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K-Ar and Rb-Sr Dating of blue amphiboles, micas, and associated minerals from the Western Alps

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Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology Aims and scope Submit manuscript


The results of 63 new radiometric K-Ar and Rb-Sr measurements on metamorphic minerals from the internal units of the Western Alps show Hercynian, Permian, as well as three Alpine age groups. The first of the Alpine ages cover the period between 78 and 100 m.y. and refer to high pressure parageneses. The second group comprises K-Ar 39 to 50 m.y. ages; these values are affected by some inherited argon, as indicated by Rb-Sr measurements which point to 35–36±4–5 m.y., i.e. similar to the culmination of the Lepontine crystallization. The final group includes 15 to 30 m.y. ages. It is not yet clear which geologic processes have led to this isotope re-equilibration. Large amounts of inherited argon have been found in Alpine metamorphic minerals of the basement rocks.

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Bocquet, J., Delaloye, M., Hunziker, J.C. et al. K-Ar and Rb-Sr Dating of blue amphiboles, micas, and associated minerals from the Western Alps. Contr. Mineral. and Petrol. 47, 7–26 (1974).

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