
1 Introduction

A business process is an orchestration of activities and resources in an organisation, aiming to achieve a business objective. Business process management (BPM) is an interdisciplinary field that studies concepts and methods that support and improve the way business processes are designed, performed, and analyzed in organizations, with the ultimate goal of reducing their costs, execution times, and failure rates through incremental changes and radical innovations [1, 2]. Research in BPM has resulted in a range of methods, tools and techniques for identifying, designing, enacting, monitoring and innovating operational business processes [3, 4].

Process mining aims to discover, monitor and improve real-world processes using the knowledge accumulated in event logs produced by modern information systems [5], where an event log is a collection of traces, each representing executed events of a customer, order, claim, etc. traversing the business process. As multiple traces might share the same sequence of steps through the process, event logs are inherently stochastic: by accumulating information about business process executions observed over extended periods of time, event logs encode the true likelihood of executing the various sequences of steps through the process. This knowledge about the frequencies attached to real-world processes is invaluable for business process redesign and analysis practices [6], as it can inform flexible performance management [7] and generation of novel business models and processes, both incremental [8] and radical [9, 10]. For instance, consider the following event logs, each consisting of 2 distinct traces, with 1,000 traces in total:

$$\begin{aligned} L_1 = [\!&\langle \text {x-ray}, \text {treat} \rangle ^{999},\\ {}&\langle \text {MRI}, \text {treat} \rangle ^{1}]\end{aligned} \quad \quad \text { vs }\quad \quad \begin{aligned}L_2=[\!&\langle \text {x-ray}, \text {treat} \rangle ^{1},\\ {}&\langle \text {MRI}, \text {treat}\rangle ^{999}]\end{aligned}$$

Even though these event logs consist of the same distinct traces, they are very different. In \(L_1\), the \(\langle \text {MRI}, \text {treat} \rangle \) trace is the exception, while in \(L_2\) it is the rule, which likely will influence optimisation strategies.

Some examples of advanced uses of process mining are prediction, recommendation and simulation. In a running trace, using a process model, prediction techniques aim to estimate certain properties of the trace’s future steps towards completion, for instance its outcome, its risk of being delayed, its cost, etc. Based on these predictions, recommendation techniques automatically suggest mitigation or optimisation steps for the future of the trace. As different paths through the process model might lead to different properties, prediction and recommendation techniques inherently need to be aware of the stochastic perspective of the process model.

In process optimisation projects, simulation can be used to measure the impact of proposed process changes before they are implemented, and thus before the implementation costs are incurred. That is, several process models with proposed changes are simulated and key performance indicators (for instance, throughput, trace duration characteristics, etc.) are measured, such that a favourable model can be chosen. Key performance indicators such as throughput and trace duration largely depend on the paths taken through the model and, hence, the outcome of the simulations depends on the stochastic perspective of the model.

Even though simulation, prediction and recommendation depend heavily on the stochastic perspective of process models (stochastic process models), few techniques have been proposed to construct such models automatically (stochastic process discovery techniques) [11]. Typically, the stochastic perspective is constructed by hand as an extension of an existing process model.

However, to truly treat the stochastic perspective of process models as a first-class citizen, it is also necessary to evaluate it. That is, the stochastic perspectives, as modelled manually or discovered by stochastic discovery techniques, might differ substantially from the stochastic perspective of the event log. Thus, stochastic process models risk not being true representations of the actual real-life business process and predictions, recommendations and simulations might return misleading results [12]. Few techniques have been proposed that can be used to verify or assess the quality of stochastic process models with respect to event logs, that is, to perform stochastic conformance checking [13], however with the limitation of not supporting loops.

In classical (non-stochastic) conformance checking, typically four dimensions are considered to compare a log to a (non-stochastic) process model: (1) fitness, which expresses the part of behaviour of the event log that is supported by the model, (2) precision, which expresses the part of the model’s behaviour that is also in the event log, (3) generalisation, which expresses the likelihood that future behaviour is captured in the model, and (4) simplicity, which expresses whether the model expresses its behaviour in a clear and concise way [14, 15]. However, in these existing measures the stochastic perspective of models is not taken into account, and thus they are not suitable to fully evaluate models for, e.g., prediction, recommendation and simulation.

