Infinitesimal Torelli for elliptic surfaces revisited rights and content


In this article we give a new proof for the infinitesimal Torelli theorem for minimal elliptic surfaces without multiple fibers with Euler number at least 24 for nonconstant j-invariant. In the case of constant j-invariant we find a new proof in the case of Euler number at least 72. We also discuss several new counterexamples.


Let π:XC be a minimal elliptic surface without multiple fibers. We say that X satisfies infinitesimal Torelli if the differential of the period mapδX:H1(X,ΘX)Hom(H0(ΩX2),H1(ΩX1)) is injective. (See e.g., [12, Chapter 10].)

There have been various results as to whether the infinitesimal Torelli property holds for X. If the geometric genus pg(X) vanishes then obviously the infinitesimal Torelli property does not hold. If X is an elliptic K3 surface then it holds by the results on K3 surfaces.

The case g(C)=0, pg(X)2 can be studied by techniques developed by Lieberman–Wilsker–Peters [9] and Kii [7]. These papers give a sufficient criterion for infinitesimal Torelli for varieties with divisible canonical bundle. In the latter paper Kii proved infinitesimal Torelli for elliptic surfaces in case g(C)=0, pg(X)2 and the j-invariant is nonconstant. In [8] the author used a similar method to show that infinitesimal Torelli holds if again g(C)=0, pg(X)2 holds, but the j-invariant is constant, and π has at least pg(X)+3 singular fibers. It is well known that an elliptic surface with pg(X)1,g(C)=0 has at least pg(X)+2 singular fibers. In [8] it is also shown that elliptic surfaces with pg(X)2,g(C)=0 and pg(X)+2 singular fibers do not satisfy infinitesimal Torelli. Chakiris [2], in his proof of the generic Torelli theorem for elliptic surfaces with a section and g(C)=0 obtained a generic infinitesimal Torelli result. On the other hand, it is known that variational Torelli does not hold for elliptic surfaces [3].

One easily checks that Kii's criterion cannot be applied in the case where the genus of C is positive. M.-H. Saito claimed in [11] that infinitesimal Torelli holds for elliptic surfaces without multiple fibers such that pg(X)1 and either the j-invariant is nonconstant or the j-invariant is constant, different from 0,1728 and χ(OX)3 hold, but no constraints on the base curve. However, Ikeda [6] recently obtained an example of an elliptic surface without multiple fibers, with nonconstant j-invariant and pg(X)=g(C)=1, for which infinitesimal Torelli does not hold.

The original purpose of this paper was to give a new proof for infinitesimal Torelli for elliptic surfaces, by methods different from Saito's. However, when preparing this paper, we learned that each of the steps in Saito's proof hold under the additional assumption that ΩX2 is base point free.

Our basic idea is to use Green's version of Kii's criterion [5, Corollary 4.d.3]. By doing so, we can reproduce Saito's result under the same hypothesis that ΩX2 is base point free. The main difference with Saito's proof is that In the case of nonconstant j-invariant, the infinitesimal Torelli result is almost an immediate corollary from the Green-Kii criterion. In the constant j-invariant case our method covers many cases left out by Saito. In particular, we obtain results for elliptic surfaces with constant j-invariant 0 and 1728, and for elliptic fiber bundles which are not principal. Moreover, our method yields a series of new counterexamples to infinitesimal Torelli.

To formulate our statement, we need a further invariant of the elliptic fibration π:XC. Let L be the dual of the line bundle R1πOX on C and let d=deg(L). It is well known that d0 and d=0 corresponds to the case of an elliptic fiber bundle. To apply Green's version of Kii's criterion, we need to check that ΩX2 is base point free. It is easy to check that this happens if d>1 or d=1 and h0(L)=0.

Moreover let Δ be the reduced effective divisor on C whose support coincides with the support of the discriminant. In this paper we prove two results on classes of elliptic surfaces for which infinitesimal Torelli holds, one in the nonconstant j-invariant case and one in the constant j-invariant case.

Theorem 1.1

Let π:XC be an elliptic surface without multiple fibers and with nonconstant j-invariant. If d1 or d=1 and h0(L)=0 hold then X satisfies infinitesimal Torelli.

