1 Introduction

Byzantine agreement (BA) [31] is a fundamental problem in distributed computing. In this context, n parties wish to agree on a common output even when f of those parties might be adaptively corrupted. Although BA is a well-studied problem, it has recently received increased attention due to its application to blockchain (aka state machine replication) protocols. Such applications typically involve a large number of parties, and it is therefore critical to understand how the communication complexity of BA scales with n. While protocols with adaptive security and \(o(n^2)\) communication complexity have been obtained in both the synchronous [29] and partially synchronous [1] settings, there are currently no such solutions for the asynchronous model.Footnote 1 This leads us to ask:

figure a

We give both positive and negative answers to this question.

Positive Results. We show asynchronous BA protocols with (expected) subquadratic communication complexity that can tolerate adaptive corruption of any \(f<(1-\epsilon )n/3\) of the parties, for arbitrary \(\epsilon >0\). (This corruption threshold is almost optimal, as it is known [7] that asynchronous BA is impossible altogether for \(f \ge n/3\), even assuming prior setup and static corruptions.) Our solutions rely on two building blocks, each of independent interest:

  1. 1.

    We show a BA protocol \(\varPi _\mathsf {BA}\) tolerating f adaptive corruptions and having subquadratic communication complexity. This protocol assumes prior setup by a trusted dealer for each BA execution, but the size of the setup is independent of n.

  2. 2.

    We construct a secure-computation protocol \(\varPi _\mathsf{MPC}\) tolerating f adaptive corruptions, and relying on a subquadratic BA protocol as a subroutine. For the special case of no-input functionalities, the number of BA executions depends only on the security parameter, and the communication complexity is subquadratic when the output length is independent of n.

We can combine these results to give an affirmative answer to the original question. Specifically, using a trusted dealer, we can achieve an unbounded number of BA executions with \(o(n^2)\) communication per execution. The idea is as follows. Let L be the number of BA executions required by \(\varPi _\mathsf{MPC}\) for computing a no-input functionality. The dealer provides the parties with the setup needed for \(L+1\) executions of \(\varPi _\mathsf {BA}\); the total size of this setup is linear in L but independent of n. Then, each time the parties wish to carry out Byzantine agreement, they will use one instance of their setup to run \(\varPi _\mathsf {BA}\), and use the remaining L instances to refresh their initial setup by running \(\varPi _\mathsf{MPC}\) to simulate the dealer. Since the size of the setup for \(\varPi _\mathsf {BA}\) is independent of n, the total communication complexity is subquadratic in n.

Alternately, we can avoid a trusted dealer (though we do still need to assume a PKI) by having the parties run an arbitrary adaptively secure protocol to generate the initial setup. This protocol may not have subquadratic communication complexity; however, once it is finished the parties can revert to the solution above which has subquadratic communication per BA execution. Overall, this gives BA with amortized subquadratic communication.

Impossibility Result. We justify our reliance on a trusted dealer by showing that some form of setup is necessary for (non-amortized) subquadratic BA tolerating \(\varTheta (n)\) corrupted parties. Moreover, this holds even when secret channels and erasures are available.

1.1 Related Work

The problem of BA was introduced by Lamport, Shostak and Pease [31]. Without some form of setup, BA is impossible (even in a synchronous network) when \(f \ge n/3\). Fischer, Lynch, and Patterson [23] ruled out deterministic protocols for asynchronous BA even when \(f=1\). Starting with the work of Rabin [38], randomized protocols for asynchronous BA have been studied in both the setup-free setting [14, 34] as well as the setting with a PKI and a trusted dealer [11].

Dolev and Reischuk [21] show that any BA protocol achieving subquadratic communication complexity (even in the synchronous setting) must be randomized. BA with subquadratic communication complexity was first studied in the synchronous model by King et al., who gave setup-free almost-everywhere BA protocols with polylogarithmic communication complexity for the case of \(f < (1-\epsilon )n/3\) static corruptions [30] and BA with \(O(n^{1.5})\) communication complexity for the same number of adaptive corruptions [29]. Subsequently, several works [1, 26, 32, 33, 35] gave improved protocols with subquadratic communication complexity (in the synchronous model with an adaptive adversary) using the “player replaceability paradigm,” which requires setup in the form of verifiable random functions.

Abraham et al. [1] show a BA protocol with adaptive security and subquadratic communication complexity in the partially synchronous model. They also give a version of the Dolev-Reischuk bound that rules out subquadratic BA (even with setup, and even in the synchronous communication model) against a strong adversary who is allowed to remove messages sent by honest parties from the network after those parties have been adaptively corrupted. Our lower bound adapts their ideas to the standard asynchronous model where honest parties’ messages can be arbitrarily delayed, but cannot deleted once they are sent. (We refer to the work of Garay et al. [24] for further discussion of these two models.) In concurrent work, Rambaud [39] proves an impossibility result similar to our own; we refer to Sect. 7 for further discussion.

Cohen et al. [19] show an adaptively secure asynchronous BA protocol with \(o(n^2)\) communication. However, they consider a non-standard asynchronous model in which the adversary cannot arbitrarily schedule delivery of messages. In particular, the adversary in their model cannot reorder messages sent by honest parties in the same protocol step. We work in the standard asynchronous model. On the other hand, our work requires stronger computational assumptions and a trusted dealer (unless we settle for amortized subquadratic communication complexity).

We remark for completeness that asynchronous BA with subquadratic communication complexity for a static adversary corrupting \(f<n/3\) of the parties is trivial using a committee-based approach, assuming a trusted dealer. Roughly, the dealer chooses a random committee of \(\varTheta (\kappa )\) parties (where \(\kappa \) is a security parameter) who then run BA on behalf of everyone. Achieving subquadratic BA without any setup in the static-corruption model is an interesting open question.

Asynchronous secure multi-party computation (MPC) was first studied by Ben-Or, Canetti and Goldreich [4]. Since then, improved protocols have been proposed with both unconditional [36, 37, 40] and computational [16, 17, 27, 28] security. These protocols achieve optimal output quality, and incur a total communication complexity of at least \(\varTheta (n^3 \kappa )\) assuming the output has length \(\kappa \). Our MPC protocol gives a trade-off between the communication complexity and the output quality. In particular, we achieve subquadratic communication complexity when the desired output quality is sublinear (as in the case of no-input, randomized functions).

1.2 Overview of the Paper

In Sect. 2 we discuss our model and recall some standard definitions. We show how to achieve asynchronous reliable consensus and reliable broadcast with subquadratic communication in Sect. 3. In Sect. 4 we present an asynchronous BA protocol with subquadratic communication complexity, assuming prior setup by a trusted dealer for each execution. In Sect. 5 we show a communication-efficient asynchronous protocol for secure multi-party computation (MPC). We describe how these components can be combined to give our main results in Sect. 6. We conclude with our lower bound in Sect. 7.

2 Preliminaries and Definitions

We denote the security parameter by \(\kappa \), and assume \(\kappa < n = \mathsf{poly}(\kappa )\). In all our protocols, we implicitly assume parties take \(1^\kappa \) as input; in our definitions, we implicitly allow properties to fail with probability negligible in \(\kappa \). We let ppt stand for probabilistic polynomial time. We use standard digital signatures, where a signature on a message m using secret key \(\mathsf{sk}\) is computed as \(\sigma \leftarrow \mathsf {Sign}_{\mathsf{sk}}(m)\); a signature is verified relative to public key \(\mathsf{pk}\) by calling \(\mathsf {Vrfy}_\mathsf{pk}(m,\sigma )\). For simplicity, we assume in our proofs that the adversary cannot forge valid signatures on behalf of honest parties. When replacing the signatures with real-world instantiations, our theorems follow except with an additive negligible failure probability.

