Issue 1, 2001

Polyimide-based microfluidic devices


This paper describes the development of polyimide-based microfluidic devices. A layer transfer and lamination technique is used to fabricate flexible microfluidic channels in various shapes and with a wide range of dimensions. High bond strengths can be achieved by cure cycle adaptation and surface treatment of the polyimide layers prior to bonding. The polyimide microchannels can be combined with metallization layers to fabricate electrodes inside and outside channels. The resulting devices can be used for flexible fluidic and electrical connectors, implantable fluid delivery devices, microelectrodes with embedded fluidic channels, chip-based flow cytometry and for a great variety of other applications in medical, chemical or biological research.

Article information

Article type
01 May 2001
12 Jul 2001
First published
09 Aug 2001

Lab Chip, 2001,1, 29-34

Polyimide-based microfluidic devices

S. Metz, R. Holzer and P. Renaud, Lab Chip, 2001, 1, 29 DOI: 10.1039/B103896F

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