Theorem 1.2

Let π:XC be an elliptic surface without multiple fibers, and with constant j-invariant. Suppose that

  • (1)

    if g=0 then d>2;

  • (2)

    if d=1 then h0(L)=0;

  • (3)

    if h1(X) is odd then LOC.

Then X satisfies infinitesimal Torelli if and only if the multiplication mapμπ:H0(ΩC1L)H0(ΩC1L1(Δ))H0((ΩC1)2(Δ)) is surjective.

We will comment a bit one the cases excluded. If g=0 and d2 then, depending on d, we have product surfaces E×P1 (d=0), rational elliptic surfaces (d=1) or elliptic K3 surfaces (d=2). For each of these cases it is well known whether infinitesimal Torelli does hold (K3) or does not hold (products and rational surfaces). If h1(X) is odd and LOC then it is known that X does not satisfy infinitesimal Torelli [11, Section 8] and we will come back to this in Section 5. Hence the only cases not covered by the above two theorems are the cases d=1 and h0(L)>0, i.e., when ΩX2 is not base point free.

The second theorem does not give a conclusive answer whether infinitesimal Torelli holds, but the map μπ is studied extensively in the literature. For many cases we know that μπ is surjective, which yields to the following corollary. Recall that if d1 then sd+1.

Corollary 1.3

Let π:XC be an elliptic surface without multiple fibers and with constant j-invariant. Let s be the number of singular fibers. Suppose that if d=1 then h0(L)=0 holds. Moreover, suppose that one of the following holds

  • (1)


  • (2)

    3d5 and sd+2;

  • (3)

    d{1,2} and sd+3;

  • (4)

    d{4,5}, s=d+1; h0(L1(Δ))=0 and Cliff(C)2;

  • (5)

    d{1,2,3}, s=d+1 and h0(L1(Δ))=0, either one of ΩC1L or ΩC1L(Δ) is very ample and Cliff(C)2;

  • (6)

    d{1,2}, s=d+2, h0(L2(Δ))=0;

  • (7)

    d=0; h1(X) is even; LOC and C is not hyperelliptic.

Then X satisfies infinitesimal Torelli.

In some cases one can show that μπ is not surjective.

Theorem 1.4

Suppose π:XC is an elliptic surface, with constant j-invariant and d+1 singular fibers. If g=0 then suppose additionally that d3 and if d=1 then suppose additionally that h0(L)=0. If h0(L1(Δ))>0 then X does not satisfy infinitesimal Torelli

If g=0, d2 and s=d+1 then h0(L1(Δ))=2 for degree reasons. Hence X does not satisfy infinitesimal Torelli in this case. In this way we recover the counterexamples from [8]. However, the result in that paper is much stronger. Namely, there we proved for d3 that the period map is constant on the locus of elliptic surfaces with constant j-invariant and d+1 singular fibers. However, the above result yields new counterexamples if the base curve has genus 1:

Theorem 1.5

Suppose π:XC is an elliptic surface, with g(C)=1, d{1,2} and constant j-invariant different from 0,1728. Then X does not satisfy infinitesimal Torelli.

There are a few cases not covered by our results. For a certain number of classes of elliptic surfaces with d5 and constant j-invariant we do not know whether μπ is surjective or not. This is an extensively researched problem and we do not aim to elaborate on this.

A second class of surfaces excluded are the surfaces with d=1 and h0(L)>0, i.e., the case where ΩX2 has a one-dimensional base locus and our method breaks down. We expect that infinitesimal Torelli does not hold in this case and we will present evidence for this. Note that if moreover the j-invariant is constant then μπ is not surjective in this case. Also, Ikeda's counterexample is of this type.

Our strategy is to use Green's version of Kii's criterion. If ΩXn is base point free then this criterion reduces infinitesimal Torelli to a problem on the vanishing of a certain Koszul cohomology group. In the case of elliptic surfaces we can relate this Koszul cohomology group with a Koszul cohomology group on the base curve. If the j-invariant is nonconstant then it is easy to prove that this group vanishes, whereas if the j-invariant is constant then this group vanishes if and only if μπ is surjective. This strategy leaves out the cases where ΩX2 has a base locus, i.e., the case where d=1,h0(L)>0; the case g=d=0 and some particular cases (K3 surfaces, nonalgebraic principal elliptic fiber bundles), because of some technicalities in the proof.

