0.5 &{}{, otherwise} \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} L_{cls}=-\sum _{i} y_i log(p_i) \end{aligned}$$

The size of final hyper maps are large enough as compared to the deeper convolutional layers. The size constraint reduces the computational complexity of the algorithm and thus helps in improving the speed of detection. But the increased size of feature map adds up to the problem of detection of more number of region proposals. Most of the proposals detected are prone to be a part of the background and thus scope of detecting false positives increases. To handle the number of false positives and solve the problem, the concept of Focal Loss has been used as mentioned in [7]. The loss function has been described in Eq. 4. The parameter \(\gamma \) decides on the scaling factor to keep or neglect the hard classified examples.

$$\begin{aligned} FocalLoss(p_i)=-(1-p_i)^\gamma log(p_i) \end{aligned}$$

Thus in the Proposed Framework V2, the cross entropy loss function has been replaced by the focal loss function. We have presented the experimental results for the two frameworks in the following section. The Proposed Framework V1 uses cross entropy loss and Proposed Framework V2 uses focal loss.

4 Experimental Results

The proposed architecture is trained using publicly available VEDAI dataset. The dataset consists of various backgrounds such as agrarian, rural and urban areas. The dataset is available in two different image sizes 512 \(\times \) 512 and 1024 \(\times \) 1024 with Annotation. For our experiment, we selected the VEDAI 1024 dataset that contains 1268 images of size 1024 \(\times \) 1024 in .png format. We have used 935 images for training the proposed model while the remaining images have been utilized for testing the model. We have trained our model by using pre-trained weights of a ZF-Net model obtained from training the ZF-Net on the ImageNet dataset. The pre-trained ZF-Net model consists of lot of good lower level features which are important in feature extraction for RPN.

For the proposed framework, values of the hyperparameters in the LRN are taken as \(\alpha =0.00005\), \(\beta =0.75\) and \(\kappa =0\). The value of the parameter n is taken as 3. The hyperparameters for focal loss computation is taken as \(\gamma =2\) and \(\alpha =0.25\). This optimal pair of values provide a correct balance between the hard classified and well classified classes. We have further used the trained models to generate inference on aerial videos. The videos were captured at 25 fps and the background in the videos were completely different from the train image scenarios. The proposed framework has been compared with Faster RCNN architecture. The mean average precision (mAP) and the speed of the Faster RCNN, the Proposed Framework V1 with cross entropy loss and the Proposed Framework V2 with focal loss has been enlisted in Table 1.

Table 1. mAP and detection speed of different object detection frameworks

The output of the Proposed Framework V1 on the VEDAI aerial images is shown Fig. 2. The Framework V2 improves both the speed and accuracy of detection. The Proposed Framework V2 can thus be used as a suitable model for vehicle detection in aerial images and aerial videos.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Object detection results on test images using proposed framework V1

5 Conclusion

In this paper, we have proposed a two-stage hierarchical region-based CNN framework for detection of vehicles in aerial images and videos. The designed hyper maps based framework produces very accurate and fast vehicle detection result. Scalability of the object size in the videos has also been addressed using the proposed framework due to the use of the shallow and deep layer features. The Proposed Framework V1 produces very accurate results, but the speed of operation is slow as compared to Proposed Framework V2. The inclusion of focal loss in the Proposed Framework V2 helps in reducing the number of proposals per frame by solving the class imbalance problem and thus improves the speed of operation. Thus Proposed Framework V2 generates superior result in terms of accuracy as well as speed and thus can be used as a suitable vehicle detector in aerial videos. However, the proposed framework sometimes does not detect all the vehicles in subsequent frames in aerial videos. The mAP can be further improved to address the problem and improve the accuracy of detection.