Model. We consider a setting where n parties \(P_1,\ldots ,P_n\) run a distributed protocol over a network in which all parties are connected via pairwise authenticated channels. We work in the asynchronous model, meaning the adversary can arbitrarily schedule the delivery of all messages, so long as all messages are eventually delivered. We consider an adaptive adversary that can corrupt some bounded number f of the parties at any point during the execution of some protocol, and cause them to deviate arbitrarily from the protocol specification. However, we assume the “atomic send” model, which means that (1) if at some point in the protocol an honest party is instructed to send several messages (possibly to different parties) simultaneously, then the adversary can corrupt that party either before or after it sends all those messages, but not in the midst of sending those messages; and (2) once an honest party sends a message, that message is guaranteed to be delivered eventually even if that party is later corrupted. In addition, we assume secure erasure.

In many cases we assume an incorruptible dealer who can initialize the parties with setup information in advance of any protocol execution. Such setup may include both public information given to all parties, as well as private information given to specific parties; when we refer to the size of a setup, we include the total private information given to all parties but count the public information only once. A public key infrastructure (PKI) is one particular setup, in which all parties hold the same vector of public keys \((\mathsf{pk}_1,\dots ,\mathsf{pk}_n)\) and each honest party \(P_i\) holds the honestly generated secret key \(\mathsf{sk}_i\) corresponding to \(\mathsf{pk}_i\).

Byzantine Agreement. We include here the standard definition of Byzantine agreement. Definitions of other primitives are given in the relevant sections.

Definition 1

(Byzantine agreement). Let \(\varPi \) be a protocol executed by parties \(P_1,\dots ,P_n\), where each party \(P_i\) holds an input \(v_i\) and parties terminate upon generating output. \(\varPi \) is an f -secure Byzantine agreement protocol if the following hold when at most f parties are corrupted:

  • Validity: if every honest party has the same input value v, then every honest party outputs v.

  • Consistency: all honest parties output the same value.

3 Building Blocks

In this section we show asynchronous protocols with subquadratic communication for reliable consensus, reliable broadcast, graded consensus, and coin flipping.

3.1 Reliable Consensus

Reliable consensus is a weaker version of Byzantine agreement where termination is not required. The definition follows.

Definition 2

(Reliable consensus). Let \(\varPi \) be a protocol executed by parties \(P_1\), \(\dots \), \(P_n\), where each party \(P_i\) holds an input \(v_i\) and parties terminate upon generating output. \(\varPi \) is an f -secure reliable consensus protocol if the following hold when at most f parties are corrupted:

  • Validity: if every honest party has the same input value v, then every honest party outputs v.

  • Consistency: either no honest party terminates, or all honest parties output the same value.

We show a reliable consensus protocol \(\varPi _\mathsf{RC}\) with subquadratic communication. The protocol can be viewed as a variant of Bracha’s reliable broadcast protocol [7, 8] for the case where every party has input. The protocol assumes prior setup initialized by a trusted dealer. The trusted setup has expected size \(O(\kappa ^2)\) and takes the following form. First, the dealer selects two secret committees \(C_1, C_2\) by independently placing each party in \(C_1\) (resp., \(C_2\)) with probability \(\kappa /n\). Then, for each party \(P_i\) in \(C_1\) (resp., \(C_2\)), the dealer generates a public/private key pair \((\mathsf{pk}_{1,i},\mathsf{sk}_{1,i})\) (resp., \((\mathsf{pk}_{2,i},\mathsf{sk}_{2,i})\)) for a digital signature scheme and gives the associated private key to \(P_i\); the public keys (but not the identities of the members of the committees) are given to all parties.

The protocol itself is described in Fig. 1. It begins by having each party in \(C_1\) send its signed input to all the parties. The parties in \(C_2\) then send a signed \(\mathtt {ready}\) message on a value v the first time they either (1) receive v from \(\kappa -t\) parties in \(C_1\) or (2) receive \(\mathtt {ready}\) messages on v from \(t+1\) parties in \(C_2\). All parties terminate upon receiving \(\mathtt {ready}\) messages on the same value from \(\kappa -t\) parties in \(C_2\). Each committee has expected size \(O(\kappa )\), and each member of a committee sends a single message to all parties; thus, \(O(\kappa n)\) messages are sent (in expectation) during the protocol.

Security relies on the fact that an adversary cannot corrupt too many members of \(C_1\) (resp., \(C_2\)) “until it is too late,” except with negligible probability. For a static adversary this is immediate. For an adaptive adversary this follows from the fact that each member of a committee sends only a single message and erases its signing key after sending that message; thus, once the attacker learns that some party is in a committee, adaptively corrupting that party is useless.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

A reliable consensus protocol, parameterized by \(\epsilon \).

Theorem 1

Let \(0< \epsilon < 1/3\) and \(f \le (1-2\epsilon ) \cdot n/3\). Then \(\varPi _\mathsf{RC}\) is an f-secure reliable consensus protocol with expected setup size \(O(\kappa ^2)\) and expected communication complexity \(O((\kappa +\mathcal {I})\cdot \kappa n)\), where \(\mathcal {I}\) is the size of each party’s input.


Recall that \(t = (1-\epsilon )\cdot \kappa /3\). Say a party is 1-honest if it is in \(C_1\) and is not corrupted when executing step 1 of the protocol, and 1-corrupted if it is in \(C_1\) but corrupted when executing step 1 of the protocol. Define 2-honest and 2-corrupted analogously. Lemma 11 shows that with overwhelming probability \(C_1\) (resp., \(C_2\)) contains fewer than \((1+\epsilon )\cdot \kappa \) parties; there are more than \(\kappa -t\) parties who are 1-honest (resp., 2-honest); and there are fewer than \(t<\kappa -t\) parties who are 1-corrupted (resp., 2-corrupted). For the rest of the proof we assume these hold. We also use the fact that once a 1-honest (resp., 2-honest) party P sends a message, that message is the only such message that will be accepted by honest parties on behalf of P (even if P is adaptively corrupted after sending that message).

We first prove that \(\varPi _\mathsf{RC}\) is f-valid. Assume all honest parties start with the same input v. Each of the parties that is 1-honest sends an \(\mathtt {echo}\) message on v to all other parties, and so every honest party eventually receives valid \(\mathtt {echo}\) messages on v from more than \(\kappa -t\) distinct parties. Since there are fewer than \(\kappa -t\) parties that are 1-corrupted, no honest party receives valid \(\mathtt {echo}\) messages on \(v'\ne v\) from \(\kappa -t\) or more distinct parties. It follows that every 2-honest party sends a \(\mathtt {ready}\) message on v to all other parties. A similar argument then shows that all honest parties output v and terminate.

Toward showing consistency, we first argue that if honest \(P_i, P_j\) send \(\mathtt {ready}\) messages on \(v_i, v_j\), respectively, then \(v_i=v_j\). Assume this is not the case, and let \(P_i, P_j\) be the first honest parties to send \(\mathtt {ready}\) messages on distinct values \(v_i, v_j\). Then \(P_i\) (resp., \(P_j\)) must have received at least \(\kappa -t\) valid \(\mathtt {ready}\) messages on \(v_i\) (resp., \(v_j\)). But then at least

$$\begin{aligned} (\kappa - t) + (\kappa - t) = (1+\epsilon )\cdot \kappa + t \end{aligned}$$

valid \(\mathtt {ready}\) messages were received by \(P_i, P_j\) overall. But this is impossible, since the maximum number of such messages is at most \(|C_2|\) plus the number of 2-corrupted parties (because 2-honest parties send at most one \(\mathtt {ready}\) message), which is strictly less than \((1+\epsilon )\cdot \kappa + t\).

