
Performance Evaluation

Volume 104, October 2016, Pages 23-41
Performance Evaluation

Bitcoin blockchain dynamics: The selfish-mine strategy in the presence of propagation delay

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.peva.2016.07.001Get rights and content


In the context of the ‘selfish-mine’ strategy proposed by Eyal and Sirer, we study the effect of communication delay on the evolution of the Bitcoin blockchain. First, we use a simplified Markov model that tracks the contrasting states of belief about the blockchain of a small pool of dishonest miners and the ‘rest of the community’ to establish that the use of block-hiding strategies, such as selfish-mine, causes the rate of production of orphan blocks to increase. Then we use a spatial Poisson process model to study values of Eyal and Sirer’s parameter γ, which denotes the proportion of the honest community that mines on a previously-secret block released by the pool in response to the mining of a block by the honest community. Finally, we use discrete-event simulation to study the behaviour of a network of Bitcoin miners, a proportion of which is colluding in using the selfish-mine strategy, under the assumption that there is a delay in the communication of information between miners. The models indicate that both the dishonest and the honest miners were worse off than they would have been if no dishonest mining were present, and that it is possible for the mining community to detect block-hiding behaviour, such as that used in selfish-mine, by monitoring the rate of production of orphan blocks.


Bitcoin is a peer to peer electronic payment system in which transactions are performed without the need for a central clearing agency to authorise transactions. Bitcoin users conduct transactions by transmitting electronic messages which identify who is to be debited, who is to be credited, and where the change (if any) is to be deposited.

Bitcoin payments use Public Key Encryption. The payers and payees are identified by the public keys of their Bitcoin wallet identities. Each Bitcoin transaction is encrypted and broadcast over the network. Suppose you receive a transaction from Mary. If you can decrypt Mary’s message using her public key, then you have confirmed that the message was encrypted using Mary’s private key and therefore the message indisputably came from Mary. But how can you verify that Mary has sufficient bitcoins to pay you?

The Bitcoin system solves this problem by verifying transactions in a coded form in a data structure called the blockchain, which is maintained by a community of participants, known as miners.

It can happen that different miners have different versions of the blockchain, something which occurs because of communication delays, see Decker and Wattenhofer  [1]. For Bitcoin to be able to function, it is essential that these inconsistencies are resolved within a short timescale. We are interested in how the inconsistencies arise and how they are resolved (1) when all participants are acting according to the Bitcoin protocol, and (2) when a pool of participants is using the ‘selfish-mine’ strategy proposed by Eyal and Sirer  [2].

At the heart of the Bitcoin system is the computational process called mining, which involves the solution of a computationally-difficult cryptographic problem. Bitcoin miners receive copies of all transactions as they are generated. They examine the blockchain to investigate the history of the bitcoins involved in each transaction. If the proposed transaction has sufficient bitcoin credit, then it is accepted for incorporation into the block that the miner is currently working on.

Each transaction is identified with a double SHA-256 hash. Miners gather transactions together and use their hashes, together with the hash that is at the current head of the blockchain, as inputs to the cryptographic problem. If a miner succeeds in solving the problem, it is said to have mined a block that contains records of all the transactions that were part of the calculation. The miner receives a reward (currently 12.5 bitcoins) for accomplishing this, along with a small transaction fee gathered from each transaction in the block.

The process works as follows. A miner  M computes a double SHA-256 hash  h (the merkle hash) over a unique ordering of the hashes of all the transactions that it is intending to incorporate into its next block B. It also takes as input the block solution  s at the head of its current version of the blockchain. Denoting concatenation of strings by the symbol +, the cryptographic problem that M has to solve is: compute a double SHA-256 hash s=SHA256(SHA256(n+h+s)), such that  s has at least a specified number  x of leading zeros where x64. The string  n is a random ‘nonce’ value. If  s does not have at least  x leading zeros, then  n is updated and  s is recomputed until a solution is found with the required number of leading zeros.

Once mined, the new block is communicated to the members of the peer network and, subject to the fine detail of the rules that we shall discuss in the next section, the new block is added to the blockchain at each peer. The blockchain thus functions as a public ledger: it records every Bitcoin payment ever made.

