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Published 2012 September 5 © 2012. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.
, , Citation C. Alenka Negrete et al 2012 ApJ 757 62 DOI 10.1088/0004-637X/757/1/62



We describe a method for estimating physical conditions in the broad-line region (BLR) for a significant subsample of Seyfert 1 nuclei and quasars. Several diagnostic ratios based on intermediate (Al iii λ1860, Si iii] λ1892) and high (C iv λ1549, Si iv λ1397) ionization lines in the UV spectra of quasars are used to constrain density, ionization, and metallicity of the emitting gas. We apply the method to two extreme Population A quasars—the prototypical NLSy1 I Zw 1 and higher z source SDSS J120144.36+011611.6. Under assumptions of spherical symmetry and pure photoionization we infer BLR physical conditions: low ionization (ionization parameter <10−2), high density (1012–1013 cm−3), and significant metal enrichment. Ionization parameter and density can be derived independently for each source with an uncertainty that is less than ±0.3 dex. We use the product of density and ionization parameter to estimate the BLR radius and derive an estimation of the virial black hole mass (MBH). Estimates of MBH based on the "photoionization" analysis described in this paper are probably more accurate than those derived from the mass–luminosity correlations widely employed to compute black hole masses for high-redshift quasars.

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We lack a simple diagnostic method to estimate physical conditions (density, ionization parameter, metallicity) in the broad-line region (BLR) of quasars. Techniques for estimating electron density and ionization in nebular astrophysics (Osterbrock & Ferland 2006) are not straightforwardly applicable to broad lines in quasars. Reasons include large line widths, line doublets too closely spaced to resolve individual components, and density at least an order of magnitude higher than the critical density assumed for forbidden transitions modeled in spectra of planetary nebulae and H ii regions. The ionization parameter U, which represents the dimensionless ratio of the number of ionizing photons and the electron density ne or, equivalently, the total number density of hydrogen nH ionized and neutral,4 can be estimated from the intensity ratio of two strong resonance lines arising from different ionic stages of the same element (Davidson & Netzer 1979). It is again not easy to interpret the results in the case of quasars. For example, the ratio C iii] λ1909/C iv λ1549 may not yield a meaningful value if the relatively low C iii] λ1909 critical density implies that the line is formed at larger radii than C iv λ1549. Using lines of different ions widens the choice of diagnostic line ratios although additional sources of uncertainty are introduced.

The presence of the strong C iii] λ1909 emission line implies that electron density ne cannot be very high. However, high density (ne ∼ 1011–1013 cm−3) is invoked to explain the rich low-ionization spectrum (especially Fe ii) observed in quasars (e.g., Baldwin et al. 2004). Several lines in the UV spectrum of I Zw 1 (prominent Fe ii, relatively strong Al iii λ1860, and C iii λ1176) point toward high density at least for the low-ionization line (LIL) emitting zone (Baldwin et al. 1996; Laor et al. 1997b). This low-ionization BLR (LIL BLR) has very similar properties to the O i- and Ca ii-emitting region identified by Matsuoka et al. (2008). The region where these LILs are produced cannot emit much C iii] λ1909 if electron density exceeds 1011 cm−3. But is the C iii] λ1909 line really so strong in most quasars? BLR conditions are certainly complex, and the assumption of a single emitting region cannot explain both LILs and high-ionization lines (HILs; Marziani et al. 2010; Wang et al. 2011, and references therein).

In this paper we report an analysis based on several diagnostic ratios used to constrain density, ionization parameter, and metallicity in the BLR of two sources that are representative of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 (NLSy1) subsample of quasars (Section 2). We use methodological considerations that enable us to deblend and identify the principal lines of the spectra (Section 3.1). Our sources show weak C iii] λ1909 emission (relative to Si iii] λ1892), simplifying interpretation of the emission-line spectrum (Section 3.2). Diagnostic ratios are heuristically defined (Section 4.1) and interpreted through an array of photoionization simulations (Section 4.2). We show that they converge toward well-defined values of ionization and density (Section 5). We also consider the influence of heating sources other than photoionization (Section 6.1). Under the assumption of a pure photoionized gas, the present analysis can be used to determine the product of density and ionization parameter enabling us to estimate the distance of the BLR from the central continuum source (rBLR) and the virial black hole mass (MBH, Section 6.2). Finally, in Section 7 we give our conclusions.

1.1. The Eigenvector 1 Parameter Space

Boroson & Green (1992, BG92) identified a series of correlations from principal component analysis (PCA) of the correlation matrix of emission-line measures for a bright low-redshift quasar sample. The sample contained 87 PG quasars with z ∼ 0.5 (17 of them radio-loud, RL). The first PCA eigenvector (hereafter E1) identified correlations involving broad Hβ, broad Fe ii, and narrow [O iii] λλ4959, 5007 emission lines. In an effort to clarify the meaning of the E1, Sulentic et al. (2000) searched for a correlation diagram that showed maximal discrimination between the various active galaxy nucleus (AGN) subclasses. The best E1 correlation space that we could identify involved measures of (1) equivalent width (EW) of the Fe ii λ4570 blend (defined as the ratio $R_{\rm Fe\,{\textsc {ii}}}$ = W(Fe ii λ4570)/W(Hβ)) and (2) FWHM(Hβ). These were supplemented with (3) the soft X-ray photon index, Γsoft, and the centroid line shift of high-ionization C iv λ1549. Figure 7 of Sulentic et al. (2000) shows two-dimensional projections of this four-dimensional E1 (4DE1) space: FWHM(Hβ) versus $R_{\rm Fe\,{\textsc {ii}}}$, Γsoft versus $R_{\rm Fe\,{\textsc {ii}}}$, and FWHM(Hβ) versus Γsoft. They supplemented the BG92 RL sample with an additional 18 sources (with comparable signal-to-noise (S/N) spectra) taken from Marziani et al. (1996), who reported W(Fe ii) measures over the range 4240–5850 Å. The range 4240–5850 Å Fe ii flux was divided by a factor ≈3.3 in order to obtain the flux in the range 4434–4684 Å that was used by BG92 (both works relied on the same Fe ii template based on I Zw 1). Sulentic et al. (2000) separated various subclasses of AGNs into two populations: Populations A and B (Pops. A and B) separated at FWHM(Hβ) = 4000 km s−1. Physical drivers for the correlation were discussed in, e.g., Marziani et al. (2003) with black hole mass and Eddington ratio L/LEdd (where LEdd = 1.5 × 1038(M/M) is the Eddington luminosity) identified as the principal drivers of change along the 4DE1 sequence. Black hole mass increases from Pop. A to Pop. B, while Eddington ratio decreases from Pop. A to Pop. B.