Now, assume an honest party \(P_i\) outputs v. Then \(P_i\) must have received valid \(\mathtt {ready}\) messages on v from at least \(\kappa -t\) distinct parties in \(C_2\), more than \(\kappa -2t > t\) of whom are 2-honest. As a consequence, all 2-honest parties eventually receive valid \(\mathtt {ready}\) messages on v from more than t parties, and so all 2-honest parties eventually send a \(\mathtt {ready}\) message on v. Thus, all honest parties eventually receive valid \(\mathtt {ready}\) messages on v from at least \(\kappa -t\) parties, and so output v also.

3.2 Reliable Broadcast

Reliable broadcast allows a sender to consistently distribute a message to a set of parties. In contrast to full-fledged broadcast (and by analogy to reliable consensus), reliable broadcast does not require termination.

Definition 3

(Reliable broadcast). Let \(\varPi \) be a protocol executed by parties \(P_1\), \(\dots \), \(P_n\), where a designated sender \(P^*\) initially holds input \(v^*\), and parties terminate upon generating output. \(\varPi \) is an f -secure reliable broadcast protocol if the following hold when at most f parties are corrupted:

  • Validity: if \(P^*\) is honest at the start of the protocol, then every honest party outputs \(v^*\).

  • Consistency: either no honest party terminates, or all honest parties output the same value.

It is easy to obtain a reliable broadcast protocol \(\varPi _\mathsf{RBC}\) (cf. Fig. 2) from reliable consensus: the sender \(P^*\) simply signs its message and sends it to all parties, who then run reliable consensus on what they received. In addition to the setup for the underlying reliable consensus protocol, \(\varPi _\mathsf{RBC}\) assumes \(P^*\) has a public/private key pair \((\mathsf{pk}^*, \mathsf{sk}^*)\) with \(\mathsf{pk}^*\) known to all other parties.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

A reliable broadcast protocol, implicitly parameterized by \(\epsilon \).

Theorem 2

Let \(0< \epsilon < 1/3\) and \(f \le (1-2\epsilon )\cdot n/3\). Then \(\varPi _\mathsf{RBC}\) is an f-secure reliable broadcast protocol with expected setup size \(O(\kappa ^2)\) and expected communication complexity \(O((\kappa +\mathcal {I})\cdot \kappa n)\), where \(\mathcal {I}\) is the size of the sender’s input.


Consistency follows from consistency of \(\varPi _\mathsf{RC}\). As for validity, if \(P^*\) is honest at the outset of the protocol then \(P^*\) sends \((v^*, \sigma ^*)\) to all parties in step 1; even if \(P^*\) is subsequently corrupted, that is the only valid message from \(P^*\) that other parties will receive. As a result, every honest party runs \(\varPi _\mathsf{RC}\) using input v, and validity of \(\varPi _\mathsf{RC}\) implies validity of \(\varPi _\mathsf{RBC}\).

3.3 Graded Consensus

Graded consensus [22] can be viewed as a weaker form of consensus where parties output a grade along with a value, and agreement is required to hold only if some honest party outputs a grade of 1. Our definition does not require termination upon generating output.

Definition 4

(Graded consensus). Let \(\varPi \) be a protocol executed by parties \(P_1,\ldots ,P_n\), where each party \(P_i\) holds an input \(v_i\) and is supposed to output a value \(w_i\) along with a grade \(g_i \in \{0,1\}\). \(\varPi \) is an f -secure graded-consensus protocol if the following hold when at most f parties are corrupted:

  • Graded validity: if every honest party has the same input value v, then every honest party outputs (v, 1).

  • Graded consistency: if some honest party outputs (w, 1), then every honest party \(P_i\) outputs \((w, g_i)\).

We formally describe a graded-consensus protocol \(\varPi _\mathsf{GC}\) inspired by the graded consensus protocol of Canetti and Rabin [14], and prove the following theorem in the full version of the paper.

Theorem 3

Let \(0< \epsilon < 1/3\) and \(f \le (1-2\epsilon )\cdot n/3\). Then \(\varPi _\mathsf{GC}\) is an f-secure graded-consensus protocol with expected setup size \(O(\kappa ^3)\) and expected communication complexity \(O((\kappa +\mathcal {I})\cdot \kappa ^2 n)\), where \(\mathcal {I}\) is the size of each party’s input.

3.4 A Coin-Flip Protocol

We describe here a protocol that allows parties to generate a sequence of random bits (coins) \(\mathsf {Coin}_1, \ldots , \mathsf {Coin}_T\) for a pre-determined parameter T. We denote the sub-protocol to generate the ith coin by \(\mathsf {CoinFlip}(i)\). Roughly speaking, the protocol guarantees that (1) when all honest parties invoke \(\mathsf {CoinFlip}(i)\), all honest parties output the same value \(\mathsf {Coin}_i\) and (2) until the first honest party invokes \(\mathsf {CoinFlip}(i)\), the value of \(\mathsf {Coin}_i\) is uniform.

Our coin-flip protocol assumes setup provided by a trusted dealer that takes the following form: For each iteration \(1, \ldots , T\), the dealer chooses uniform \(\mathsf {Coin}_i \in \{0,1\}\); chooses a random subset \(E_i\) of the parties by including each party in \(E_i\) with probability \(\kappa /n\); and then gives authenticated secret shares of \(\mathsf {Coin}_i\) (using a perfectly secret \(\lceil \kappa /3 \rceil \)-out-of-\(|E_i|\) secret-sharing scheme) to the members of \(E_i\). (Authentication is done by having the dealer sign the shares.) Since each share (including the signature) has size \(O(\kappa )\), the size of the setup is \(O(\kappa ^2 T)\).

The coin-flip protocol itself simply involves having the parties in the relevant subset send their shares to everyone else. The communication complexity is thus \(O(\kappa ^2n)\) per iteration.

Lemma 1

Let \(0< \epsilon < 1/3\) and \(f \le (1-2\epsilon )\cdot n/3\). Then as long as at most f parties are corrupted, \(\mathsf {CoinFlip}(i)\) satisfies the following:

  1. 1.

    all honest parties obtain the same value \(\mathsf {Coin}_i\),

  2. 2.

    until the first honest party invokes \(\mathsf {CoinFlip}(i)\), the value of \(\mathsf {Coin}_i\) is uniform from the adversary’s perspective.


Lemma 11 implies that, except with negligible probability, \(E_i\) contains more than \(\lceil \kappa /3 \rceil \) honest parties and fewer than \((1-\epsilon )\cdot \kappa /3\) corrupted parties. The stated properties follow.

4 (Single-Shot) BA with Subquadratic Communication

In this section we describe a BA protocol \(\varPi _\mathsf{BA}\) with subquadratic communication complexity. (See Fig. 3.) \(\varPi _\mathsf{BA}\) assumes setup that is then used for a single execution of the protocol. The setup for \(\varPi _\mathsf{BA}\) corresponds to the setup required for \(O(\kappa )\) executions of graded consensus, \(O(\kappa )\) iterations of the coin-flip sub-protocol, and a single execution of reliable consensus. Using the protocols from the previous section, \(\varPi _\mathsf{BA}\) thus requires setup of size \(O(\kappa ^4)\) overall.

Following ideas by Mostéfaoui et al. [34], our protocol consists of a sequence of \(\varTheta (\kappa )\) iterations, where each iteration invokes a graded-consensus subprotocol and a coin-flip subprotocol. In each iteration there is a constant probability that honest parties reach agreement; once agreement is reached, it cannot be undone in later iterations. The coin-flip protocol allows parties to adopt the value of a common coin if agreement has not yet been reached (or, at least, if parties are unaware that agreement has been reached). Reliable consensus is used so parties know when to terminate.

