Issue 29, 2019

1,2-Addition versus homoconjugate addition reactions of indoles and electron-rich arenes to α-cyclopropyl N-acyliminium ions: synthetic and computational studies


An investigation of the reactivity of α-cyclopropyl N-acyliminium ions towards indoles has resulted in the unprecedented synthesis of 5-cyclopropyl-5-(3-indoyl)pyrrolidin-2-ones via 1,2-addition reactions and, in the case of highly electron deficient indoles and electron rich arenes, spiroheterocycles via sequential homoconjugate and 1,2-addition reactions with often high diastereoselective control at the C-5 quaternary stereocentres. Computational studies provided support for the proposed mechanisms and stereochemical outcome of these reactions, clearly showing that the 1,2-addition pathway is kinetically controlled. In reactions where the 1,2-adduct is destabilised, for example when the arene ring is less nucleophilic, the 1,2-addition is reversible and the thermodynamically preferred homoconjugate addition and subsequent rearrangement and cyclisation reactions become the major pathway.

Graphical abstract: 1,2-Addition versus homoconjugate addition reactions of indoles and electron-rich arenes to α-cyclopropyl N-acyliminium ions: synthetic and computational studies

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Article information

Article type
17 Jun 2019
03 Jul 2019
First published
03 Jul 2019

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2019,17, 7025-7035

1,2-Addition versus homoconjugate addition reactions of indoles and electron-rich arenes to α-cyclopropyl N-acyliminium ions: synthetic and computational studies

G. M. Ryder, U. Wille, A. C. Willis and S. G. Pyne, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2019, 17, 7025 DOI: 10.1039/C9OB01363F

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