The division into two populations is, at least, useful for highlighting major differences among Type 1 AGNs, although spectral differences among objects within the same population are still noticeable, especially for Pop. A sources (Figure 2 of Sulentic et al. 2002). This is the reason why they also divided the 4DE1 optical plane into bins of ΔFWHM(Hβ) = 4000 km s−1 and $\Delta R_{\rm Fe\,{\textsc {ii}}}= 0.5$. Bins A1, A2, A3, and A4 are defined in terms of increasing $R_{\rm Fe\,{\textsc {ii}}}$, while bins B1, B1+, and B1++ are defined in terms of increasing FWHM(Hβ) (see Figure 1 of Sulentic et al. 2002). Sources belonging to the same spectral type show similar spectroscopic measures and physical parameters (e.g., line profiles and UV line ratios). Systematic changes are minimized within each spectral type so that an individual quasar can be taken as representative of all sources within a given spectral bin. The binning adopted in Sulentic et al. (2002) is valid for low-z (<0.7) quasars. At higher z an adjustment must be made since no sources with FWHM(Hβ) < 3500 km s−1 are found above redshift z ∼ 3 (Marziani et al. 2009).


In this study we choose two representative examples of extreme Pop. A objects that show prominent Al iii λ1860 and weak/absent C iii] λ1909 emission lines. The objects are the low-redshift (z = 0.06) NLSy1 prototype I Zw 1 and the much more distant (z = 3.23) SDSS J120144.36+011611.6, which appears to be a prototype of higher redshift NLSy1-like sources. Both are shown in Figure 1. Sources like I Zw 1 are found at intermediate to high redshifts. Interpreted as the youngest and highest accreting sources (Sulentic et al. 2000), we might well expect to find more of them at high z. SDSS J12014+0116 is a good example of a high-redshift, high-luminosity analog of I Zw 1 with broader lines (as can be seen in the right panels of Figure 2, where we show the line fits and can identify the broad component (BC) width of each object). In this paper, we shall use the acronym BC for this core or central component only. The spectrum of SDSS J12014+0116 shows lines that have FWHM(BC) ∼ 4000 km s−1, which is much broader than the nominal NLSy1 cutoff of 2000 km s−1 at low redshift. Emission-line ratios (such as Al iii λ1860/Si iii] λ1892 that can be derived from Table 2) and hence inferred physical conditions are very close to those inferred for I Zw 1. This extends to other properties such as strong iron emission and a large blue asymmetric/blueshifted component of C iv λ1549 (extreme Pop. A objects in Sulentic et al. 2007). Thus, the "NLSy1 definition" seems to be luminosity dependent (see also Netzer & Trakhtenbrot 2007; Marziani et al. 2009) in the sense that we can extend this definition to high-luminosity and high-redshift objects by extending the line width limit to 4000 km s−1 and leaving all other properties unchanged (Dultzin et al. 2011).

Figure 1.

Figure 1. Spectra of the two quasars in rest-frame wavelength. Upper panel: I Zw 1; lower panel: SDSS J1201+0116. Abscissa is rest frame in Å, ordinate is specific flux in the rest frame in units 10−13 erg s−1 cm−2 Å−1. For both objects, the solid line shows the adopted continuum. Dashed lines under and above are the extreme cases. The principal emission lines are labeled.

Standard image High-resolution image
Figure 2.

Figure 2. We show the fits to Si iv λ1397 (a doublet, here we show the sum, left), C iv λ1549 (middle), and λ1900 (right) spectral regions of I Zw 1 (top) and SDSS J12014+0116 (bottom). The lower panels show the residuals to the fits. Upper abscissa is rest-frame wavelength in Å, lower abscissa is in velocity units. Vertical dashed line is the rest frame for Si iv λ1397, C iv λ1549, and C iii] λ1909. The vertical scale is rest-frame specific flux in units of 10−15 erg s−1 cm−2 Å−1. The long-dashed purple lines are the fits. Solid black lines are the broad central components. Short-dashed green lines represent the Fe ii template emission. The dot-dashed blue line in Si iv λ1397 and in C iv λ1549 corresponds to the BLUE component. In I Zw 1, the dotted line is the contribution of O iv] λ1402, and the dashed gray line is the narrow component of C iv λ1549. For both objects the solid gray lines in C iv λ1549 represent the contribution of various underlying weaker emission lines. The major constituents of the λ1900 blend are Al iii λ1860 (we show the sum of this doublet), Si iii] λ1892, and Fe iii. The triple-dot-dashed orange line is the Fe iii template plus the Fe iii λ1914 emission line. See the text for details.

Standard image High-resolution image

A search in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) DR7 for quasars in the redshift range where both C iv λ1549 and the λ1900 blend are observed at optical wavelengths (2 ≲ z ≲ 3) yields more than 200 sources (out of 3000 candidates) with spectra resembling I Zw 1 on the basis of Al iii λ1860 emission-line strength (comparable to Si iii] λ1892). In practice, we performed automatic measurements of the spectra, measuring a rough approximation of the Al iii λ1860/Si iii] λ1892 intensity ratio. As approximate as these measurements are, they are nonetheless suitable for identifying strong Al iii λ1860 emitters. SDSS J12014+0116 is a prototype of these strong Al iii λ1860 emitters selected on the basis of moderate/high S/N.

In summary, at both low and high z, as well as at low and high luminosities, around 10% of quasars are I Zw 1-like (i.e., NLSy1 type) on the basis of their emission-line strengths. Particularly strong Al iii λ1860 emission is observed in SDSS J12014+0116 with almost the same intensity as Si iii] λ1892. It also shows weak C iii] λ1909 (discussed in Section 3.2.2). In this paper we limit and justify the application of our method to NLSy1s, which compose around 10% of quasars. In a forthcoming paper, we shall address the applicability of our method to broader line quasars of both Pops. A and B.


We retrieve the UV spectrum of I Zw 1 (upper panel of Figure 1), obtained with the Faint Object Spectrograph, from the Hubble Space Telescope archives.5 This instrument had a spectral resolution of about 1300 over the 1150–8500 Å range. The spectrum covers the range from 1150 to 3000 Å with S/N of ∼45 around 1900 Å. The SDSS J12014+0116 spectrum (lower panel of Figure 1) covers the rest-frame range from 1000 to 2100 Å with S/N of ∼30 around 1900 Å. This spectrum was taken from the SDSS DR7 site within the Legacy project.6 The spectroscopy in this project covers a wavelength range from 3800 to 9200 Å with spectral resolution of 1800–2200.

