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Assessing Individual Differences in Basic Computer Skills

Psychometric Characteristics of an Interactive Performance Measure

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A definition of basic computer skills (BCS) is proposed and the psychometric properties of a newly developed BCS scale are investigated. BCS is defined as the ability and speed of performing basic actions in graphical user interfaces of computers to access, collect, and provide information. BCS is thus considered a basic component skill of the much broader construct of ICT literacy. Data from the German PISA 2009 field trial was used to determine the factor structure of the BCS scale as well as convergent and discriminant validity. The latent factor structure underlying the BCS scale was investigated by testing confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) models for response times and responses. CFA results suggest that there is one dimension of BCS speed and BCS ability, respectively. With respect to convergent validity, practical computer knowledge and skill in digital reading had strong associations with BCS speed and ability. With respect to discriminant validity, only moderate associations were found with lower level reading skills and self-reported computer skills. Differences between BCS speed and ability and further developments of the BCS scale are discussed.


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