The objective of the designers of the Bitcoin protocol was to keep the average rate at which blocks are added to the long-term blockchain at six blocks per hour. To this end, the value of x, which reflects the difficulty of the computational problem inherent in (1), is adjusted after the creation of each set of 2016 new blocks. If the previous 2016 blocks were created at an average rate faster than six blocks per hour, then the problem is made more difficult, if they were created at a slower average rate, then it is made less difficult. The effect is that the difficulty varies in response to the total amount of computational power that the community of miners is applying.

The test of whether a particular hash has the required number of leading zeros is a success/failure experiment whose outcome is independent of previous experiments. Therefore, the number of experiments required for the first success is geometrically distributed and, given that the individual success probabilities are very low and the time taken to perform an experiment is correspondingly very small, the time taken to achieve a success is very well-modelled by an exponential random variable. It is thus reasonable to model block creation instants as a Poisson process with a constant rate of six per hour.

The difficulty of a sequence of blocks is a measure of the amount of computing effort that was required to generate the sequence. This can be evaluated in terms of the numbers of leading zeros that were required when the blocks in the sequence were created. When Bitcoin was started, miners used PCs to solve the cryptographic puzzle and earn bitcoins. The difficulty of the puzzle was increased to limit the rate of producing bitcoins. Miners started using the parallel processing capabilities of Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) to solve the cryptographic puzzle. The difficulty of the puzzle was increased again. Miners started using Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). The difficulty was increased yet again. Today miners use dedicated hardware built around custom Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs).

Miners communicate by broadcasting newly-discovered blocks via a peer-to-peer network. Each miner maintains its own version of the blockchain based upon the communications that it receives and its own discoveries. The protocol is designed so that blockchains are locally updated in such a way that they are identical at each miner or, if they differ, then the differences will soon be resolved and the blockchains will become identical. The way that this process works is explained in the next subsection.

The material discussed here is obtained from  [3]. The main branch of the blockchain is defined to be the branch with highest total difficulty.

There are three categories of blocks

  • 1.

    Blocks in the main branch: the transactions in these blocks are considered to be tentatively confirmed.

  • 2.

    Blocks in side branches off the main branch: these blocks have tentatively lost the race to be in the main branch.

  • 3.

    Blocks which do not link into the main branch, because of a missing predecessor or nth-level predecessor.

Blocks in the first two categories form a tree rooted at the very first block, which is known as the genesis block, linked by the reference to the hash of the predecessor block that each block was built upon. The tree is almost linear with a few short branches off the main branch.

Consider the situation where a node learns of a new block. This block could either be mined locally or have been communicated after being mined at another node. The actions (a complete list of the actions is given in  [3]) that the node takes are to:

  • 1.

    Reject the new block if a duplicate of the block is present in any of the three block categories mentioned above.

  • 2.

    Compute the double SHA-256 hash of the new block according to  (1) and check that the hash has the required number of leading zeros.

  • 3.

    Check the timestamp of the new block.

  • 4.

    Compute and verify the merkle hash of the new block.

  • 5.

    Check if the predecessor block (that is, the block matching the previous hash) is in the main branch or a side branch. If it is in neither then query the peer that sent the new block to ask it to send the predecessor block, and abandon the blockchain update.

  • 6.

    Add the new block to the blockchain if the predecessor block is in the main branch or a side branch. There are three cases.

    • (a)

      The new block extends the main branch: add the new block to the main branch. If the new block is mined locally, relay the block to the node’s peers.

    • (b)

      The new block extends a side branch but does not add enough difficulty to cause it to become the new main branch: add the new block to the side branch.

    • (c)

      The new block extends a side branch which becomes the new main branch: add the new block to the side branch and

      • i.

        find the fork block on the main branch from which this side branch forks off,

      • ii.

        redefine the main branch to extend only to this fork block,

      • iii.

        add each block on the side branch, from the child of the fork block to the leaf, to the main branch,

      • iv.

        delete each block in the old main branch, from the child of the fork block to the leaf,

      • v.

        relay the new block to the node’s peers.

  • 7.

    Run all these steps (including this one) recursively, for each block for which the new block is its previous block.

Suppose miner  Mi is mining block Bi with hash hi on its version C of the blockchain which has  si as its previous hash, and computes a solution  si to the cryptographic puzzle with nonce ni. Miner  Mi will add Bi to C and broadcast Bi to the network.

The header of block Bi contains the nonce  ni and the merkle hash  hi as well as the block version, the double SHA-256 hash  si of the header of the previous block, the target difficulty, and a timestamp which records when the block was mined.