3.1. Methodological Considerations

In order to deblend and identify the principal lines, as well as to extract the core of the broad emission lines, we use the following previous results:

  • 1.  
    As mentioned above, Sulentic et al. (2002) divided Pop. A and B sources into bins according to FWHM Hβ and $R_{\rm Fe\,{\textsc {ii}}}$ measures. In 2010, Zamfir et al. computed median composite Hβ spectra for each of the bins and showed that the broad Hβ profiles in composite spectra of Pop. A sources are best fit by Lorentzian functions. In Pop. B objects, on the other hand, they are best described by Gaussian profiles (see also Marziani et al. 2010). This is an empirical result clearly shown in these works. Our sources are extreme Pop. A objects (bin A3), and thus we shall use Lorentzian profiles to model the BCs.
  • 2.  
    Marziani et al. (2010) analyze six sources (including I Zw 1) representative of the six most populated bins of Pops. A and B. They show that FWHM and profile shape of BCs of Si iii] λ1892, Al iii λ1860, and C iv λ1549 are similar to those of Hβ. We do not have an Hβ spectrum for SDSS J12014+0116 since there are no near-IR data for this object. However, for other high-z quasars, there are high-S/N IR spectra (Sulentic et al. 2004) that show NLSy1-like sources (defined in Section 2), with MB = −28 and FWHM(Hβ) as much as 2000 km s−1 broader than those with MB = −22. SDSS J12014+0116 shows MB = −29.8 with FWHM ∼ 4000 km s−1, while for I Zw 1 MB = −23.5 and FWHM ∼ 2000 km s−1. With larger samples at high redshift (e.g., Marziani et al. 2009) the result that the FWHM(Hβ) can be as high as 4000 km s−1 for NLSy1-like objects is confirmed. Following these results, we use a Lorentzian profile with the same width (FWHM ∼ 4000 km s−1 in SDSS J12014+0116 and FWHM ∼ 2000 km s−1 in I Zw 1) for all the BCs of the broad emission lines.
  • 3.  
    HIL C iv λ1549 profiles show significant differences between Pop. A and B sources. In Pop. A the peak of the line is often blueshifted and the profile blue asymmetric. We model this as a strongly blueshifted (≲ − 1000 km s−1) C iv λ1549 BC (hereafter labeled BLUE; Sulentic et al. 2007) plus an unshifted BC analogous to the one seen in Hβ. We assume that the profile of this blueshifted component is Gaussian as discussed in Marziani et al. (2010).
  • 4.  
    In Pop. A objects, low (Si ii λ1814) and intermediate (Al iii λ1860, Si iii] λ1892) ionization lines offer the simplification of showing only the BC associated with low-ionization emission (Marziani et al. 2010).

All the above results are taken into account for modeling the lines in this paper.

3.2. Measurements

After identifying the emission lines needed for our study, we isolate the broad central component in each of them using spectral decompositions as explained below. We need the line fluxes to obtain nH and U, the rest-frame specific flux at λ = 1700 Å to compute rBLR, and the FWHM of the BCs to estimate MBH. We use the specfitIRAF task (Kriss 1994), which enables us to fit the continuum, emission, and absorption line components, as well as Fe ii and Fe iii contributions. We work with emission lines in the spectral range 1400–2000 Å that have been studied in great detail in both high- and low-z quasars and where identification of prominent resonance and intercombination lines is well established.

The steps we followed to accomplish identification, deblending, and measurement of lines in each object were the following:

  • 1.  
    The continuum. We adopted a single power-law fit to describe it (Figure 1) using the continuum windows around 1700 and 1280 Å (see, e.g., Francis et al. 1991). Fe ii emission in these ranges is weak, leading us to assume that continuum measurement in those windows is reliable enough for our method (within the uncertainties, see Section 3.2.1).
  • 2.  
    BC line widths and shifts. We assume that a single value of FWHM (last column of Table 2) is adequate to fit the BCs of all lines. BC shifts of all lines are the same and consistent with the redshift reported in the table. Due to the fact that the C iii] λ1909 emission line is mostly emitted in a different region than the rest of the broad lines (see discussion in Section 3.2.2), we do not impose the same restriction on the FWHM of C iii] λ1909.
  • 3.  
    λ1900 blend. In Table 1 we summarize the properties of the strongest features expected that contribute to the λ1900 blend. Column 1 lists the ion. Column 2 lists rest-frame wavelength. Columns 3 and 4 list the ionization potential and energy levels of the transition, respectively. Column 5 gives the configuration of the levels for the transition. Columns 6 and 7 give the transition probabilities and critical densities, respectively. And in Column 8 we give some notes for each ion. Forbidden lines of Si and C are not expected to be significantly emitted in the BLR and will not be further considered.Fe iii lines are frequent and strong in the vicinity of C iii] λ1909 as seen in the SDSS template quasar spectrum (Vanden Berk et al. 2001). They appear to be strong when Al iii λ1860 is also strong (Hartig & Baldwin 1986). They are included in the photoionization simulations described below (Sigut et al. 2004). Lyα pumping enhances Fe iii λ1914.0 (UV 34; Johansson et al. 2000), and this line can be a major contributor to the blend on the red side of C iii] λ1909. The spectrum of I Zw 1 convincingly demonstrates this effect: both C iii] λ1909 and Fe iii λ1914 are needed to account for the double-peaked feature at 1910 Å that is too broad to be explained by a single line (Figure 2).7 We adopt the template (option B) of Vestergaard & Wilkes (2001) plus additional Fe iii λ1914, with the same profile as the other BC lines, for modeling Fe iii emission in our sources.Fe ii emission is not strong in the spectral range we studied, and the UV Fe ii template we adopt is based on a suitable cloudy simulation. Results on the λ1900 blend are not significantly affected by the assumed Fe ii contribution since it appears as a weak pseudo-continuum underlying the blend. We explore maximum and minimum contributions of Fe ii by placing the highest and lowest possible continua, as shown in Figure 1, and as explained below in Section 3.2.1. In Figure 2 we show the contribution of Fe ii. If we increase or decrease this contribution, we will see an intensity variation of the strength of the lines, with Si ii λ1814 being the most affected due its weakness (see error bands in Figure 6). We take into account these strength variations for the error estimations.Then, for both objects, we sequentially model Fe ii and Fe iii as preliminary steps. We anchor the Fe ii template to the 1785 Å feature in order to normalize it. We continue with the fit of the Si ii λ1814 and Al iii λ1860 emission lines, which are fairly unblended. The main challenge is therefore to deconvolve Si iii] λ1892, C iii] λ1909, and Fe iii λ1914, noting that we will use only the less blended line, Si iii] λ1892, for the eventual computation of diagnostic ratios.The next step is different for each object. The deblending of Si iii] λ1892, C iii] λ1909, and Fe iii λ1914 can be easily accomplished in the case of I Zw 1 because the lines are narrow. In the case of SDSS J12014+0116 the peak at λ1910 is consistent with Fe iii λ1914, indicating that Fe iii emission is dominating over C iii] λ1909. Thus, we first fit Si iii] λ1892 and Fe iii λ1914 to the observed peaks and the remaining part of the blend, as C iii] λ1909. We emphasize that in the λ1900 blend, the only two lines that are severely blended are C iii] λ1909 and Fe iii λ1914. This is more evident in the case of I Zw 1 because C iii] λ1909 and Fe iii have similar intensities. In the case of SDSS J12014+0116, C iii] λ1909 is much weaker than Fe iii λ1914 but still blended. We are not interested in the intensity of these two lines, but only in a confirmation that C iii] λ1909 is weak with respect to Si iii] λ1892. In Figure 3 we show that this is valid even for the highest possible contribution of C iii] λ1909. The residuals in Figures 2 and 3 reflect the noise. If we consider 1σ above and below zero, then we say that a line is weak when it is below 1σ. For example, in the lower right panel of Figure 2, C iii] λ1909 is below 1σ, while Si ii λ1814 is around 1.5σ.
  • 4.  
    λ1550 feature. As in the case of the previous blend, we need to keep in mind the complexity of this feature. In order to fit the HIL C iv λ1549, we have to take into account that it is decomposed into a Lorentzian BC with the same width and shifts of the intermediate-ionization lines plus a blueshifted residual (assumed to be Gaussian in the specfit procedure, discussed in Section 3.1). So, in both objects, we fit first the Fe ii template with the same intensity as in the λ1900 blend. Then we fit the BC, and looking at the residuals, we fit the BLUE component. Finally, we fit the underlying weaker emission lines N iv] λ1486, Si ii λ1533, and He ii λ1640, when visible. We assume that the latter line has two components (BC and BLUE) with the same shift and width as C iv λ1549. An equivalent approach has been successfully followed by several authors (Baldwin et al. 1996; Leighly & Moore 2004; Marziani et al. 2010; Wang et al. 2011).We need to point out that in the case of I Zw 1, we observed a narrow component (NC) with a width of ∼800 km s−1, close to the width of the BCs of the broad lines. The NC of C iv λ1549 is observed in several low-z quasars (also RL) and Seyfert 1 nuclei, as well as in type 2 quasars (Sulentic et al. 2007). Even if the line is collisionally excited (hence with an intensity proportional to the square of electron density), the larger volume of the narrow-line region (NLR, proportional to (RNLR/RBLR)3) and the absence of collisional quenching at a relatively low density (as in the case of the [O iii] λλ4959, 5007 lines) make it possible to expect a significant C iv λ1549 NC emission. We also observed that for I Zw 1, the NC of C iv λ1549 is blueshifted. This is also observed in other narrow lines (Marziani et al. 2010), in agreement with expectations for the NLR of the extreme NLSy1s. For example, [O iii] λλ4959, 5007 is blueshifted with respect to Hβ and to the systemic radial velocity of the host galaxy. In this way the analysis of the C iv λ1549 NC is fully consistent with the [O iii] λλ4959, 5007 and Hβ analysis.
  • 5.  
    λ1400 blend. This blend has been one of the most enigmatic features in quasar spectra (e.g., Wills & Netzer 1979). It is known that the Si iv λ1397 doublet is blended with O iv intercombination lines (Nussbaumer & Storey 1982). In our sources the λ1400 blend is very prominent, approximately 3–4× stronger relative to C iv λ1549 than in the SDSS composite quasar spectrum (Vanden Berk et al. 2001). This is consistent with the extreme metal enrichment we found in these sources (Section 6.1.1).

Table 1. Line Components in the λ1900 Blend

Ion λ X ElEu Transition Aki nc Note
  (Å) (eV) (eV)   (s−1) (cm−3)        
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)   (8)    
Si ii 1808.00 8.15 0.000–6.857 2Do3/22P1/2 2.54 × 106 ... 1      
Si ii 1816.92 8.15 0.036–6.859 2Do5/22P3/2 2.65 × 106 ... 1      
Al iii 1854.716 18.83 0.000–6.685 2Po3/22S1/2 5.40 × 108 ... 1      
Al iii 1862.790 18.83 0.000–6.656 2Po1/22S1/2 5.33 × 108 ... 1      
[Si iii] 1882.7 16.34 0.000–6.585 3Po21S0 0.012 6.4 × 104 1 2 3  
Si iii] 1892.03 16.34 0.000–6.553 3Po11S0 16700 2.1 × 1011 1 4 5  
[C iii] 1906.7 24.38 0.000–6.502 3Po21S0 0.0052 7.7 × 104 1 2 6  
C iii] 1908.734 24.38 0.000–6.495 3Po11S0 114 1.4 × 1010 1 2 4 5
Fe iii 1914.066 16.18 3.727–10.200 z7Po3a7S3 6.6 × 108 ... 7      

Notes. All wavelengths are in vacuum. (1) Ralchenko, Yu., Kramida, A. E., Reader, J., and NIST ASD Team (2008). NIST Atomic Spectra Database (version 3.1.5). Available at: (2) Feibelman & Aller (1987). (3) nc computed following Shaw & Dufour (1995). (4) Morton (1991). (5) Feldman (1992). (6) Zheng (1988). (7) Wavelength and Aki from Ekberg (1993), energy levels from Edlén & Swings (1942).

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We are able to obtain a reliable measurement of the Si iv λ1397 doublet, even when we cannot measure all the components of the λ1400 blend. Any O iv] λ1402 contribution to the BCs is expected to be negligible.8 We follow the same procedure to fit this blend as in the λ1550 blend. Note that the Si iv λ1397 low-ionization emission line shows a double-horned profile in I Zw 1 because of the large doublet separation and of the relatively narrow lines of this source. Since the peak at ≈1401 Å is somewhat broader than the peak of the individual component of Si iv λ1397, some O iv] λ1402 emission might be associated with the O iii] λ1663-emitting region. This is an additional, minority component that is needed to obtain a very good fit of the λ1400 blend.

In summary, the three following features were independently fitted (using specfit, see Figure 2):

The λ1400 blend (whose profile is very similar to the one of C iv λ1549), with BC of Si iv λ1397 (we fit the doublet with individual lines at 1402 and 1394 Å), and one blueshifted component accounting for the contribution of both Si iv λ1397 and O iv] λ1402 (+ semi-BC most probably associated with O iv] λ1402 in I Zw 1).