For instance, in [16], we reported on a project with a major German health insurance company that aimed to analyse and simplify about 4,000 of their stochastic process models captured using the EPC notation annotated with probabilities of taking various decisions. The insurer relied on these stochastic models to estimate the number of employees to hire to enact all the operational processes in a calendar year. Given logs of executed processes at the end of the year, the measures proposed in this paper can be used to assess the correctness of the estimates. In Sect. 4, we further illustrate the applicability of our measures in this scenario.

In this paper, we lift two quality measures used in process mining, namely fitness and precision, to consider the stochastic perspectives of event logs (which are inherently stochastic due to the multiplicities of traces occurring) and stochastic process models. That is, we propose two stochastic conformance checking measures, which compare an event log to a stochastic process model. The measures consider both log and model as stochastic automata, and compare the entropy [17] of these automata with the entropy of a third automaton that represents the conjunctive stochastic behaviour of the log and the model. While the measures support any stochastic process model whose behaviour can be represented in a finite stochastic deterministic automaton (see Sect. 2), we illustrate and implemented the measures for Stochastic Petri nets (see Sect. 2). Concretely, this paper contributes:

\(\circ \) :

Stochastic-aware recall and precision conformance measures for event logs and process models grounded in the entropy of stochastic languages [17, 18];

\(\circ \) :

Eight properties for stochastic-aware conformance measures that aim at establishing the usefulness of measures that satisfy them;

\(\circ \) :

A publicly available implementation of the proposed conformance measures; and

\(\circ \) :

An evaluation that demonstrates the applicability and feasibility of the measures in real-life industrial settings.

The remainder of the paper is structured as follows: The next section introduces notions used to support subsequent discussions. Section 3 presents our stochastic-aware precision and recall measures. After that, the measures are evaluated in Sect. 4, and related work is discussed in Sect. 5. Finally, Sect. 6 concludes the paper.

2 Stochastic Languages, Petri Nets and Automata

This section introduces notions used in the discussions in the subsequent sections.

Let \(\varSigma \) be an alphabet of activities, then \(\varSigma ^*\) is the set of all possible sequences of activities (traces) over \(\varSigma \). Let \(\epsilon \) denote the empty trace. A language \(\subseteq \, \varSigma ^*\) is a, possibly infinite, set of traces.

Definition 1 (Stochastic language)

A stochastic language L is a function \(L :\varSigma ^* \rightarrow [0, 1]\), denoting a probability for each trace, such that \(\sum _{t \in \varSigma ^{*}} L(t) = 1\).

An event log is a multiset of traces. For instance, the event log \(L_e = [\epsilon \), \(\langle a\rangle ^2\), \(\langle a, a \rangle ^4\), \(\langle a, a, a\rangle \), \(\langle a, a, a, a \rangle ^2]\) consists of 10 traces. Its corresponding stochastic language is \([\epsilon ^{0.1}\), \(\langle a\rangle ^{0.2}\), \(\langle a, a \rangle ^{0.4}\), \(\langle a, a, a\rangle ^{0.1}\), \(\langle a, a, a, a \rangle ^{0.2}]\) and its corresponding language is \(\{\epsilon \), \(\langle a\rangle \), \(\langle a, a \rangle \), \(\langle a, a, a\rangle \), \(\langle a, a, a, a \rangle \}\).

Definition 2

(Stochastic deterministic finite automaton, adapted from [18]). A stochastic deterministic finite automaton (SDFA) is a tuple \((S, \varSigma , \delta , p, s_0)\), where S is a set of states, \(\varSigma \) is an alphabet of activities, \(\delta : S \times \varSigma \rightarrow S\) is a transition function, \(p : S \times \varSigma \rightarrow [0, 1]\) is a probability function, and \(s_0 \in S\) is the initial state.