With reference to Fig. 1, when another miner  Mj, who is also working on the blockchain  C which has  sj as its previous hash, receives the communication, it will compute sj=SHA256(SHA256(ni+hi+sj)).

If  sj is a valid solution according to the rules of Section  1.2.2 then miner Mj will add block Bi to its blockchain  C, abandon the block Bj that it is working on and commence trying to add a block to the chain CBi. Any transactions in Bj that are not in Bi will be incorporated into this new block. Importantly, miners  Mi and  Mj now have identical versions of the blockchain.

The existence of communication delays can upset the above process, because blocks can be discovered while communication and validation is in process. Decker and Wattenhofer  [1] measured the difference between the time that a node announced the discovery of a new block or a transaction and the time that it was received by other nodes for a period of operation in the actual Bitcoin network. They observed that the median time until a node receives a block was 6.5 s, the mean was 12.6 s and the 95th percentile of the distribution was around 40 s. Moreover, they showed that an exponential distribution provides a reasonable fit to the unconditional communication delay distribution.

Suppose all miners are working on the same version C of the blockchain and miner  Mi mines block Bi at time t. It will then add Bi to the blockchain  C and broadcast block Bi to all its peers. Suppose that this communication reaches miner  Mj at time t+δj and that  Mj has mined a block Bj at time t[t,t+δj).

Miner  Mj now knows about two versions CBi and CBj of the blockchain, which are of the same length. From the point of view of Miner  Mj, the blockchain has split, and we can think of the node as being in a ‘race’ to see which version of the blockchain survives.

Miner  Mi will build on CBi because this is the version of the blockchain that it knew about first. However, miner Mj knew about CBj first, and will attempt to build on this version of the blockchain. Other miners will work on either CBi or CBj depending on which version they heard about first. The ‘race’ situation is resolved when the next block B is mined, say on CBi, and communicated via the peer network. Then CBiB will be longer than CBj and all miners will eventually start building on CBiB. It is then likely that the block Bj will not be part of the longterm blockchain and it will become an orphan block. Any transactions that are in Bj, but not in Bi or B, will be incorporated into a future block.

The above situation can get more complicated if yet more blocks are mined while communication is taking place, although this would require the conjunction of two or more low-probability events.

A rough calculation based upon the fact that it takes 600 s on average for the community to mine a block shows that we should expect that the probability that a new block is discovered while communication and validation of a block discovery is taking place is of the order of 12.6/600≈1/50, which is small but not negligible. Given that, on average, 144 blocks are mined each day, we should expect this circumstance to occur two to three times each day, which accords with the observed rate of orphan blocks  [4].

In his seminal paper proposing the Bitcoin system  [5], Nakamoto dealt with the issue of transaction integrity. He proposed that a vendor should wait until his/her payment transaction has been included in a block, and then z further blocks have been added to the blockchain, before dispatching the purchased goods. The rule-of-thumb that has been adopted is to take z=6, which roughly corresponds to waiting for an hour before dispatching the goods. Assuming that the community can generate blocks at rate λ2, Nakamoto presented a calculation of the probability PA that an attacker with enough computing power to generate blocks at rate λ1<λ2 could rewrite the history of the payment transaction by creating an alternate version of the blockchain that is longer than the community’s version. Unfortunately, Nakamoto’s calculation is incorrect, a fact that was observed by Rosenfeld in  [6].

Let the random variable K be the number of blocks created by the attacker in the time that it takes the community to create z blocks. Then, we can get the correct expression for the probability that the attack is successful by noting that z+K is the number of Bernoulli trials required to achieve z successes, with the success probability of an individual trial given by pλ2/(λ1+λ2). It is thus a negative binomial random variable with parameters  p and  z.

Now, using Nakamoto’s observation that, conditional on the attacker having created K blocks when the vendor dispatches the goods, the probability of the attacker ever being able to build a blockchain longer than the community blockchain is (λ1/λ2)zK if K<z, and one otherwise, we arrive at the expression in equation (1) of  [6], PA=1k=0zz+k1z1(pz(1p)kpk(1p)z).

It follows from an analysis similar to that in Section  1.4 that, if a group of miners controls more than half of the total computer power, they can collude to rewrite the history of the transactions. There might, however, be ways for a group to gain an advantage even if it does not control a majority of the computational power.