The λ1550 feature, with C iv λ1549 BC + BLUE + Fe ii + Si ii λ1531. We expect a contribution of He ii λ4686 with a profile similar to C iv λ1549. In SDSS J12014+0116 we can see He ii λ4686 BLUE.

The λ1900 blend considering Fe ii, Fe iii, Si ii λ1814, Al iii λ1860 (we fit the doublet with independent lines, at 1855 and 1862 Å; in Figure 2 we show only the sum), Si iii] λ1892, C iii] λ1909, and Fe iii λ1914. The latter line is assumed to be an independent additional line of unknown intensity and with the same profile as the other BCs.

All BCs of the broad emission lines are assumed to have the same width and shift, leaving only their intensity as free parameters. The HIL blends involve mainly only two components. As a result, the free parameters are reduced to the intensity of the BC lines (C iii] λ1909, Si iii] λ1892, Al iii λ1860, Si ii λ1814, C iv λ1549, and Si iv λ1397), the intensity of the Fe ii and Fe iii templates, and the width and flux of the Gaussian minor components under C iv λ1549 (N iv] λ1486, Si ii λ1533, He ii λ1640) and Si iv λ1397 (O iv] λ1402). Table 2 reports the fluxes of the BCs for intermediate- and high-ionization lines. Column 1 is the object name. Column 2 is the redshift; for I Zw 1 we adopted the one reported in Marziani et al. (2010), for the SDSS J12014+0116 object we use one reported in the SDSS database. Column 3 is the rest-frame specific flux at λ = 1700 Å. Columns 4–9 are the rest-frame line flux for the BCs only, and Column 10 is the FWHM of all the BCs.

Table 2. Measured Quantities

Object z fλ(1700 Å)a Si iv λ1397b C iv λ1549b Si ii λ1814b Al iii λ1860b Si iii] λ1892b C iii] λ1909b FWHMc
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
I Zw 1 0.0605 2.7+0.3 − 0.2 27.4+6.0 − 3.5 28.4+5.4 − 4.6 5.4+3.7 − 3.0 18.9+2.9 − 3.3 31.1+5.5 − 5.7 19.0+2.5 − 3.5 1050 ± 200
SDSS J1201+0116 3.2332 1.6 ± 0.2 14.3+2.6 − 3.2 15.5+4.3 − 2.5 5.5+3.0 − 3.2 11.9+2.4 − 2.3 12.7+2.4 − 1.8 2.6 +3.2 − 1.8 4000 ± 400

Notes. aRest-frame-specific continuum flux at 1700 Å in units of 10−14 erg s−1 cm−2 Å−1. bRest-frame line flux of the intermediate-ionization line BC and of the C iv λ1549 BC in units of 10−14 erg s−1 cm−2. cRest-frame FWHM of the intermediate-ionization line BC and of the C iv λ1549 BC in units of km s−1.

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3.2.1. Uncertainties

The main sources of uncertainties in the measurements are the following:

Fe ii intensity (continuum placement). Broad Fe ii emission can produce a pseudo-continuum affecting our estimates of emission-line intensities. Si ii λ1814 is especially affected in our spectra because it is weak (Figure 1). The effect is less noticeable for C iv λ1549 and Si iv λ1397, since the expected Fe ii emission underlying those lines is weak. The placement of this pseudo-continuum also affects the determination of rBLR, for which we use the continuum flux measured at λ = 1700 Å (see Column 3 of Table 2 and Equation (8)).

Fe iii intensity. These multiplets affect mainly the intensity of the C iii] λ1909 emission line. We measured the maximum and minimum possible contributions of C iii] λ1909 depending on the intensity of Fe iii λ1914. The contribution of C iii] λ1909 has no considerable effect to the intensity of Si iii] λ1892 even in the case where Fe iii λ1914 is maximum. This is important for the case of the SDSS object. In order to reproduce the observed λ1900 blend, if we increase the intensity of the C iii] λ1909 emission line, the intensity of Fe iii λ1914 necessarily has to decrease and vice versa. As a result, Si iii] λ1892 is not really affected by these variations, and the line intensity of Si iii] λ1892 is affected only by about ∼10%, which is within the uncertainties, as shown in Table 2. In the lower right panel of Figure 2 and in Figure 3 we show the maximum and minimum contributions of C iii] λ1909 and Fe iii λ1914.

BLUE component. In the case of the C iv λ1549 and Si iv λ1397 emission lines, the main source of error is the contribution of the BLUE component on the blue side of the central component. To a less extent, we may have a BLUE component contribution of He ii λ4686 on the red side of C iv λ1549. In the previous section we describe how we deal with these contributions.

FWHM. When we run the specfit routine, we set the same FWHM for all the BCs of the broad emission lines. However, the routine introduces slight fluctuations around this initial value in order to obtain the best fit. When we vary the placement of the continuum, the FWHM determination is also affected. This source of error is reflected in the computation of the MBH.

3.2.2. C iii] λ1909 Emission

One must work carefully with the λ1900 blend because of the close proximity of the C iii] λ1909, Fe iii λ1914, and Si iii] λ1892 emission lines. Both of our targets are extreme Pop. A sources, and one characteristic of this extreme population is that C iii] λ1909 is weak or even absent (Figure 2). Extreme Pop. A sources show the lowest C iii] λ1909/Si iii] λ1892 ratio among all quasars in the E1 sequence (Bachev et al. 2004). We can see this effect in the upper right panel of Figure 2, where we show the λ1900 blend for I Zw 1. The resolution is good enough to separate the peaks of Fe iii λ1914 and C iii] λ1909. After fitting the Fe iii template (including the Fe iii λ1914 line), we see that in order to fit the observed spectrum the intensity of the C iii] λ1909 line turns out to be comparable to Fe iii λ1914. In the right lower panel, for the SDSS J12014+0116 object, the spectrum is noisier and the peaks of the lines of C iii] λ1909 and Fe iii λ1914 are not clearly seen. However, the observed peak is at the position of Fe iii λ1914, and if we follow the same procedure to fit the Fe iii template in order to deconvolve the blend, it turns out that the contribution of the C iii] λ1909 emission line is practically insignificant. To estimate an upper limit to the C iii] λ1909 line, we remove Fe iii λ1914 (Figure 3). This estimate is C iii] λ1909 ≈ 0.5 Si iii] λ1892 for the SDSS J12014+0116 object, but the fit is poor on the red side of the blend, leaving a large residual. In order to minimize the residual, we added the maximum possible contribution of C iii] λ1909 emission line (Figure 3). We can safely conclude that C iii] λ1909/Si iii] λ1892 < 0.5 in this object. C iii] λ1909 emission line in I Zw 1 is about ≈0.6 Si iii] λ1892. The very dense region emitting the LILs should produce no C iii] λ1909 line because it is collisionally quenched; thus, any emission from this line should arise in a different region.