The probability to terminate in a particular state s is denoted by \(p(s, \lambda )\), , and is equal to \(1 - \sum _{a \in \varSigma } p(s,a)\). Consequently, for each state, the probabilities of leaving the state or terminating at it should sum to 1, i.e., \(\forall {s \in S}: p(s, \lambda ) + \sum _{a \in \varSigma } p(s, a) = 1\).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Examples of an event log and a Stochastic Petri net, and their corresponding stochastic deterministic finite automata. For convenience, the numbers in the states denote the probability of termination.

The stochastic languages that can be represented by SDFAs are called stochastic deterministic regular languages [18]. For instance, all event logs can be represented by SDFAs (we included a translation in an accompanying technical report [19]). Figure 1a shows the SDFA of our example event log \(L_e\). Notice that SDFAs do not inherit all the properties of deterministic finite automata. For instance, SDFAs are not closed under union, that is, the union of two stochastic languages represented by SDFAs is not necessarily expressible by an SDFA [20]. Therefore, we did not attempt to find valid reduction strategies for SDFAs, but leave this as future work.

Definition 3 (Petri net)

A Petri net (PN) is a tuple \((P, T, A, M_0, l)\) in which P is a set of places, T is a set of transitions (\(T \cap P = \emptyset \)), \(A \subseteq (P \times T) \cup (T \times P)\) is an arc relation, \(M_0\) (multiset over P) is the initial marking and \(l :T \rightarrow \varSigma \) is a partial labelling function.

A marking is a multiset over P, capturing the state of the net by indicating tokens on the places in P. A transition \(t \in T\) is enabled in a marking M if for each place \(p'\) such that \((p', t) \in A\) it holds that \(p' \in M\). If t fires, then all these places \(p'\) are removed from M, and to each \(p''\) such that \((t, p'') \in A\) a token is added to the new marking, and if l(t) exists, it indicates this activity l(t) being executed. A path in a Petri net is an alternating sequence of markings and transitions such that the markings can be traversed by firing the immediately preceding transitions, and such that in the last marking no transition is enabled. The trace corresponding to a path is the sequence of transitions projected to activities using l, excluding transitions that are not mapped by l. The language of the net is the set of all possible traces for which there exist corresponding paths in the net.

A stochastic Petri net (SPN) is a Petri net that expresses a stochastic language. Several ways to enrich a Petri net with stochastic information have been proposed (refer to [21] for an overview). The techniques presented in this paper apply to any type of SPN that can be translated to an SDFA. Nevertheless, for illustrative purposes, we consider a type of SPN in which transitions are annotated with weights:

Definition 4 (Stochastic Petri net)

A Stochastic Petri net (SPN) is a tuple (P, T, A, \(M_0\), l, w) such that \((P, T, A, M_0, l)\) is a Petri net and \(w :T \rightarrow \mathbb {R}^+\) is a function that assigns weights to transitions.

Given a marking M, the probability that an enabled transition t fires in M, denoted by p(M, t), is proportional to t’s weight compared to the weight of all enabled transitions: \(p(M, t) = w(t) / \sum _{t' \text { enabled in } M} w(t')\). Then, the probability of a path consisting of transitions \(t_1 \ldots t_n\) and markings \(M_0 \ldots M_n\) in an SPN is the product of the transitions’ probabilities: \(\varPi _{1 \le i \le n} p(M_i, t_i)\). The probability of a trace in an SPN is the sum of the probabilities over all paths that induce the trace, and the stochastic language of an SPN is the collection of all the traces induced by all the paths in the SPN (and all other traces having probability 0). Figure 1b shows an example of an SPN \(S_e\).

If an SPN can be translated to an SDFA, then the SPN must have a finite state space (which still might include loops), and its stochastic perspective needs to be describable by an SDFA. For instance, Fig. 1c shows the SDFA of SPN \(S_e\) in Fig. 1b. We characterise the class of SPNs that express stochastic regular languages and discuss some particularities that arise when translating SPNs to SDFAs in an accompanying technical report [19].