In  [2], Eyal and Sirer proposed a strategy, called ‘selfish-mine’, and claimed that, using this strategy, a pool of colluding ‘dishonest’ miners, with a proportion α<1/2 of the total computational power, can earn a proportion greater than α of the mining revenue. In this sense, a pool of miners collaborating in using the selfish-mine strategy can earn more than its fair share of the total revenue.

In brief, selfish-mine works as follows. When a pool miner mines a block, it informs its colluding pool of miners, but not the whole community of miners. Effectively, the mining pool creates a secret extension of its blockchain, which it continues to work on. The honest miners are unaware of the blocks in the secret extension and continue to mine and to publish their mined blocks and solutions according to the standard protocol.

The computational power available to the honest miners is greater than that available to the mining pool. So, with probability one, the public branch will eventually become as long as the pool’s secret extension. However it is possible that the secret extension will remain longer than the public branch in the short term. The mining pool is giving up the almost certain revenue that it would receive if it published its recently-mined block in return for a bet that its secret branch will become long enough for it to take short-term control of the mining process.

Specifically, if the lead happens to become two or more, then the pool can publish a single block every time that the honest community mines a block, and publish two blocks when its lead is eventually reduced to one. In this way the pool works on its version of the blockchain while allowing the honest community to be engaged in a fruitless search for blocks that have no chance of being included in the long-term blockchain.

The risk to the pool is that, if it has established a lead of exactly one by mining a block Bp, which it has kept secret, and then it is informed that the community has mined a block Bh, the pool may end up not getting credit for the block Bp. To minimise this risk, the selfish-mine strategy dictates that the pool should publish the block Bp immediately it hears about Bh. The pool continues working on Bp itself, and it hopes that at least some of the honest community will also work on Bp, so that the pool will get the credit for Bp if an honest miner manages to extend it.

When Eyal and Sirer  [2] modelled the selfish-mine strategy, they included a parameter  γ to denote the proportion of the honest community that work on Bp after it has been published according to the scenario described above. They deduced that the pool can obtain revenue larger than its relative size provided that 1γ32γ<α<12. Eyal and Sirer’s analysis did not, however, take communication delay into account. Since the honest community has a head start in propagating Bh before the dishonest miners have even heard about it and then there is a further communication delay before Bp reaches other honest miners, our first intuition was that γ is likely to be very low in the presence of communication delays.

In a survey of subversive mining strategies  [7], Courtois and Bahack stated (provisionally) that the claims made for efficacy of the selfish-mine strategy  [2], which was one of the block discarding attacks studied in  [8], were exaggerated. However, the conclusions presented in  [7] concerning the selfish-mine attack were not based on experimental or modelling analysis.

The purpose of the rest of this paper is to propose some simple models that explicitly take communication delay into account, which we can use to compare the behaviour of the Bitcoin network when all miners are observing the standard protocol with its behaviour if there is a pool following the selfish-mine strategy.

In the next section, we shall introduce and analyse a simple continuous-time Markov chain model that tracks the contrasting states of belief of a ‘pool’ and the ‘rest of the community’ under the assumption that the pool and the community are physically-separated so that communication between the pool and the community takes longer than communication within the pool and within the community. Effectively, we assume that there is no communication delay within the pool and within the community. We conclude that the rate of production of orphan blocks is likely to be much higher when the pool is keeping its newly-discovered blocks secret.

In the following Section  3, we study the value of Eyal and Sirer’s parameter  γ in a model in which pool miners are distributed according to Poisson processes in the plane and the communication delay between two miners is normally distributed with a mean that depends on the distance between them.

Finally, in Section  4, we shall report results from a simulation of a network of 1000 miners, of which a fraction forms a dishonest pool, again with communication delays between all miners that depend on their spatial separation. Some conclusions and further observations are given in Section  5.

Section snippets

A simple Markov chain model

In this section we shall describe and analyse a simple Markovian model that takes into account the separate states of belief of a ‘pool of Bitcoin miners’ and the ‘rest of the community’ about the blockchain. We assume that communication within the pool and within the community always happens faster than communication between the pool and the community, effectively taking the communication delay for the former type of communication to be zero.

