Correction to: Nature Communications; published online 29 March 2019

The original version of this Article omitted Richard Paul, who is from the ‘Institut Pasteur de Dakar, Laboratoire d'Entomologie Médicale, Dakar, Senegal.’ The following statement has been added to the Acknowledgements: ‘R.Pa. would like to acknowledge funding from the Strategic Anopheles Horizontal Research Programme, Institut Pasteur.’ Additionally, ‘R.Pa.’ has been added to the third sentence of the Contributions, and ‘R.P.’ has been updated to ‘R.Pi’: ‘I.F., N.H., L.R., J.C., B.P.G., A.B., A.L.O., U.M., M.M., C.K., I.M., F.T., E.G., S.M., G.D., M.K., J.Mi., S.O.A., C.N., R.Pi., O.D., S.N.D., K.K., N.L., V.U., J.Mo., A.T., D.C., R.G., F.M., R.S., R.Pa., E.M.R., N.J.W., F.N., M.I., T.B., and C.D. collected the data.’ These changes have now been made in both the HTML and PDF version of the Article.