3 Stochastic-Aware Conformance Checking

This section presents our new technique for stochastic-aware precision and recall measures, which computes these measures by considering the SDFAs of an event log and a stochastic process model. It first creates a projection of both SDFAs to obtain the behaviour that is common to both. Then, precision and recall are obtained by considering the entropy of the SDFAs and their projections.

Our technique can be applied to any stochastic process modelling formalism, as long as the stochastic language of a model can be expressed as an SDFA. We first introduce the projection, second we describe how we compute entropy, and finally we explain how we compute precision and recall. We then discuss practical considerations of our implementation of the measures, and introduce desirable properties for stochastic conformance checking measures.

Projection. A projection of two SDFAs L and M, denoted by \(\mathcal {P}(L, M)\), is an SDFA that contains the behaviour that is present in both L and M. For non-stochastic deterministic finite automata, there are well-known algorithms to establish a projection [22].Footnote 1 These algorithms typically construct synchronous walks in both automata, taking a step only when it is allowed in both L and M. We use a similar strategy: whenever both automata are able to take a step, this step is added to the projection. The probability of such a step is the probability of the corresponding step in L.

For instance, consider the two SDFAs shown in Figs. 1a and 1c. Their projections are shown in Figs. 2a and 2b. Notice that if from a particular state an outgoing edge is removed, then the probability of this edge is added to the termination probability at that state.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Projections of the SDFAs shown in Fig. 1.

Entropy. Intuitively, the entropy of an SDFA describes the number of yes/no questions (bits) that would on average be required to guess an unknown random trace supported by the SDFA. For any stochastic language L, the entropy H can be defined as follows, using a convention that \(0 \log 0 = 0\), cf. [17]:

$$\begin{aligned} H(L) = - \sum _{t \in \varSigma ^*} p(t \in L) \log _2 p(t\in L). \end{aligned}$$

As \(\varSigma ^*\) is infinite, H cannot be computed by iterating over \(\varSigma ^*\). Therefore, we compute the entropy using a procedure adapted from [18]. Given an SDFA \(A = (S, \varSigma , \delta , p, s_0)\) that describes a stochastic language, the entropy of the stochastic language of A is:

$$\begin{aligned} H(A) = - \sum _{\delta (s, a)} c_s p(s, a) \log _2 p(s, a) - \sum _{s\in S} c_s p(s, \lambda ) \log _2 p(s, \lambda ), \end{aligned}$$

where each state \(s \in S\) uses a constant \(c_s\), which can be obtained iteratively [18]:

$$\begin{aligned} c_s^{0} ={}&0 \end{aligned}$$

For instance, for the automaton shown in Fig. 1c, the iterative steps are as follows: \(c^0 = [0, 0]\), \(c^1 = [1, 0]\), \(c^2 = [1, c^1_0\cdot 0.8 + c^1_1 \cdot 0.5] = [1, 0.8]\), \(c^3 = [1, c^2_0\cdot 0.8 + c^2_1 \cdot 0.5] = [1, 1.2]\), \(c^4 = [1, 1.4]\), \(c^5 = [1, 1.5]\), \(c^6 = [1, 1.55]\), \(c^7 = [1, 1.575]\), ...\(c = [1, 1.6]\) and \(H = - (c_0 0.8 \log _2 0.8 + c_1 0.5 \log _2 0.5) \approx 1.05\). This method converges deterministically to the correct value [18].

Computing Precision & Recall. Finally, to compute precision and recall for a log L and a model M (both translated to SDFAs), our technique uses the entropy of the projection \(\mathcal {P}\) and compares it to the entropy of L and M:

$$\begin{aligned} recall(L, M) ={}&\frac{H(\mathcal {P}(L, M))}{H(L)}&precision(L, M) ={}&\frac{H(\mathcal {P}(M, L))}{H(M)} \end{aligned}$$

For these measures to work, the entropy of the log and the model cannot be 0. Furthermore, in an accompanying technical report [19] we show that \(H(\mathcal {P})\) is always lower than both H(L) and H(M), thus our measures return values between 0 and 1.