We prove security via a sequence of lemmas. Throughout the following, we fix some value \(0< \epsilon < 1/3\) and let \(f \le (1-2\epsilon ) n/3\) be a bound on the number of corrupted parties.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

A Byzantine agreement protocol, implicitly parameterized by \(\epsilon \).

Lemma 2

If at most f parties are corrupted during an execution of \(\varPi _\mathsf{BA}\), then with all but negligible probability some honest party sets \(\mathsf{ready}=\mathsf {true}\) within the first \(\kappa \) iterations.


Consider an iteration k of \(\varPi _\mathsf{BA}\) such that no honest party set \(\mathsf{ready}=\mathsf {true}\) in any previous iteration. (This is trivially true in the first iteration). We begin by showing that some honest party sets \(\mathsf{ready}=\mathsf {true}\) in that iteration with probability at least 1/2. Consider two cases:

  • If some honest party outputs (b, 1) in the first execution of \(\varPi _\mathsf{GC}\) during iteration k, then graded consistency of \(\varPi _\mathsf{GC}\) guarantees that every other honest party outputs (b, 1) or (b, 0) in that execution. The value b is independent of \(\mathsf {Coin}_k\), because b is determined prior to the point when the first honest party invokes \(\mathsf {CoinFlip}(i)\); thus, \(\mathsf {Coin}_k=b\) with probability 1/2. If that occurs, then all honest parties input b to the second execution of \(\varPi _\mathsf{GC}\) and, by graded validity, every honest party outputs (g, 1) in the second execution of \(\varPi _\mathsf{GC}\) and sets \(\mathsf{ready}=\mathsf {true}\).

  • Say no honest party outputs grade 1 in the first execution of \(\varPi _\mathsf{GC}\) during iteration k. Then all honest parties input \(\mathsf {Coin}_k\) to the second execution of \(\varPi _\mathsf{GC}\) and, by graded validity, every honest party outputs (g, 1) in the second execution of \(\varPi _\mathsf{GC}\) and sets \(\mathsf{ready}=\mathsf {true}\).

Thus, in each iteration where no honest party has yet set \(\mathsf{ready}=\mathsf {true}\), some honest party sets \(\mathsf{ready}=\mathsf {true}\) in that iteration with probability at least 1/2. We conclude that the probability that no honest party has set \(\mathsf{ready}=\mathsf {true}\) after \(\kappa \) iterations is negligible.

Lemma 3

Assume at most f parties are corrupted during execution of \(\varPi _\mathsf{BA}\). If some honest party executes \(\varPi _\mathsf{RC}\) using input b in iteration k, then (1) honest parties who execute \(\varPi _\mathsf{GC}\) in any iteration \(k'> k\) use input b, and (2) honest parties who execute \(\varPi _\mathsf{RC}\) in any iteration \(k'\ge k\) use input b.


Consider the first iteration k in which some honest party P sets \(\mathsf{ready}=\mathsf {true}\), and let b denote P’s input to \(\varPi _\mathsf{RC}\). P must have received (b, 1) from the second execution of \(\varPi _\mathsf{GC}\) in iteration k. By graded consistency, all other honest parties must receive (b, 0) or (b, 1) from that execution of \(\varPi _\mathsf{GC}\) as well. Thus, any honest parties who execute \(\varPi _\mathsf{RC}\) in iteration k use input b, and any honest parties who runFootnote 2 the first execution of \(\varPi _\mathsf{GC}\) in iteration \(k+1\) will use input b as well. Graded validity ensures that any honest party who receives output from that execution of \(\varPi _\mathsf{GC}\) will receive (b, 1), causing them to use input b to the next execution of \(\varPi _\mathsf{GC}\) as well as \(\varPi _\mathsf{RC}\) (if they execute those protocols), and so on.

Lemma 4

Assume at most f parties are corrupted during an execution of \(\varPi _\mathsf{BA}\). If some honest party sets \(\mathsf{ready}=\mathsf {true}\) within the first \(\kappa \) iterations and executes \(\varPi _\mathsf{RC}\) using input b, then all honest parties terminate with output b.


Let \(k \le \kappa \) be the first iteration in which some honest party sets \(\mathsf{ready}=\mathsf {true}\) and executes \(\varPi _\mathsf{RC}\) using input b. By Lemma 3, any other honest party who executes \(\varPi _\mathsf{RC}\) must also use input b, and furthermore all honest parties who execute \(\varPi _\mathsf{GC}\) in any subsequent iteration use input b there as well. We now consider two cases:

  • If no honest party terminates before all honest parties receive output from the second execution of \(\varPi _\mathsf{GC}\) in iteration \(k+1\), then graded validity of \(\varPi _\mathsf{GC}\) ensures that all honest parties receive (b, 1) as output from that execution, and thus all parties execute \(\varPi _\mathsf{RC}\) using input b at this point if they have not done so already. Validity of \(\varPi _\mathsf{RC}\) then ensures that all honest parties output b and terminate.

  • If some honest party P has terminated before all honest parties receive output from the second execution of \(\varPi _\mathsf{GC}\) in iteration \(k+1\), validity of \(\varPi _\mathsf{RC}\) implies that P must have output b. In that case, consistency of \(\varPi _\mathsf{RC}\) guarantees that all parties will eventually output b and terminate.

This completes the proof.

Theorem 4

Let \(0< \epsilon < 1/3\) and \(f \le (1-2\epsilon ) \cdot n/3\). Then \(\varPi _\mathsf{BA}\) is an f-secure BA protocol with expected setup size \(O(\kappa ^4)\) and expected communication complexity \(O(\kappa ^4 n)\).


By Lemma 2, with overwhelming probability some honest party sets \(\mathsf{ready}=\mathsf {true}\) within the first \(\kappa \) iterations and thus executes \(\varPi _\mathsf{RC}\) using some input b. It follows from Lemma 4 that all honest parties eventually output b and terminate. This proves consistency.

Assume all honest parties have the same input v. Unless some honest party terminates before all honest parties have concluded the first iteration, one can verify (using graded validity of \(\varPi _\mathsf{GC}\)) that in the first iteration all honest parties output (v, 1) from the first execution of \(\varPi _\mathsf{GC}\); use input v to the second execution of \(\varPi _\mathsf{GC}\); output (v, 1) from the second execution of \(\varPi _\mathsf{GC}\); and execute \(\varPi _\mathsf{RC}\) using input v. But the only way some honest party could terminate before all honest parties have concluded the first iteration is if that party executes \(\varPi _\mathsf{RC}\) using input v. Either way, Lemma 4 shows that all honest parties will terminate with output v, proving validity.

5 MPC with Subquadratic Communication

In this section we give a protocol for asynchronous secure multiparty computation (MPC). Our protocol uses a Byzantine agreement protocol as a subroutine; importantly, the number of executions of Byzantine agreement is independent of the number of parties as well as the output length, as long as the desired input quality is low enough. Our MPC protocol also relies on a sub-protocol for (a variant of the) asynchronous common subset problem; we give a definition, and a protocol with subquadratic communication complexity, in the next section.

5.1 Validated ACS with Subquadratic Communication

A protocol for the asynchronous common subset (ACS) problem [5, 12] allows n parties to agree on a subset of their initial inputs of some minimum size. We consider a validated version of ACS (VACS), where it is additionally ensured that all values in the output multiset satisfy a given predicate Q [10, 15].