Such a dichotomy between immediate communication

Eyal and Sirer’s parameter γ

In the model of Section  2, we assumed that the pool and the community were remote from each other, so that communication within the pool and within the community could effectively be considered to be instantaneous, while communication between the pool and community incurred a delay. This is clearly unrealistic. Indeed, it is likely that the miners of the pool are distributed throughout the honest community and that there is delay in communication between any two miners, whether they are both

Blockchain simulation experiments

We developed two blockchain simulators, one in C++ and one in Java, the latter based on the DESMO-J simulation framework  [17]. We used the former to simulate a network of 1000 nodes. The simulation worked as follows.

  • The positions of the nodes were selected uniformly at random on the set [0,1000]×[0,1000]

  • All blocks followed the same block validation rules and the timestamp recorded in the header was not fraudulently manipulated.

  • Blocks were mined at randomly-selected nodes at the instants of a


In this paper we have studied the dynamics of the Bitcoin blockchain when communication delays are taken into account, with specific reference to how the blockchain behaves when there is a pool of miners using the selfish-mine strategy proposed by Eyal and Sirer  [2]. Our approach has been to construct simple models that provide insight into system behaviour, without attempting to reflect the detailed structure of the Bitcoin network.

In Section  2 we used a simple Markov chain model to


The authors would like to thank Maria Remerova for some valuable comments that led to an improvement of the paper.

The work of Anthony Krzesinski is supported by the Research Foundation of South Africa (Grant specific unique reference number (UID) 83965) and Telkom SA Limited.

The work of Peter Taylor is supported by the Australian Research Council Laureate Fellowship   FL130100039 and the ARC Centre of Excellence for Mathematical and Statistical Frontiers (ACEMS)   CE140100049.

Johannes Göbel received a diploma in business information technology and the Ph.D. from the University of Hamburg, Germany. His Ph.D. studies focused on decentralised transport network optimisation by the means of genetic programming. Currently he is a postdoctoral member of the Modelling and Simulation research group of the University of Hamburg.

References (17)

  • E. Deutsch

    Dyck path enumeration

    Discrete Math.

  • C. Decker, R. Wattenhofer, Information propagation in the bitcoin network, in: 13th IEEE Conference on Peer-to-Peer...
  • I. Eyal et al.

    Majority is not enough: Bitcoin mining is vulnerable

  • Bitcoin protocol rules. URL...
  • Bitcoin orphan blocks. URL...
  • S. Nakamoto, Bitcoin: A peer-to-peer electronic cash system. URL...
  • M. Rosenfeld, Analysis of hashrate-based double-spending, 2014. URL...
  • N. Courtois, L. Bahack, On subversive miner strategies and block withholding attack in bitcoin digital currency. URL...
There are more references available in the full text version of this article.

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Johannes Göbel received a diploma in business information technology and the Ph.D. from the University of Hamburg, Germany. His Ph.D. studies focused on decentralised transport network optimisation by the means of genetic programming. Currently he is a postdoctoral member of the Modelling and Simulation research group of the University of Hamburg.

H. Paul Keeler graduated in physics and applied mathematics in 2006 from Griffith University. He received a Ph.D. in applied mathematics in 2010 from the University of Melbourne. After stints as a consultant in market research and banking and a guest researcher at the University of Zaragoza, Spain, he worked for two years as a researcher at Inria and École Normale Supérieure, Paris, where he was partly funded by Orange Labs. His research interests lie in applied probability, numerical and asymptotic methods, communication networks, and related fields.

Anthony Krzesinski obtained the M.Sc. from the University of Cape Town and the Ph.D. from Cambridge University, England. He is a Professor of Computer Science at Stellenbosch University, South Africa. His research interests centre on the performance evaluation of computer communication networks.

Peter Taylor received a BSc(Hons) and a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from the University of Adelaide in 1980 and 1987 respectively. In between, he spent time working for the Australian Public Service in Canberra. After spending time at the Universities of Western Australia and Adelaide, he moved to the University of Melbourne in 2002. In January 2003, he took up a position as the inaugural Professor of Operations Research. He was Head of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics from 2005 until 2010.

Peter is the editor-in-chief of ‘Stochastic Models’, and on the editorial boards of ‘Queueing Systems’, the ‘Journal of Applied Probability’ and ‘Advances in Applied Probability’. In 2008, Peter became one of the five trustees of the Applied Probability Trust. From February 2006 to February 2008, Peter was Chair of the Australia and New Zealand Division of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ANZIAM), and from September 2010 to September 2012 he was the President of the Australian Mathematical Society. In 2013 he was awarded a Laureate Fellowship by the Australian Research Council.

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