For our example log \(L_e\) and model \(S_e\) (Fig. 1), recall is 1 and precision is 0.914.

Practical Considerations. Next, we discuss some practical considerations that accompany our new measures, and additional steps to increase their applicability, using the overview shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Overview of the steps taken to increase the applicability of our measures.

Step (1): Equation (2) requires that every edge in the two input SDFAs has a non-zero probability, as \(\log 0\) is undefined (i.e., if \(\delta (s, a) = b\) then \(p(s, a) > 0\)). This is easily ensured using a pre-processing step on the SDFAs, which filters out these edges.

Step (2): Model and log cannot have zero entropies, i.e., they must contain more than one trace with non-zero probability (be deterministic). In our implementation, we pre-process each SDFA before projecting and measuring entropy: from each terminating state s, we add one step out of s with a small probability \(\lambda \) towards a fresh state. This transition has a fresh label, and this label is reused for the pre-processing of both SDFAs. This influences entropy in both SDFAs, but only by \(0 \sim 0.15\) entropy.

In [18], it is shown that Eq. (4) converges for SDFAs as long as from each state it is possible to eventually terminate. This corresponds with our definition of stochastic languages (Definition 1), which requires that the sum of probabilities over all traces should be 1. In case an SDFA has a livelock which can be reached with non-zero probability, the probabilities of its traces do not sum to 1 and hence such an SDFA has no stochastic language. This is inherently satisfied by event logs, and ensured with a check in our implementation of the translation of SPNs to SDFAs.

Empty event logs or stochastic process models that do not support any traces do not describe stochastic languages and are hence not supported by our technique. This is a common restriction in process mining: sound workflow nets and process trees have the same limitation and cannot express the empty language either.

Implementation. The proposed measures have been implemented as a plug-in of the ProM framework [23]: “Compute relative entropy of a log and a stochastic Petri net”. The measures themselves are deterministic. However, due to the order in which transitions are read from a Petri net and double-precision arithmetic, small differences might occur between runs.

Properties of Stochastic Precision and Recall. A measure that is not known to satisfy any property can be considered to return “magic” numbers. In [12, 14, 15, 24], several properties for classical conformance measures are proposed. Next, we adapt some existing properties to the realm of stochastic-aware measures, introduce new stochastic-specific properties, and justify that our measures indeed possess these properties.

P1 :

A stochastic-aware conformance measure should be deterministic;

P2 :

A stochastic-aware conformance measure should depend on the stochastic  languages of logs and models and not on their representations;

Properties P1 and P2 hold for our conformance-aware precision and recall measures, as both the projection and the entropy are computed using deterministic procedures with only stochastic languages as inputs.

P3 :

Stochastic-aware conformance measures should return values greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1;

Our precision and recall measures satisfy Property P3: as shown in an accompanying technical report [19]. A conformance value of 1 signifies a perfect conformance, which for the stochastic-aware measures can be instantiated as follows:

P4 :

If an event log and a model express the same stochastic language, then they should have a perfect stochastic-aware precision, i.e., a precision of 1;

P5 :

If an event log and a model express the same stochastic language, then they should have a perfect stochastic-aware recall, i.e., a recall of 1;

Properties P4 and P5 hold for our precision and recall measures, because if the log and model express the same stochastic language, then the projection will have the same stochastic language as well. Then, the entropy of all three stochastic languages is obviously equal, hence the numerator and denominator in Eq. (5) are equal.

P6 :

If a log \(L_1\) assigns to each trace from a model M a higher probability than another log \(L_2\), then the precision of \(L_1\) should be higher than of \(L_2\):

If \({\forall _{t \in \varSigma ^*} M(t)>0 \Rightarrow (L_1(t) \ge L_2(t))}\) then \( precision (L_1,M) \ge precision (L_2,M)\);

Furthermore, if there is a trace of M in \(L_1\) and not in \(L_2\), then the precision of \(L_1\) should be strictly higher than of \(L_2\):

