Issue 15, 2021

The bright side of cellulosic hibiscus sabdariffa fibres: towards sustainable materials from the macro- to nano-scale


Plant fibres are helically twisted cellulosic materials that are bonded together by lignin and hemicellulose matrices. Their physical, mechanical, and chemical properties depend enormously on the relative proportions of their chemical constituents, the atmospheric conditions, the age of the plant, and the collection time, among other factors. Hibiscus sabdariffa fibre is obtained by processing the stems or seeds of the Hibiscus sabdariffa plant (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.), which is an evergreen plant that is grown in almost all tropical regions of the world. Polymer composites or membranes developed utilizing plant fibres exhibit astonishing chemical resistance and mechanical and thermal properties, which are attributed to their chemical constituents, low density, and structural dimensions. However, further augmentation of the pre-existing properties of plant-fibre-fortified bio-composites can be achieved via enhancing the bonding between the hydrophilic plant fibres and the hydrophobic matrix, which should be possible by tailoring the surfaces of the plant fibres. In the present article, the methods and techniques employed for the extraction of Hibiscus sabdariffa fibre and its conversion into micro- and nano-forms are discussed. In addition, the effects of numerous surface tailoring strategies on the physicomechanical, thermal, water uptake, and humidity absorption characteristics of Hibiscus sabdariffa fibre have been surveyed to establish surface tailoring strategies and fibre dimension modification as feasible processes for producing useful Hibiscus sabdariffa fibres to address industrial needs. The surface-tailored plant macro-/micro-/nanofibres can fortify bio-composites and thus improve the utilization of Hibiscus sabdariffa fibre as a dependable and reasonable material for industrial purposes, which in turn may help to meet worldwide targets for creating and developing biomaterials for a better future.

Graphical abstract: The bright side of cellulosic hibiscus sabdariffa fibres: towards sustainable materials from the macro- to nano-scale

Article information

Article type
Review Article
12 May 2021
27 Jun 2021
First published
28 Jun 2021
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Mater. Adv., 2021,2, 4945-4965

The bright side of cellulosic hibiscus sabdariffa fibres: towards sustainable materials from the macro- to nano-scale

A. K. Rana and V. K. Thakur, Mater. Adv., 2021, 2, 4945 DOI: 10.1039/D1MA00429H

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