biologia plantarum

International journal on Plant Life established by Bohumil Němec in 1959

Biologia plantarum 33:32-39, 1991 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02873785

The effect of Lead on early stages ofPhaseolus vulgaris L. growthin vitro conditions

A. Wozny1, E. Jerczyńska1
1 Laboratory of General Botany, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland

Lead chloride (10-5 M) inhibited the growth of the main root, the duration of development, the number and growth of lateral roots, primary and trifoliate leaves, and also the mitotic index in root apical meristems. Lead strongly inhibited root growth rate, mainly by reducing the number of dividing cells. Other mechanisms of this inhibition are discussed.

Received: July 10, 1989; Accepted: March 2, 1990; Published: January 1, 1991  Show citation

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Wozny, A., & Jerczyńska, E. (1991). The effect of Lead on early stages ofPhaseolus vulgaris L. growthin vitro conditions. Biologia plantarum33(1), 32-39. doi: 10.1007/BF02873785
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