Issue 10, 2006

Improved curve fitting procedures to determine equilibrium binding constants


For ligand–biomacromolecule titration experiments it has been traditional practice to extract parameters such as the equilibrium binding constant K and the number of bases per ligand binding site n with relatively labour intensive methods, usually based on single wavelength data, such as the difference method by Rodger and Nordén coupled together with a Scatchard plot. Presented in this paper are both the theory and a least squares fitting method to derive parameters such as K and n more directly from all spectral non-linear experimental data. Both the case of non competitive binding of a metal complex ligand to DNA and the case of displacement by a metal complex ligand of an ethidium marker attached to the DNA are considered. This work may be applied directly to reduce experimental data produced by a spectropolarimeter (for circular or linear dichroism) or a spectrophotometer (for fluorescence or UV-Vis spectroscopy).

Graphical abstract: Improved curve fitting procedures to determine equilibrium binding constants

Article information

Article type
31 Mar 2006
18 Jul 2006
First published
07 Aug 2006

Analyst, 2006,131, 1145-1151

Improved curve fitting procedures to determine equilibrium binding constants

F. H. Stootman, D. M. Fisher, A. Rodger and J. R. Aldrich-Wright, Analyst, 2006, 131, 1145 DOI: 10.1039/B604686J

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