Correction to: Cell Death and Differentiation (2006) 13, 109–118. doi:10.1038/sj.cdd.4401718

It has come to our attention that a peptide sequence has been mislabelled in Figure 7 of this article. Inadvertently, two different sequences were both labelled hBak although the second should have read hBax. The correct figure is reproduced here. The authors apologize for any inconvenience this might have caused.

Figure 7
figure 1

F1L binding to selected BH3 domain peptides. (a) Recombinant F1L ΔC20 was injected onto sensorchips with BimwtBH3 (solid line) or mutant Bim4EBH3 (dotted line) peptides immobilised. To obtain the specific binding, the baseline response with 4EBH3 was subtracted from that with wtBH3. (b) Biosensor responses when 15–480 nM was injected over the BimBH3 sensorchip. (c) BH3 peptides used in the solution competition assays. The BH3 region contains four hydrophobic residues (h1–h4) required for interacting with the prosurvival proteins. The competitor peptides were derived from human proteins except for mouse Bim. Sequences were aligned as described.51 The IC50 (nM) for the indicated interactions are shown on the right and are from representative experiments (NB, no binding)