biologia plantarum

International journal on Plant Life established by Bohumil Němec in 1959

Biologia plantarum 51:189-192, 2007 | DOI: 10.1007/s10535-007-0038-4

Influence of UV-B radiation on young triticale plants with different wax cover

E. Skórska1,*, W. Szwarc1
1 Department of Physics, Agricultural University of Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland

Ultraviolet-B radiation (biologically effective dose 2.6 kJ m-2 d-1) had negative influence on morphology and physiology of the young triticale plants. Plants exposed to UV-B were of lower height than control plants, their leaves were narrow, and the rate of net photosynthesis was decreased. The line RAH 336, which wax cover is lesser than that of traditional cultivar Magnat, was more susceptible to UV-B radiation, considering primary photosynthesis reactions, recorded by chlorophyll a fluorescence. An activation of protective mechanisms was observed: plants responded to UV-B by an increase of the content of UV-B absorbing compounds, and changes of antioxidant enzyme activities.

Keywords: antioxidant enzymes; catalase; chlorophyll fluorescence; net photosynthetic rate; peroxidase; Triticosecale
Subjects: catalase; chlorophyll a,b; chlorophyll fluorescence; flavonoids; gas exchange; peroxidase; photon flux density (PPFD, PFD); photosynthetic quantum yield; photosystems 1,2; quantum yield; transpiration rate; triticale × Triticosecale Wittmack; UV radiation, stress; wax cover

Received: September 9, 2005; Accepted: January 11, 2006; Published: March 1, 2007  Show citation

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Skórska, E., & Szwarc, W. (2007). Influence of UV-B radiation on young triticale plants with different wax cover. Biologia plantarum51(1), 189-192. doi: 10.1007/s10535-007-0038-4
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