If \(\forall _{t \in \varSigma ^*} M(t)>0 \Rightarrow L_1(t) \ge L_2(t)\) and \(\exists _{t \in \varSigma ^*} M(t)>0 \wedge L_1(t)>0 \wedge L_2(t)=0\), then \( precision (L_1,M) > precision (L_2,M)\);

P7 :

If a model \(M_1\) assigns to each trace from an event log L a higher probability than another model \(M_2\), then the recall of \(M_1\) should be higher than of \(M_2\):

If \(\forall _{t \in \varSigma ^*} L(t)>0 \Rightarrow M_1(t) \ge M_2(t)\) then \( recall (L,M_1) \ge recall (L,M_2)\); Furthermore, if there is a trace of L in \(M_1\) and not in \(M_2\), then the recall of \(M_1\) should be strictly higher than of \(M_2\):

If \(\forall _{t \in \varSigma ^*} L(t)>0 \Rightarrow M_1(t) \ge M_2(t)\) and \(\exists _{t \in \varSigma ^*} L(t)>0 \wedge M_1(t)>0 \wedge M_2(t)=0\), then \( recall (L,M_1) > recall (L,M_2)\);

The first parts of P6 and P7 hold for our measures: for recall (resp. precision), the projection \(P(L, M_1)\) is a super-graph of the projection \(P(L, M_2)\), and as for recall (resp. precision) all the probabilities are derived from L (resp M), the probabilities on the edges common to these SDFAs are equivalent. Then, the properties follow using reasoning similar to P3. The second part of the properties then holds by extension.

Finally, similar to the precision and recall measures in information retrieval, we argue that stochastic-aware precision should be equal to recall with the arguments flipped:

P8 :

Given two stochastic languages A and B and stochastic-aware precision (\( precision \)) and recall (\( recall \)) measures, it should hold that \( precision (A,B) = recall (B,A)\).

Property P8 holds for our measures by definition.

4 Evaluation

In this section, we evaluate the measures introduced in this paper. First, we investigate whether the measures are true reflections of differences in stochastic languages. Second, we show that the measures are feasible to compute on real-life event logs and stochastic models. Third, we illustrate the practical relevance of our measures on a repository of real-life industrial stochastic process models.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Four Stochastic Petri nets that could represent our event log L.

Real Reflections of Differences: Ranking of Synthetic Models. Consider an event log L containing 6 distinct traces: \([\langle a, b, c \rangle ^{10}\), \(\langle a, c, b\rangle ^{15}\), \(\langle a, d\rangle ^{30}\), \(\langle a, d, e, d \rangle ^{20}\), \(\langle a, d, e, d, e\), \(d \rangle ^{15}\), \(\langle a, d, e, d, e, d, e, d \rangle ^{10}]\). In this example, we consider four different stochastic process models (SPNs, see Fig. 4) that a user might consider to represent this event log and use to gain insights about the process that generated the event log. Model \(S_1\) was discovered by a stochastic process discovery technique [11] from L. Model \(S_2\) is a manually created SPN that is similar to \(S_1\) but has different probabilities. That is, the stochastic perspective differs. Model \(S_3\) enumerates L’s traces having corresponding probabilities: a trace model. Model \(S_4\) represents all behaviour and is a flower model, with probabilities derived from L based on the frequencies of the activities. Table 1 shows (fragments of) the stochastic languages of these models.

Table 1. Stochastic languages of L and the SPNs in Fig. 4 (p is probability).

We applied the measures presented in this paper (S), the Earth Movers’ (EMSC) [13] measure, as well as the non-stochastic alignment-based (A) [25] and projected (P) [26] precision measures. The results are shown in Table 2 (recall of S is 1 for all models).

All measures, corresponding to intuition, consider the trace model \(S_3\) to be perfectly representing the event log, and agree on the flower model \(S_4\) having the lowest precision. Second, intuitively, the probabilities that \(S_1\) attaches to the traces in L are closer to those in L than the probabilities that \(S_2\) attaches to these traces. Thus, we would argue that \(S_1\) represents L better than \(S_2\), which both stochastic conformance checking measures confirm (S, EMSC). A and P do not see any difference between these models. Finally, it is remarkable that EMSC’s values for \(S_2\) and \(S_4\) are very close, which may be due to EMSC having to unfold the loop in the flower model, which is bounded and brings the compared language falsely closer to L. Our measures support loops, which is reflected in the low precision score for \(S_4\).