Definition 5

Let Q be a predicate, and let \(\varPi \) be a protocol executed by parties \(P_1,\dots ,P_n\), where each party outputs a multiset of size at most n, and terminates upon generating output. \(\varPi \) is an f-secure Q-validated ACS protocol with \(\ell \)-output quality if the following hold when at most f parties are corrupted and every honest party’s input satisfies Q:

  • Q-Validity: if an honest party outputs S, then each \(v \in S\) satisfies \(Q(v) = 1\).

  • Consistency: every honest party outputs the same multiset.

  • \(\ell \)-Output quality: all honest parties output a multiset of size at least \(\ell \) that contains inputs from at least \(\ell -f\) parties who were honest at the start of the protocol.

Our VACS protocol \(\varPi _{\mathsf {VACS}}^{\ell ,Q}\) (see Fig. 4) is inspired by the protocol of Ben-Or et al. [5]. During the setup phase, a secret committee C is chosen by independently placing each party in C with probability s/n, where \(s = \frac{3}{2+\epsilon } \ell \) and \(\ell \) is the desired output quality. Each party in the committee acts as a sender in a reliable-broadcast protocol, and then the parties run |C| instances of Byzantine agreement to agree on the set of reliable-broadcast executions that terminated. The expected communication complexity and setup size for \(\varPi _{\mathsf {VACS}}^{\ell ,Q}\) are thus (in expectation) a factor of \(O(\ell )\) larger than those for reliable broadcast and Byzantine agreement.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

A VACS protocol (implicitly parameterized by \(\epsilon \)) with \(\ell \)-output quality and predicate Q.

Using the protocols from the previous sections, we thus obtain:

Theorem 5

Let \(0< \epsilon < 1/3\), \(f \le (1-2\epsilon )\cdot n/3\), and \(\ell \le (1+\epsilon /2)\cdot 2n/3\). Then \(\varPi _{\mathsf {VACS}}^{\ell ,Q}\) is an f-secure Q-validated ACS protocol with \(\ell \)-output quality. It has expected setup size \(O(\ell \kappa ^4)\) and expected communication complexity \(O(\ell \cdot (\mathcal {I} + \kappa ^3)\cdot \kappa n)\), where \(\mathcal {I}\) is the size of each party’s input, and uses \(O(\ell )\) invocations of Byzantine agreement in expectation.


Say v is in the multiset output by some honest party, where v was output by \(\mathsf {RBC}_i\). \(\mathsf {BA}_i\) must have resulted in output 1, which (by validity of \(\mathsf {BA}\)) can only occur if some honest party used input 1 when executing \(\mathsf {BA}_i\). But then \(Q(v)=1\). This proves Q-validity of \(\varPi _{\mathsf {VACS}}^{\ell ,Q}\).

By consistency of \(\mathsf {BA}\), all honest parties agree on \(\mathsf {CoreSet}\). If \(i \in \mathsf {CoreSet}\), then \(\mathsf {BA}_i\) must have resulted in output 1 which means that some honest party P must have used input 1 to \(\mathsf {BA}_i\). (Validity or \(\mathsf {BA}_i\) ensures that if all honest parties used input 0, the output of \(\mathsf {BA}\) must be 0). But then P must have terminated in \(\mathsf {RBC}_i\); consistency of \(\mathsf {RBC}_i\) then implies that all honest parties eventually terminate \(\mathsf {RBC}_i\) with the same output \(v_i\). Consistency of \(\varPi _{\mathsf {VACS}}^{\ell ,Q}\) follows.

Lemma 11 shows that with overwhelming probability there are more than \(\frac{2 + \epsilon }{3} \cdot \frac{3}{2+\epsilon } \ell = \ell \) honest parties in C at step 1 of the protocol. Validity of \(\mathsf {RBC}\) implies that in the corresponding instances of \(\mathsf {RBC}\), all honest parties terminate with an output satisfying Q. If every honest party begins executing all the corresponding instances of \(\mathsf {BA}\), those \(\ell \) instances will all yield output 1. The only way all honest parties might not begin executing all those instances of \(\mathsf {BA}\) is if some honest party outputs 1 in some (other) \(\ell \) instances of \(\mathsf {BA}\), but then consistency of \(\mathsf {BA}\) implies that all honest parties output 1 in those same \(\ell \) instances. We conclude that every honest party outputs 1 in at least \(\ell \) instances of \(\mathsf {BA}\), and so outputs a multiset S of size at least \(\ell \). Since each instance of \(\mathsf {RBC}\) (and so each corrupted party) contributes at most one value to S, this proves \(\ell \)-output quality.

5.2 Secure Multiparty Computation

We begin by reviewing the definition of asynchronous MPC by Canetti [13]. Let g be an n-input function, possibly randomized, where if the inputs of the parties are \(\mathbf{x} =(x_1, \ldots , x_n)\) then all parties should learn \(y \leftarrow g(x_1, \ldots , x_n)\). In the real-world execution of a protocol \(\varPi \) computing g, each party \(P_i\) initially holds \(1^\kappa \) and an input \(x_i\), and an adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) has input \(1^\kappa \) and auxiliary input z. The parties execute \(\varPi \), and may be adaptively corrupted by \(\mathcal {A}\) during execution of the protocol. At the end of the execution, each honest party outputs its local output (as dictated by the protocol), and \(\mathcal {A}\) outputs its view. We let \({\textsc {real}}_{\varPi ,\mathcal {A}}(\kappa ,\mathbf {x},z)\) denote the distribution over the resulting vector of outputs as well as the set of corrupted parties.

Security of \(\varPi \) is defined relative to an ideal-world evaluation of g by a trusted party. The parties hold inputs as above, and we now denote the adversary by \(\mathcal {S}\). The ideal execution proceeds as follows:

  • Initial corruption. \(\mathcal {S}\) may adaptively corrupt parties and learn their inputs.

  • Computation with \(\ell \)-output quality. \(\mathcal {S}\) sends a set \(\mathsf {CoreSet} \subseteq \{P_1, \ldots , P_n\}\) of size at least \(\ell \) to the trusted party. In addition, \(\mathcal {S}\) sends to the trusted party an input \(x'_i\) for each corrupted \(P_i \in \mathsf {CoreSet}\). For \(P_i \not \in \mathsf {CoreSet}\), let \(x'_i = \perp \); if \(P_i \in \mathsf {CoreSet}\) is honest, then let \(x'_i = x_i\). The trusted party computes \(y \leftarrow g(x'_1,\dots ,x'_n)\) and sends \((y,\mathsf {CoreSet})\) to each party.

  • Additional corruption. \(\mathcal {S}\) may corrupt additional parties.Footnote 3

  • Output stage. Each honest party outputs \((y,\mathsf {CoreSet})\).

  • Post-execution corruption. \(\mathcal {S}\) may corrupt additional parties, and then outputs an arbitrary function of its view.

We let \({\textsc {ideal}}^{\ell }_{g,\mathcal {S}}(\kappa ,\mathbf {x},z)\) be the distribution over the vector of outputs and the set of corrupted parties following an ideal-world execution as above.

Definition 6

\(\varPi \) f-securely computes g with \(\ell \)-output quality if for any ppt adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) corrupting up to f parties, there is a ppt adversary \(\mathcal {S}\) such that:

$$ \{{\textsc {ideal}}^{\ell }_{g,\mathcal {S}}(\kappa , \mathbf {x}, z)\}_{\kappa \in {\mathbb {N}}; \mathbf {x},z \in \{0,1\}^*} \approx _c \{{\textsc {real}}_{\varPi ,\mathcal {A}}(\kappa , \mathbf {x}, z)\}_{\kappa \in {\mathbb {N}}; \mathbf {x},z \in \{0,1\}^*}. $$

We construct an MPC protocol \(\varPi ^\ell _\mathsf{MPC}\) that offers a tradeoff between communication complexity and output quality; in particular, it has subquadratic communication complexity when the output quality and the output length of the functionality being computed are sublinear in the number of parties. We provide a high-level overview of our protocol next, with a full description in Fig. 5.