Figure 3.

Figure 3. Fits to the λ1900 blend of SDSS J12014+0116. In contrast to the lower right panel of Figure 2, here we show the maximum contribution of the C iii] λ1909 line, when the Fe iii λ1914 emission line is absent. The triple-dot-dashed orange line is the Fe iii template only. Units and symbols are the same as in Figure 2. See the text for details.

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Available reverberation mapping results suggest that C iii] λ1909 line is mainly emitted farther out from the central continuum source than some LILs and HILs. The results of reverberation mapping analysis are limited to a handful of low-luminosity objects and cannot be generalized in a straightforward way. However, in these low-luminosity objects C iii] λ1909 line responds to continuum changes on timescales much longer than C iv λ1549 and other HILs. This result comes from the analysis of total C iii] λ1909 + Si iii] λ1892 in NGC 3783 (Onken & Peterson 2002) and from the C iii] λ1909 of NGC 4151 (Metzroth et al. 2006) and NGC 5548. It is intriguing that the C iii] λ1909 cross-correlation delay in NGC 5548 (by far the best-studied object) is even larger than that of Hβ (32 ld versus 20 lt-day; Peterson et al. 2002; Clavel et al. 1991). For fixed density, lines of higher ionization form at higher photon flux. The C++, Al++, and Si++ ionization potentials are 24, 18, and 16 eV, respectively. These comparable ionization potentials are well below the one of HILs, Xi − 1 ≳ 50 eV. However, the much lower C iii] λ1909 critical density implies that the C iii] λ1909 line should be formed farther out than Si iii] λ1892 and Al iii λ1860 if all these lines are produced under similar ionization conditions.

We also want to point out that there are plausible physical scenarios that can give rise to C iii] λ1909 in a shielded, non-uniform environment where there gas has a range of densities at similar ionization parameter (i.e., the less dense gas is somehow shielded; Maiolino et al. 2010). Since we are considering profiles integrated over the whole unresolved emitting region, the relevant question is, however, how much will the C iii] λ1909-emitting regions contribute to the lines we are considering? The strongest C iii] λ1909 emitters along the E1 sequence (spectral type A1) typically show C iii] λ1909/Si iii] λ1892 ≈ 2.5. Kuraszkiewicz et al. (2004) more typically found C iii] λ1909/Si iii] λ1892 ≈ 5. The results of the fits indicate that C iii] λ1909 emission is very weak with respect to Si iii] λ1892 in our spectra. We obtain C iii] λ1909/Si iii] λ1892 ≈ 0.6 for I Zw 1 and C iii] λ1909/Si iii] λ1892 ≈ 0.2 for SDSS J12014+0116. Therefore, the results of our procedure (described in Section 3.2) will not be significantly affected. If the ionization parameter is log U ≲ −2.5, there will be modest HIL emission. Other intermediate-ionization lines will be little affected. The results of the fits indicate that C iii] λ1909 emission is low. We therefore neglect the effect of any C iii] λ1909-emitting gas on the intermediate- and high-ionization lines.


4.1. Definition

Our method for estimating nH and U involves several line ratios. We discuss the product nH · U in the following sections, and in Section 6.2 we use it to compute rBLR. We define three groups of diagnostic ratios, which should define density, ionization parameter, and metallicity for a given continuum shape and geometry.

Line ratios such as Al iii λ1860/Si iii] λ1892 are useful diagnostics over a range of density that depends on their transition probabilities. Emission lines originating from forbidden or semi-forbidden transitions become collisionally quenched above the critical density and therefore relatively weaker than lines for which collisional effects are still negligible. The Al iii λ1860/Si iii] λ1892 ratio is well suited to sample the density range 1011–1013 cm−3. This corresponds to the densest emitting regions likely associated with production of LILs like the Ca ii IR triplet (Matsuoka et al. 2008) and Fe ii (Baldwin et al. 2004).

The ratios Si ii λ1814/Si iii] λ1892 and Si iv λ1397/Si iii] λ1892 are sensitive to ionization but roughly independent of metallicity since the lines come from different ionic species of the same element. Metallicity influences thermal and ionization conditions that in turn affect these ratios. The effect is, however, second order: cloudy simulation sets for different Z indicate that, for a fivefold increase in metal content, the ratio Si iv λ1397/Si iii] λ1892 changes from ≈0.5 to 0.6.

The ratio Si iv λ1397/C iv λ1549 is mainly sensitive to the relative abundances of C and Si. The reason is that the ground and excited energy levels of these ions are very similar (the ionization potentials are close: 33.5 and 48 eV for creation of Si+3 and C+3, respectively). This implies that the dependence on continuum shape and electron temperature of the ratio of these two resonance lines is small (see also Simon & Hamann 2010).

4.2. Interpretation

In order to illustrate how we employ cloudy simulations to estimate where the bulk of the line emission arises, we refer to Figure 4. The left panel shows the ionic fraction as a function of geometrical depth in a slab (within a single BLR cloud) for which we choose a fixed column density9 (Nc = 1025 cm−2) and density (nH = 1012.5 cm−2) exposed to a "standard" quasar continuum (the parameterization of Mathews & Ferland 1987). It is customary to consider this parameterization as standard for the ionizing continuum. However, that parameterization has been sometimes criticized and is not unique, so that we also consider as an alternative the ionizing continuum parameterization of Laor et al. (1997b). In this work, we use the term "typical continuum" to designate the average of the two, with the two continua providing two extrema in number of ionizing photons expected at a specific flux measured on the non-ionizing part of the continuum. The "typical continuum" is the one used for our computation of rBLR (see Section 6.2).

Figure 4.

Figure 4. We show the result of cloudy simulations for the behavior of the emission lines in a gas slab. Left: ionic fractions as a function of the logarithm of geometric depth h in a gas slab. Plotted ionic stages (H+, thick solid black; Si+2, solid red; Al+2, solid blue; Fe+, solid black; Si+, dashed red; Fe+2, dashed black; C+3, thick gray; Si+3, dotted red) are the ones relevant to the emission lines considered in this paper. Right: local line emissivity per unit volume in units of erg s−1 cm−3 multiplied by depth h in cm as a function of the logarithm of h for Si iv λ1397 (red dotted), C iv λ1549 (thick gray), Si ii λ1814 (dashed red), Al iii λ1860 (solid blue), Si iii] λ1892 (solid red), C iii] λ1909 (thick dashed gray), Hβ (thick black). The continuum photons enter from left. The partially ionized zone (PIZ) is on the right side of the dot-dashed line. Ionic fraction and emissivity are calculated through a dedicated cloudy simulation extending up to Nc= 1025 cm−2.