This illustrates that conformance techniques that are not stochastic-aware cannot fully grasp the differences between the stochastic perspective in these process models.

Table 2. Stochastic measures compared to regular conformance checking techniques.

Practical Feasibility. Next, we report on the feasibility of the proposed stochastic-aware precision and recall measures. To this end, we applied a stochastic discovery technique proposed in [11] to 13 publicly available real-life event logsFootnote 2 to obtain stochastic block-structured Petri nets.Footnote 3 We then measured the precision and recall values for the event logs and the corresponding discovered nets, as well as the times spent to compute them. The code used to run the evaluation is publicly available.Footnote 4 The machine used to compute the measures had an E5-1620 CPU with 32 GB RAM.

Table 3. Precision and recall values and times taken to compute them.

Table  3 summarises the results. Some results could not be obtained: for the BPIC15 logs, the discovery technique ran out of memory, thus our measures could not be applied. For BPIC11, discovery returned a model in which all transitions were silent. Hence, this model expressed the stochastic language \([\epsilon ^{1}]\) and thus recall and precision are both 0, as the log did not have the empty trace. One could argue that our measures are strict as both the traces and their probabilities captured in the log and model should match well for high scores. However, one could also argue that the tested discovery technique is, apparently, unable to discover models that represent the likelihood of traces in the event logs well, indicating the need for further research in such techniques.

The reported computation times show that the computation of the stochastic-aware precision and recall measures is feasible on real-life logs, even on complex event logs like BPIC11, taking at most two hours, but much less time for the other tested event logs. Further analysis showed that for SDFAs with large cycles, Eq. (4) might need a quadratic number of steps (in the size of the state space S) to converge, and that this is indeed the most expensive step of our measures. However, run time was not infeasible in our evaluation: at most two hours for the largest logs of most complex processes we tested, but generally much less. Nevertheless, as future work, this step might be optimised using the SDFA’s structure.

Practical Usefulness: German Health Insurance Company. In this section, we demonstrate the practical usefulness of our measures in the context of the case study with the German health insurance company [16]. As the company used the hand-crafted stochastic process models for resource planning, it is important that they do not describe the same traces. Otherwise, there is a risk of double resource allocation and, consequently, financial loss to the company. Due to a high number of models, i.e., approximately 4 000 models, manual analysis is intractable.Footnote 5

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Two slightly different SDFAs from a German insurer (\(h \leftrightarrow j\)).

To identify models that describe identical (and frequent) traces, we performed their pairwise comparisons using our stochastic-aware conformance measures. Models that do not describe a proper stochastic language were discarded. Furthermore, only models with a single start node and a single end node were considered. This filtering step resulted in the collection of 3 090 models. The average time of computing a stochastic conformance measure between a pair of models using our tool, either precision or recall, was 69 ms. As a result, we discovered 48 pairs of distinct models that describe, among others, some identical traces. Two anonymised models from the collection, for which both stochastic recall and precision values are equal to 0.4, are shown in Fig. 5. Business analysts of the insurance company should assess these two models for potential double allocation of resources for support of the corresponding business operations. As these models capture identical frequent traces, the analysts may further consider to combine them into a single model.

5 Discussion and Related Work

A dozen of conformance checking measures have been proposed to date. For a comprehensive overview of the conformance checking field, we refer the reader to [5, 14, 27]. The vast majority of the existing conformance measures address nondeterministic models and logs. Nondeterminism, as a concept in computer science, was introduced in [28] in the context of nondeterministic finite automata. Nondeterminism, as used in automata theory, states that a choice of the next step in a computation does not necessarily determine its future. This interpretation differs from the one employed in the context of distributed systems, which says that there is no preference among the computations of a system. As such, the latter interpretation provides an abstraction mechanism that allows treating all the computations of a system as being equally good, or equally likely to be induced by the system. Similar to nondeterminism, probabilities can be used to abstract from unimportant or unknown aspects of a system. However, by associating different probabilities with different computations of a system one can encode that certain computations are more likely to be induced by the system than others [20]. In [12], van der Aalst stressed the need to consider probabilities in conformance checking.