Let \(t = (1-\epsilon )\cdot \kappa /3\). Our protocol assumes trusted setup as follows:

  1. 1.

    A random committee C is selected by including each party in C independently with probability \(\kappa /n\). This is done in the usual way by giving each member of the committee a secret key for a signature scheme, and giving the corresponding public keys to all parties. In addition:

    1. (a)

      We assume a threshold fully homomorphic encryption (TFHE) scheme [2, 6] \(\mathsf {TFHE}= (\mathsf {KGen},\mathsf {Enc},\mathsf {Dec},\mathsf {Eval})\) with non-interactive decryption whose secret key is shared in a t-out-of-|C| manner among the parties in C. (We refer to Appendix B.1 for appropriate definitions of TFHE.)

      Specifically, we assume a TFHE public key \(ek\) is given to all parties, while a share \(dk_i\) of the corresponding secret key is given to the ith party in C.

    2. (b)

      The setup for \(\varPi ^\ell _\mathsf{MPC}\) includes setup for |C| instances of \(\varPi _\mathsf{RBC}\) (with the ith party in C the sender for the ith instance of \(\varPi _\mathsf{RBC}\)), as well as one instance of \(\varPi _\mathsf{RC}\).

  2. 2.

    All parties are given a list of |C| commitments to each of the TFHE shares \(dk_i\); the randomness \(\omega _i\) for the ith commitment is given to the ith member of C.

  3. 3.

    All parties are given the TFHE encryption of a random \(\kappa \)-bit value r. We denote the resulting ciphertext by \(c_\mathsf{rand} \leftarrow \mathsf {Enc}_{ek}(r)\).

  4. 4.

    Parties are given the setup for one instance of VACS protocol \(\varPi _{\mathsf {VACS}}^{\ell ,Q}\). We further assume that each party in the committee that is chosen as part of the setup for that protocol is given a secret key for a signature scheme, and all parties are given the corresponding public keys.

  5. 5.

    All parties are given a common reference string (CRS) for a universally composable non-interactive zero-knowledge (UC-NIZK) proof [20] (see below).

The overall expected size of the setup is \(O((\ell +\kappa ) \cdot \mathsf{poly}(\kappa ))\).

Fix a (possibly randomized) functionality g the parties wish to compute. We assume without loss of generality that g uses exactly \(\kappa \) random bits (one can always use a PRG to ensure this). To compute g, each party \(P_i\) begins by encrypting its input \(x_i\) using the TFHE scheme, and signing the result; it also computes an NIZK proof of correctness for the resulting ciphertext. The parties then use VACS (with \(\ell \)-output quality) to agree on a set S containing at least \(\ell \) of those ciphertexts. Following this, parties carry out a local computation in which they evaluate g homomorphically using the set of ciphertexts in S as the inputs and the ciphertext \(c_\mathsf{rand}\) (included in the setup) as the randomness. This results in a ciphertext \(c^*\) containing the encrypted result, held by all parties. Parties in C enable decryption of \(c^*\) by using reliable broadcast to distribute shares of the decrypted value (along with a proof of correctness). Finally, the parties use reliable consensus to agree on when to terminate.

In the description above, we have omitted some details. In particular, the protocol ensures adaptive security by having parties erase certain information once it is no longer needed. This means, in particular, that we do not need to rely on equivocal TFHE [18].

Fig. 5.
figure 5

An MPC protocol with \(\ell \)-output quality, parameterized by \(\epsilon \).

In our protocol, parties generate UC-NIZK proofs for different statements. (Note that UC-NIZK proofs are proofs of knowledge; they are also non-malleable.) In particular, we define the following languages, parameterized by values (given to all parties) contained in the setup:

  1. 1.

    \((i,c_i) \in L_1\) if there exist \(x_i, r_i\) such that \(c_i = \mathsf {Enc}_{ek}(x_i; r_i)\).

  2. 2.

    \((i, c^*, d_i) \in L_2\) if \(d_i = \mathsf {Dec}_{dk_i}(c^*)\) and \(\mathsf{com}_i = \mathsf{Com}(dk_i; \omega _i)\). (Here, \(\mathsf{com}_i\) is the commitment to \(dk_i\) included in the setup.)

We prove the following theorem in the full version of the paper.

Theorem 6

Let \(0< \epsilon < 1/3\), \(f \le (1-2\epsilon )\cdot n/3\), and \(\ell \le (1+\epsilon /2)\cdot 2n/3\). Assuming appropriate security of the NIZK proofs and \(\mathsf {TFHE}\), protocol \(\varPi ^\ell _\mathsf{MPC}\) f-securely computes g with \(\ell \)-output quality. \(\varPi ^\ell _\mathsf{MPC}\) requires setup of expected size \(O((\ell +\kappa ) \cdot \mathsf{poly}(\kappa ))\), has expected communication complexity \(O((\ell +\kappa )\cdot (\mathcal {I}+\mathcal {O})\cdot \mathsf{poly}(\kappa )\cdot n)\), where \(\mathcal {I}\) is the size of each party’s input and \(\mathcal {O}\) is the size of the output, and invokes Byzantine agreement \(O(\ell )\) times in expectation.

6 Putting it All Together

The BA protocol \(\varPi _\mathsf{BA}\) from Sect. 4 requires prior setup by a trusted dealer that can be used only for a single BA execution. Using multiple, independent instances of the setup it is, of course, possible to support any bounded number of BA executions. But a new idea is needed to support an unbounded number of executions.

In this section we discuss how to use the MPC protocol from Sect. 5 to achieve this goal. The key idea is to use that protocol to refresh the setup each time a BA execution is done. We first describe how to modify our MPC protocol to make it suitable for our setting, and then discuss how to put everything together to obtain the desired result.

6.1 Securely Simulating a Trusted Dealer

As just noted, the key idea is for the parties to use the MPC protocol from Sect. 5 to simulate a trusted dealer. In that case the parties are evaluating a no-input (randomized) functionality, and so do not need any output quality; let \(\varPi _\mathsf{MPC}=\varPi _\mathsf{MPC}^0\). Importantly, \(\varPi _\mathsf{MPC}\) has communication complexity subquadratic in n.

Using \(\varPi _\mathsf{MPC}\) to simulate a dealer, however, requires us to address several technicalities. As described, \(\varPi _\mathsf{MPC}\) evaluates a functionality for which all parties receive the same output. But simulating a dealer requires the parties to compute a functionality where parties receive different outputs. The standard approach for adapting MPC protocols to provide parties with different outputs does not work in our context: specifically, using symmetric-key encryption to encrypt the output of each party \(P_i\) using a key that \(P_i\) provides as part of its input does not work since \(\varPi _\mathsf{MPC}\) has no output quality (and even \(\varPi ^\ell _\mathsf{MPC}\) only guarantees \(\ell \)-output quality for \(\ell < n\)). Assuming a PKI, we can fix this by using public-key encryption instead (in the same way); this works since the public keys of the parties can be incorporated into the functionality being computed—since they are common knowledge—rather than being provided as inputs to the computation.

Even when using public-key encryption as just described, however, additional issues remain. \(\varPi _\mathsf{MPC}\) has (expected) subquadratic communication complexity only when the output length \(\mathcal {O}\) of the functionality being computed is sublinear in the number of parties. Even if the dealer algorithm generates output whose length is independent of n, naively encrypting output for every party (encrypting a “null” value of the appropriate length for parties whose output is empty) would result in output of total length linear in n. Encrypting the output only for parties with non-empty output does not work either since, in general, this might reveal which parties get output, which in our case would defeat the purpose of the setup!