The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we recall some preliminaries on elliptic surfaces and on Koszul cohomology. In Section 3 we prove the Torelli result for elliptic fibrations with nonconstant j-invariant. In Section 4 we prove the results for constant j-invariant such that d>0. In Section 5 we discuss the case d=0. Finally, in Section 6 we discuss what happens if d=1 and h0(L)>0 hold.

Section snippets

Preliminaries on elliptic surfaces and on Koszul cohomology

Notation 2.1

Let π:XC be an elliptic surface without multiple fibers, but possibly without a section. Let L be the dual of the line bundle R1πOX. (This is a line bundle, see [10, (II.3.5)] for the case of an elliptic fibration with a section or [11] for the case of fibrations without multiple fibers.) Let d=deg(L).

If π:XC is an elliptic fibration, let S={P1,,Ps} be the set of points of C such that π1(Pi) is singular. Let Δ=PSP. Let s=deg(Δ) be the number of singular fibers. With j(π):CP1 we denote

Nonconstant j-invariant

In the case of nonconstant j-invariants the proof of the infinitesimal Torelli theorem follows almost directly from Green's version of Kii's criterion, which we first recall for the reader's convenience.

Theorem 3.1 Kii-Green

Let X be a compact Kähler manifold of dimension n. Suppose ΩXn is base point free. Let pg=h0(ΩXn). Then X satisfies infinitesimal Torelli if and only if Kpg2,1(X,Ωn1,Ωn)=0.

For a proof of this theorem see [5, Corollary 4.d.3].

Theorem 3.2

Let π:XC be an elliptic surface with nonconstant j-invariant and

Constant j-invariant

In the case of constant j-invariant we obtain also an infinitesimal Torelli result, but in this case it does not directly follow from duality in Koszul cohomology.

In the sequel we have to exclude a few cases, namely g=0,d2 (Products E×P1; rational elliptic surfaces and K3 sufaces); d=1 and h0(L)0 and d=0. The case d=0 will be treated in Section 5.

Theorem 4.1

Let π:XC be an elliptic surface with constant j-invariant. Let us denote with s the number of singular fibers. Assume that one of the following

Elliptic fiber bundle case

In [11, Section 7] Saito discusses the infinitesimal Torelli problem for elliptic surfaces such that LO, the case of principal elliptic fiber bundles. In this section we discuss the period map in the case of non-principal bundles, i.e., when d=0 and LOC. Then L is a torsion bundle of order 2,3,4 or 6. In this case the relative dualizing sheaf is a line bundle and we have an isomorphism ωX/CπL.

To study infinitesimal Torelli in this case one can use both the strategy of Section 4 as well as

ΩX2 not base point free

In this section we will focus on the case deg(L)=1 and h0(L)>0.

If g=0 then we know that infinitesimal Torelli does not hold, since X is a rational surface. So we assume now that g>0. In particular LOC(p), for some unique point pC.

In [11] Saito considers at two occasions a multiplication mapH0(ΩC2L)H0(T)H0(T) for some torsion sheaf T. Saito reduces infinitesimal Torelli to the surjectivety of this map. This map is surjective if and only if the base locus of ΩC1L and the support of T are

References (12)

  • A. Ikeda

    Bielliptic curves of genus three and the Torelli problem for certain elliptic surfaces

    Adv. Math.

  • D.C. Butler

    Global sections and tensor products of line bundles over a curve

    Math. Z.

  • K. Chakiris

    The Torelli problem for elliptic pencils

  • D.A. Cox et al.

    On the failure of variational Torelli for regular elliptic surfaces with a section

    Math. Ann.

  • M. Green et al.

    Some results on the syzygies of finite sets and algebraic curves

    Compos. Math.

  • M.L. Green

    Koszul cohomology and the geometry of projective varieties

    J. Differ. Geom.

There are more references available in the full text version of this article.

The author would like to thank Marian Aprodu for several discussions on Koszul cohomology of curves and Orsola Tommasi for various comments on a previous version. The author thanks the referee for various comments improving the exposition.

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