Issue 48, 2022

Solution-processed 2D materials on paper substrates for photodetection and photomechanical applications


The pressing priority for flexible photo-responsive systems is scalability and simplistic fabrication routes at low production costs. The extraordinary properties seen in 2D materials, paired with solution-processing advantages, assert their employability for superior photoresponsive systems. Herein, we demonstrate versatile and flexible photodetectors and photo-thermal actuators by integrating 2D materials onto paper substrates. All-solution processed flexible photodetectors have been fabricated by spray coating dispersions of MoS2 nanosheets onto screen printed carbon electrodes. By employing MoSe2 as a photothermal conversion layer, actuators with paper-tape bilayers have also been demonstrated. For both photoresponsive applications, the process of calendering investigated in detail results in remarkable augmentation of the performances. Real-world thermally stimulated soft robotic applications like jacks, grippers and crawlers are realized by leveraging a configuration dependent response to illumination. Thus, a well-structured and feasible implementation of a chain of protocols that includes screen printing, spray coating, lamination and calendering with paper as the substrate led us to fabricate flexible photoresponsive systems with significantly enhanced performances.

Graphical abstract: Solution-processed 2D materials on paper substrates for photodetection and photomechanical applications

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Article information

Article type
29 Jun 2022
09 Nov 2022
First published
02 Dec 2022

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2022,10, 18326-18335

Solution-processed 2D materials on paper substrates for photodetection and photomechanical applications

K. Lobo, R. Thakur, S. K. Prasad and H. S. S. R. Matte, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2022, 10, 18326 DOI: 10.1039/D2TC02742A

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