We can address this difficulty by using anonymous public-key encryption [3]. Roughly, an anonymous public-key encryption (APKE) scheme has the property that a ciphertext leaks no information about the public key \(\mathsf{pk}\) used for encryption, except to the party holding the corresponding secret key \(\mathsf{sk}\) (who is able to decrypt the ciphertext using that key). Using APKE to encrypt the output for each party who obtains non-empty output, and then randomly permuting the resulting ciphertexts, allows us to compute a functionality with sublinear output length while hiding which parties receive output. This incurs—at worst—an additional multiplicative factor of \(\kappa \) in the output length.

Summarizing, we can simulate an arbitrary dealer algorithm in the following way. View the output of the dealer algorithm as \({\mathsf{pub}}, \{(i, s_i)\}\), where \({\mathsf{pub}}\) represents the public output that all parties should learn, and each \(s_i\) is a private output that only \(P_i\) should learn. Assume the existence of a PKI, and let \(\mathsf{pk}_i\) denote a public key for an APKE scheme, where the corresponding secret key is held by \(P_i\). Then use \(\varPi _\mathsf{MPC}\) to compute \({\mathsf{pub}}, \{\mathsf {Enc}_{\mathsf{pk}_i}(s_i)\}\), where the ciphertexts are randomly permuted. As long as the length of the dealer’s output is independent of n, the output of this functionality is also independent of n.

6.2 Unbounded Byzantine Agreement with Subquadratic Communication

We now show how to use the ideas from the previous section to achieve an unbounded number of BA executions with subquadratic communication. We describe two solutions: one involving a trusted dealer who initializes the parties with a one-time setup, and another that does not require a dealer (but does assume a PKI) and achieves expected subquadratic communication in an amortized sense.

For the first solution, we assume a trusted dealer who initializes the parties with the setup for one instance of \(\varPi _\mathsf{BA}\) and one instance of \(\varPi _\mathsf{MPC}\). (We also assume a PKI, which could be provided by the dealer as well; however, when we refer to the setup for \(\varPi _\mathsf{MPC}\) we do not include the PKI since it does not need to be refreshed.) Importantly, the setup for \(\varPi _\mathsf{MPC}\) allows the parties to compute any no-input functionality; the size of the setup is fixed, independent of the size of the circuit for the functionality being computed or its output length. For an execution of Byzantine agreement, the parties run \(\varPi _\mathsf{BA}\) using their inputs and then use \(\varPi _\mathsf{MPC}\) to refresh their setup by simulating the dealer algorithm. (We stress that the parties refresh the setup for both \(\varPi _\mathsf{BA}\) and \(\varPi _\mathsf{MPC}\).) The expected communication complexity per execution of Byzantine agreement is the sum of the communication complexities of \(\varPi _\mathsf{BA}\) and \(\varPi _\mathsf{MPC}\). The former is subquadratic; the latter is subquadratic if we follow the approach described in the previous section. Thus, the parties can run an unbounded number of subquadratic BA executions while only involving a trusted dealer once.

Alternately, we can avoid a trusted dealer by having the parties simulate the dealer using an arbitrary adaptively secure MPC protocol. (We still assume a PKI.) The communication complexity of the initial MPC protocol may be arbitrarily high, but all subsequent BA executions will have subquadratic (expected) communication complexity as above. In this way we achieve an unbounded number of BA executions with amortized (expected) subquadratic communication complexity.

7 A Lower Bound for Asynchronous Byzantine Agreement

We show that some form of setup is necessary for adaptively secure asynchronous BA with (non-amortized) subquadratic communication complexity. Our bound holds even if we allow secure erasure, and even if we allow secret channels between all the parties. (However, we assume an attacker can tell when a message is sent from one party to another.)

A related impossibility result was shown by Abraham et al. [1, Theorem 4]; their result holds even with prior setup and in the synchronous model of communication. However, their result relies strongly on an adversary who can delete messages sent by honest parties after those parties have been adaptively corrupted. In contrast, our bound applies to the standard communication model where honest parties’ messages cannot be deleted once they are sent.

In concurrent work [39], Rambaud shows a bound that is slightly stronger than ours: His result holds even in the partially synchronous model, and rules out subquadratic communication complexity even with a PKI. We note, however, that his analysis treats signatures in an idealized manner, and thus it does not apply, e.g., to protocols using unique signatures for coin flipping.

We provide an outline of our proof that omits several technical details, but conveys the main ideas. Let \(\varPi \) be a setup-free protocol for asynchronous BA with subquadratic communication complexity. We show an efficient attacker \(\mathcal {A}\) who succeeds in violating the security of \(\varPi \). The attacker exploits the fact that with high probability, a uniform (honest) party P will communicate with only o(n) other parties during an execution of \(\varPi \). The adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) can use this to “isolate” P from the remaining honest parties in the network and cause an inconsistency. In more detail, consider an execution in which P holds input 1, and the remaining honest parties \(S'\) all hold input 0. \(\mathcal {A}\) tricks P into thinking that it is running in an alternate (simulated) execution of \(\varPi \) in which all parties are honest and hold input 1, while fooling the parties in \(S'\) into believing they are running an execution in which all honest parties hold 0 and at most f (corrupted) parties abort. By validity, P will output 1 and the honest parties in \(S'\) will output 0, but this contradicts consistency.

To “isolate” P as described, \(\mathcal {A}\) runs two simulated executions of \(\varPi \) alongside the real execution of the protocol. (Here, it is crucial that \(\varPi \) is setup-free, so \(\mathcal {A}\) can run the simulated executions on behalf of all parties.) \(\mathcal {A}\) delays messages sent by honest parties to P in the real execution indefinitely; this is easy to do in the asynchronous setting. When a party \(Q \in S'\) sends a message to P in the simulated execution, \(\mathcal {A}\) corrupts Q in the real execution and then sends that message on Q’s behalf. Analogously, when P sends a message to some honest party \(Q \in S'\) in the real execution, \(\mathcal {A}\) “intercepts” that message and forwards it to the corresponding party in the simulation. (A subtlety here is that messages sent between two honest parties cannot be observed via eavesdropping, because we allow secret channels, and can not necessarily be observed by adaptively corrupting the recipient Q after it receives the message, since we allow erasure. Instead, \(\mathcal {A}\) must corrupt Q before it receives the message sent by P.) It only remains to argue that, in carrying out this strategy, \(\mathcal {A}\) does not exceed the corruption bound.

A BA protocol is \((f, \delta )\)-secure if the properties of Definition 1 simultaneously hold with probability at least \(\delta \) when f parties are corrupted.

Theorem 7

Let \(\frac{2}{3}<\delta <1\) and \(f\ge 2\). Let \(\varPi \) be a setup-free BA protocol that is \((f,\delta )\)-secure in an asynchronous network. Then the expected number of messages that honest parties send in \(\varPi \) is at least \((\frac{3\delta -2}{8\delta })^2 \cdot (f-1)^2\).


If \(f \ge n/3\) the theorem is trivially true (as asynchronous BA is impossible); thus, we assume \(f < n/3\) in what follows. We present the proof assuming f is even and show that in this case, the expected number of messages is at least \(c^2 f^2\). The case of odd f can be reduced to the case of even f since any \((f,\delta )\)-secure protocol is also an \((f-1,\delta )\)-secure protocol.

