Issue 10, 2018, Issue in Progress

d-Glucosamine production from chitosan hydrolyzation over a glucose-derived solid acid catalyst


A glucose-based solid acid catalyst (GSA) was synthesized by hydrothermal carbonization and its physicochemical properties were explored by various characterization techniques including IR, TG and SEM. In addition, its catalytic performance towards D-glucosamine formation from the hydrolysis of chitosan was extensively investigated to determine the effects of reaction parameters, such as reaction temperature, time and mass ratio of catalyst and reactants. The experimental results revealed that the yield of targeted product D-glucosamine could reach as high as 98.1% under optimal conditions (temperature: 110 °C; time: 6 h). After six catalytic cycles, no evident deactivation was observed, suggesting the satisfactory stability of the investigated solid acid catalyst. This might provide insight on the development of suitable catalyst systems for D-glucosamine formation to replace homogeneous catalysts.

Graphical abstract: d-Glucosamine production from chitosan hydrolyzation over a glucose-derived solid acid catalyst

Article information

Article type
16 Nov 2017
18 Jan 2018
First published
01 Feb 2018
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2018,8, 5608-5613

D-Glucosamine production from chitosan hydrolyzation over a glucose-derived solid acid catalyst

H. Zhang, Y. Lu, Y. Wang, X. Zhang and T. Wang, RSC Adv., 2018, 8, 5608 DOI: 10.1039/C7RA12490B

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