1 Correction to: Neural Computing and Applications https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-018-3664-1

The authors quite agree that the AsI model is first developed by Panagiotis Petrantonakis from references [11] and [18] in their thesis.

Based on the AsI model of reference [11, 18], we can get some physiological signal segments and subjects with high degree of emotional stimulation, which is more conducive to the use of echo state network for emotional feature extraction and recognition accuracy improvement in later work.

The authors have requested to correct the sentence in Page No. 2, Section Introduction, Paragraph 3. Line Nos. 1 to 3.

“In view of the above problems, we have introduced an index (AsI) for measuring the degree of emotional induction in EEG signals [11]” should be changed to “As inspired by a state-of-the-art method which is proposed by Petrantonakis and Hadjileontiadis [18], we refer to AsI index model for measuring the degree of emotional induction in EEG signals”.