Let \(c=\frac{3\delta -2}{8\delta }\). Fix an \((f,\delta )\)-secure protocol \(\varPi \) whose expected number of messages is less than \(c^2 f^2\). Fix a subset \(S \subset [n]\) with \(|S| = \frac{f}{2}\). Let \(S'\) denote the remaining parties. Consider an execution (Ex1) of \(\varPi \) that proceeds as follows: At the start of the execution, an adversary corrupts all parties in S and they immediately abort. The parties in \(S'\) remain honest and run \(\varPi \) using input 0. By \(\delta \)-security of \(\varPi \) we have:

Lemma 5

In Ex1 all parties in \(S'\) output 0 with probability at least \(\delta \).

Now consider an execution (Ex2) of \(\varPi \) involving an adversary \({\mathcal {A}}\). (As explained in the proof intuition, \({\mathcal {A}}\)’s goal is to make P believe it is running in an execution in which all parties are honest and have input 1, and to make the honest parties in \(S'\) believe they are running in Ex1.) At the start of the execution, \({\mathcal {A}}\) chooses a uniform \(P\in S\) and corrupts all parties in S except for P. All parties in \(S'\) are initially honest and hold input 0, while P holds input 1. \({\mathcal {A}}\) maintains two simulated executions that we label red and blue. (See Fig. 6.) In the blue execution, \({\mathcal {A}}\) plays the role of all parties other than P; all these virtual parties run \(\varPi \) honestly with input 1. In the red execution, \({\mathcal {A}}\) simulates an execution in which all parties in S immediately abort, and all parties in \(S'\) run \(\varPi \) honestly with input 0. \({\mathcal {A}}\) uses these two simulations to determine how to interact with the honest parties in the real execution. Specifically, it schedules delivery of messages as follows:

  • \(S'\) to P, real execution. Messages sent by honest parties in \(S'\) to P in the real execution are delayed, and delivered only after all honest parties have generated output.

  • P to \(S'\), real execution. When P sends a message to an honest party \(Q\in S'\) in the real execution, \({\mathcal {A}}\) delays the message and then corrupts Q. Once Q is corrupted, \({\mathcal {A}}\) delivers the message to Q in the real execution (and can then read the message). \({\mathcal {A}}\) also delivers that same message to Q in the blue simulation.

  • \(S'\) to P, blue execution. When a party \(Q \in S'\) sends a message m to P in the blue execution, \({\mathcal {A}}\) corrupts Q in the real execution (if Q was not already corrupted), and then sends m to P (on behalf of Q) in the real execution. (Messages that Q may have sent previously to P in the real execution continue to be delayed.)

  • S to P, blue execution. When a party \(Q\in S\) sends a message m to P in the blue execution, Q sends m to P in the real execution (recall that parties in \(S\setminus \{P\}\) are corrupted in Ex2).

  • \(S'\) to \(S'\), real execution. Messages sent by honest parties in \(S'\) to other parties in \(S'\) in the real execution are delivered normally. If the receiver is corrupted, the message is relayed to \({\mathcal {A}}\), who simulates this same message in the red execution.

  • \(S'\) to \(S\setminus \{P\}\), real execution. Messages sent by honest parties in \(S'\) to the (corrupted) parties in \(S\setminus \{P\}\) in the real execution are ignored.

  • \(S'\) to \(S'\), red execution. If a party \(Q\in S'\) is corrupted in the real execution, then whenever a message m is sent by a party Q to another party in \(S'\) in the red execution, Q sends m in the real execution.

If \({\mathcal {A}}\) would ever need to corrupt more than f parties in total, then it simply aborts. (However, the real execution continues without any further interference from \({\mathcal {A}}\).)

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Adversarial strategy in Ex2. In the real execution (shown at right) corrupted parties in S interact with P as if they are honest with input 1, and ignore honest parties in \(S'\). Corrupted parties in \(S'\) interact with P as if they are honest with input 1, and interact with \(S'\) as if they are honest with input 0. All messages between P and honest parties in \(S'\) are delayed indefinitely. The adversary maintains two simulated executions (shown at left) to determine which messages corrupted parties will send in the real execution. (Color figure online)

Lemma 6

In Ex2, the distribution of the joint view of all parties in \(S'\) who remain uncorrupted is identical to the distribution of their joint view in Ex1. In particular, with probability at least \(\delta \) in Ex2 all parties in \(S'\) who remain uncorrupted output 0.


The only messages received by the parties in \(S'\) in either Ex1 or Ex2 are those that arise from an honest execution of \(\varPi \) among the parties in \(S'\), all of whom hold input 0. Moreover, in Ex2 the decision as to whether or not a party in \(S'\) is corrupted is independent of the joint view of all uncorrupted parties in \(S'\). The final statement follows from Lemma 5.

We also show that with positive probability, \({\mathcal {A}}\) does not abort.

Lemma 7

In Ex2, \(\mathcal {A}\) does not abort with probability at least \(1-4c\).


\({\mathcal {A}}\) aborts if it would exceed the corruption bound. Initially, only the f/2 parties in S are corrupted. Let M denote the total number of messages sent either by the parties in \(S'\) to the parties in S or by parties in S to parties in \(S'\) in the blue execution. By assumption, \(\mathbf{Exp}[M] < c^2 f^2\). Let X be the event that \(M\le \frac{c}{2}f^2\). Lemma 9 implies that

$$\begin{aligned} \Pr [X] \ge \Pr \left[ M \le \frac{\mathbf{Exp}[M]}{2c}\right] \ge 1-2c. \end{aligned}$$

Let Y be the event that, among the first \(c f^2/2\) messages sent by parties in \(S'\) to parties in S or vice versa, a uniformly chosen \(P \in S\) sends and/or receives at most f/2 of those messages. By the pigeonhole principle, at most cf parties in S can receive and/or send f/2 or more of those messages, and so \(\Pr [Y]\ge 1-cf/|S| = 1-2c\).Footnote 4 Thus, \(\Pr [X \wedge Y]=\Pr [X]+\Pr [Y]-\Pr [X\cup Y] \ge (1-2c)+(1-2c)-1=1-4c\). The lemma follows by observing that when X and Y occur, at most f/2 parties in \(S'\) are corrupted.

Finally, consider an execution (Ex3) in which a uniform \(P \in S\) is chosen and then \(\varPi \) is run honestly with all parties holding input 1.

Lemma 8

In Ex2, conditioned on the event that \({\mathcal {A}}\) does not abort, the view of P is distributed identically to the view of P in Ex3. In particular, with probability at least \(\delta \) in Ex2, P outputs 1.


In Ex2, the view of P is determined by the virtual execution in which all parties run \(\varPi \) honestly using input 1. The final statement follows because in Ex3, \((f,\delta )\)-security of \(\varPi \) implies that P outputs 1 with probability at least \(\delta \).

We now complete the proof of the theorem. In execution Ex2, let \(Z_1\) be the event that \({\mathcal {A}}\) does not abort; by Lemma 7, \(\Pr [Z_1]\ge 1-4c\). Let \(Z_2\) be the event that P does not output 0 in Ex2; using Lemma 8 we have

$$\Pr [Z_2] \ge \Pr [Z_2\mid Z_1]\cdot \Pr [Z_1] \ge \delta \cdot (1-4c).$$

Let \(Z_3\) be the event that all uncorrupted parties in \(S'\) output 0 in Ex2. By Lemma 6, \(\Pr [Z_3]\ge \delta \). Recalling that \(2/3<\delta <1\), we see that

$$\begin{aligned} \Pr [Z_2\wedge Z_3]=\Pr [Z_2]+\Pr [Z_3]-\Pr [Z_2\cup Z_3]\ge 2\delta - 4c\delta -1 =\frac{\delta }{2}>\frac{1}{3}> 1-\delta , \end{aligned}$$

contradicting \((f,\delta )\)-security of \(\varPi \).