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Computing simulations at fixed nH and U values allows us to study how these parameters influence the diagnostic ratios we have defined. We make no assumptions about the geometry or kinematics of the BLR. The slab of gas (i.e., a single cloud) might as well involve magnetically confined clouds (Rees et al. 1989) or individual elements in an accretion disk atmosphere—provided that photoionization is the only heating mechanism.

Al++, Fe++, and Si++ are intermediate-ionization lines sharing a region of dominance deep within a cloud—where the HILs also arise. It is therefore appropriate to consider intermediate-ionization line ratios between geometric depths h ∼ 106–108 cm (right panel of Figure 4). We prefer to show the product of the local line emissivity times the depth within the slab since the total line intensity is proportional to ∫epsilon(h)dh (in the absence of radiation transfer effects, i.e., in a cloud where lines are optically thin), and hence the product epsilon(h) · h gives a better idea of the total line emission at a distance h than simply showing epsilon(h) versus h. Figure 4 shows that C iii] λ1909 emission is expected to be orders of magnitude lower than the other lines and therefore likely undetectable.

Once we have ascertained that the computed line ratios are physically consistent (i.e., all refer to a single emitting region except the ones involving Si ii λ1814, whose intensity is significantly affected by a partially ionized zone (PIZ) emission), a multidimensional grid of cloudy simulations is needed to derive estimates for U, nH, and metallicity from the spectral measurements (Ferland et al. 1998; Korista et al. 1997). cloudy computes population levels of the relevant ionic stages of Si, C, Al, and especially for lines emitted in the fully ionized part of a gas slab (Figure 4). Also, cloudy is expected to be especially good for predicting intermediate- and high-ionization line fluxes that are produced in the fully ionized region within the gas slab. LILs are produced in the PIZ by photoionization of hydrogen—primarily by soft X-ray photons. Since these X-ray photons create suprathermal electrons and have a relatively low cross section for photoionization, the heating processes in the PIZ are inherently non-local, making the mean escape probability formalism used by cloudy to treat radiation transfer a very rough approximation.

New simulations were needed since cloudy has undergone steady and significant improvements since the time of Korista et al. (1997). The most relevant improvement is the addition of more ionic species in the simulations, with a 371-level of the Fe+ ion. This will make computation of equilibrium conditions more realistic even if, in the end, we expect that predictions of line intensity ratios will not be dramatically affected: iron is singly ionized only in the PIZ (Figure 4, left panel). Other relevant improvement for our study is the post-Korista et al. (1997) update of the transition probability for Si ii λ1814 following Callegari & Trigueiros (1998) that changes the intensity of the line by a factor of ∼2 in the high-density regime of the BLR. We present the results of our simulations in Figure 5. Our results are not inconsistent with those obtained by Korista et al. (1997), for the same ranges of density and ionizing parameter: the overall behavior in the plane (U, nH) of their Figure 3 is qualitatively consistent with the one derived from our simulations.

Figure 5.

Figure 5. Isocontours of the cloudy simulations of the line ratios (a) log (Al iii λ1860/Si iii] λ1892), (b) log (Si ii λ1814/Si iii] λ1892), (c) log (Si iv λ1397/Si iii] λ1892), (d) log (C iv λ1549/Al iii λ1860), (e) log (C iv λ1549/Si iii] λ1892), and (f) log (Si iv λ1397/C iv λ1549). We use a standard value of Nc = 1023 and solar metallicity. Abscissa is hydrogen density in cm−3, ordinate is the ionization parameter, both in logarithm scale.

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Simulations assume (1) pure photoionization (see also Section 6.1) and (2) spherical symmetry in continuum emission, i.e., that the ionizing continuum incident on a slab of gas of fixed density is similar to the observed continuum (see Section 6.2.1 for caveats concerning this assumption).

The ionization state of the gas will be mainly defined by the ionization parameter:

Equation (1)

where Lν is the specific luminosity per unit frequency, h is the Planck constant, ν0 is the Rydberg frequency, nH is the hydrogen density, c is the speed of light, and r is the distance between the central source of ionizing radiation and the line-emitting region.

Simulations span the density range 7.00 ⩽ log nH ⩽ 14.00 and −4.50 ⩽ log U ⩽ 00.00, in intervals of 0.25 assuming plane-parallel geometry. We assume the standard value of Nc = 1023 cm−2 (Netzer & Marziani 2010, and references therein). In Figure 5 we show the isocontours for the ratios Al iii λ1860/Si iii] λ1892, Si ii λ1814/Si iii] λ1892, Si iv λ1397/Si iii] λ1892, C iv λ1549/Al iii λ1860, C iv λ1549/Si iii] λ1892, and Si iv λ1397/C iv λ1549 derived from cloudy simulations, for solar metallicity and "standard" quasar continuum, as parameterized by Mathews & Ferland (1987, see above). We considered three chemical compositions: (1) solar metallicity; (2) constant abundance ratio Al:Si:C with Z = 5 Z; (3) an overabundance of Si and Al with respect to carbon by a factor of three, again with Z = 5 Z (5 ZSiAl). This last condition comes from the yields listed for Type II supernovae (Woosley & Weaver 1995). The Si overabundance is also supported by the chemical composition of the gas returned to the interstellar medium by an evolved population with a top-loaded initial mass function (IMF) simulated using starburst99 (Leitherer et al. 1999). The abundance of Al is assumed to scale with the one of Si (see also Section 6.1 on this assumption).


5.1. Density and Ionization Parameter

In this section, we compute the ratios analyzed above from the flux values and estimate the physical parameters nH and U of the BLR, for I Zw 1 and SDSS J12014+0116. We derived these values from the emission-line measurements, reported in Table 2, and the cloudy simulations of Figure 5. Asymmetric errors due to the uncertainties described in Section 3.2.1 have been quadratically propagated following Barlow (2003, 2004).

In the left panels of Figure 6 we show the same nH versus U plane as in Figure 5 (in right panels, we use the 5 ZSiAl simulation defined above). We choose only one isocontour for each ratio, and it is the one that corresponds to the measured value. There is a convergence of the contour lines defined by several crossing points of the contour of the Al iii λ1860/Si iii] λ1892 ratio versus the contour of the other five ratios. This convergence defines the nH and U values that point toward a low ionization plus high-density range. We use the average value of all of the crossing points to define a single nH · U value, which is used to compute the rBLR and the MBH (Section 6.2).

Figure 6.