Some conformance checking techniques use stochastic elements, however without targeting stochastic models. For instance, Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) have been used to model business processes and to check conformance. In [29], recall and precision are computed by translating Petri nets and event logs to HMMs. However, the stochastic perspective of HMMs is not used, as all the events in a particular state are treated as being equally likely. Another limitation is that parallelism is not supported.

In [14], a precision measure and a recall measure were proposed for process mining founded in the notion of the topological entropy of a regular language. In [14], a framework for conformance checking approaches is proposed, which is instantiated using cardinalities and entropy. The measures proposed in this paper can be seen as extensions of the entropy-based technique for stochastic languages.

Alignments [30] search for a least-cost path through event log and model, thereby being robust to slight deviations between traces. As recall takes the frequency of traces into account, the stochastic perspective of logs is taken into account. However, alignment-based precision measures [25] do not consider the stochastic perspective of the model. Alignment-based precision measures might be extended to support stochastic process models, for instance by searching for a most-likely path. Projected conformance checking [26] addresses long run times of conformance checking techniques by projecting behavior onto subsets of activities of a certain size. The measures presented in this paper can be extended in a similar fashion. Generalised conformance checking [31] compares an event log and model based on a given trust level for each, derived, for instance, from identified data quality issues [32]. In stochastic conformance checking, one could consider the probability attached to each trace in log and model to be an indication of trust, yielding an alternative, possibly more fine-grained, view on their differences.

To the best of our knowledge, the Earth Movers’ Stochastic Conformance checking technique [13] is the only stochastic conformance checking technique proposed today. In this technique, the log and model’s stochastic languages are seen as distributions of traces, and the Wasserstein metric is applied. While intuitive, it does not support infinite languages (that is, models with loops), while our measure supports such languages. Furthermore, our work contributes to the ongoing discussion on ideal conformance checking measures by proposing properties that this measure should have [12, 14, 15, 24], by extending these to the stochastic context.

Finally, to compare SDFAs, the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence [18] could be used. However, KL-divergence does not exist if one SDFA supports a trace that the other SDFA does not support, making it unsuitable for conformance checking purposes.

6 Conclusion

In process mining, the stochastic perspective of event logs and process models is essential to inform process optimisation efforts and techniques, such as simulation, prediction, recommendation, and to inform staffing decisions: without a stochastic perspective, efforts spent on optimisation are at risk of being spent on rare, exceptional behavior, and lead to misinformed decisions.

In this paper, we contributed to making the stochastic perspective a first-class citizen of process mining techniques, by introducing a stochastic-aware conformance checking technique for two measures: fitness and precision. The proposed precision and recall measures are applicable to an arbitrary event log and a model that describes a finite or infinite number of traces using a finite number of reachable states. Eight desirable properties of stochastic conformance checking measures were identified, and the adherence of our measures to these properties was shown.

An evaluation based on our publicly available implementation confirmed the feasibility of using the measures in real-life industrial settings. We acknowledge that our measures have limitations, which give rise to future work: Various notions of correctness for process models, like boundedness or soundness, classify a process model that can induce an infinite number of states as incorrect. However, as such models can appear in practice due to modelling errors, it is relevant to extend the proposes measures to account for infinite-state models. Our measures address (to some extent) the problem of partial trace matches [15]: common prefixes of traces are considered and contribute to the measures, however common postfixes are not. Thus, a model and a log that have their first activity different will be considered to be completely disjoint. This limitation can be addressed by considering both the original SDFA and its edge-reversed version during construction of the projection. Finally, our measures consider the stochastic perspective of either log or model, but not both. In future work, this could be addressed.