Figure 6. Isocontours for I Zw 1 (top) and SDSS J12014+0116 (bottom). We select the contours of the cloudy simulations from Figure 5, which correspond to the measured line ratio from the observed spectra (Table 2). The left panels refer to the case of solar metallicity, the right ones to the case of five times solar plus an overabundance of Si and Al with respect to carbon by a factor of three, described in Section 4.2 (5 ZSiAl). Each arrow points toward the point of convergence that defines the most likely value of U and nH. The bands are the uncertainty bands of the ratios (except for Si iv λ1397/C iv λ1549). Note that the Si iv λ1397/C iv λ1549 ratio is not a useful constraint in the 5 ZSiAl case, since it varies little in a wide area around the intersection point in the (nH, U) plane.

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The uncertainties associated with a line ratio, R, broaden the lines defined by constant R to a band limited by the ratios R ± δR. In Figure 6, we show them with bands. The largest of all uncertainties is related to Si ii λ1814. This is the weakest line that we use, and thus it is the line most strongly affected by the continuum placement. The value of Si ii λ1814 intensity is probably underestimated, and if it were higher, the crossing point of Al iii λ1860/Si iii] λ1892 versus Si ii λ1814/Si iii] λ1892 would be closer to the other crossing points, marked by an arrow in Figure 6. We also stress that Si ii λ1814 is the only LIL considered in this study, and its formation is sensitive to the assumed X-ray continuum and other LIL formation issues (Dumont & Mathez 1981; Baldwin et al. 1996).

The discrepancy in the intersection point of diagnostic ratios in the plane (nH, U) is significant for the Si iv λ1397/C iv λ1549 ratio that depends mainly on the Si abundance relative to C. The λ1400/C iv λ1549 intensity ratio has been used as a metallicity indicator also by other authors (Juarez et al. 2009; Simon & Hamann 2010). The discrepancy is less but still significant for the case when we consider the 5 ZSiAl case. For this reason, we do not consider this ratio in the computation of the product of density and ionization parameter.

In similar plots made for Z = 5 ZSiAl (right panels of Figure 6), the agreement of all the crossing points improves: the isocontour lines converge toward a better defined crossing point.

The high-metallicity case 5 ZSiAl indicates higher U and smaller nH with respect to the case of solar abundances, if emission-line ratios involving C iv λ1549 are considered. This reflects the increase in abundance of Si and Al relative to C with respect to solar: Si and Al lines appear stronger with respect to the C iv λ1549 line because the elements Si and Al are more abundant, and not because a lower ionization level enhances Si ii λ1814, Si iii] λ1892, and Al iii λ1860 emission with respect to C iv λ1549.

In the case of SDSS J1201+0116 we can see from Table 3 that the density is even higher than for I Zw 1, suggesting that Si iii] λ1892 is collisionally quenched to make possible a rather high Al iii λ1860/Si iii] λ1892 ratio, ≈1. The line intensity of Si iii] λ1892 is thus the result of the physical conditions of the emitting region, and in fact we measure a relatively low line intensity. The ratio Al iii λ1860/Si iii] λ1892 has a value of 0.6 for I Zw 1.

Table 3. Derived Quantities

Object log nHa log U log (nHU) log rBLRb log MBHc log MBH(VP06)d
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
I Zw 1 12.00+0.32 − 0.23 −2.65+0.21 − 0.11 9.35+0.33 − 0.23 17.30+0.17 − 0.12 7.30+0.23 − 0.19 6.70
SDSS J1201+0116 12.63+0.28 − 0.24 −2.79+0.12 − 0.06 9.84+0.28 − 0.23 18.31+0.14 − 0.12 9.39+0.17 − 0.15 9.29

Notes. anH in units of cm−3. brBLR in units of cm. cMBH in units of M computed with the FWHM values of Table 2. dMBH ±0.66 dex at a 2σ confidence level, in units of M computed following Vestergaard & Peterson (2006), and input parameters reported in note (b). See the text for details.

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5.2. The Product (UnH)

The products (nH · U) derived from Figure 6 and reported in Table 3 are marginally different for the two sources. It is intriguing, however, that while the values of nH and U taken separately depend significantly on metallicity, their product shows a weaker dependence: for Z = 1 Z, we obtain log (nH · U) ≈ 9.4 for I Zw 1 and 9.8 for SDSS J1201+0116. Similar results also seem to hold for a larger sample, including the objects monitored for reverberation mapping (Negrete 2011).

We also note that the log (nH · U) values are very close to the results of several independent, previous studies summarized in Table 4.

Table 4. Results from Previous Studies

Reference log nH log U log (nHU) Line
Matsuoka et al. (2008) 12. −2.5 to −2.0 9.5–10 Ca IR triplet
Sigut & Pradhan (2003) 11.6 −2.0 9.6 Their model B for Fe ii
Padovani & Rafanelli (1988) ... ... 9.8 ± 0.3 Hβ
Baldwin et al. (1996) 12.7 −2.5 ∼10.2 λ1900 blend

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Baldwin et al. (1996) presented a similar analysis. Their Figure 2 organizes spectra in a sequence that is roughly corresponding to E1, going from Al iii λ1860-strong sources to objects whose spectra show prominent C iii] λ1909 along with weak Al iii λ1860 (Bachev et al. 2004). The line components they isolated correspond to the ones we consider in this paper: a blueshifted feature, and a more symmetric, unshifted, and relatively NC that we call LIL-BC. They derive log nH ≈ 12.7 and log U ≈ −2.5. A somewhat lower density and higher ionization are indicated to optimize Fe ii emission, while the Ca ii IR triplet requires conditions that are very similar to the ones derived from the intermediate-ionization lines.

We are not claiming that there is a single region that is able to account for all broad lines in all AGNs. However, a low-ionization, high-density region can account for Fe ii, Ca ii, and the intermediate-ionization line emission. This region is dominating the BC of emission lines (save weak C iii] λ1909) in the objects considered in this paper but apparently becomes less relevant along the E1 sequence (Marziani et al. 2010). The properties of the emitting BLR seem to be remarkably stable, keeping an almost constant log (nH · U) (also seen in previous work, e.g., Wandel et al. 1999; Baldwin et al. 1995). The issue is therefore whether we can apply the physical conditions (nH and U) we deduce to derive information of rBLR and MBH.


6.1. Alternative Interpretations

In this section we discuss other possible scenarios considering the influence of other sources of heating, besides photoionization. We again remark that, on the basis of the analysis of Section 3, the use of intermediate- and high-ionization lines takes advantage of the most robust results of photoionization computations for AGNs. The complex issue of LIL formation is mostly avoided since we do not rely on the PIZ, whose physical properties may not be adequately modeled. Nonetheless, results on density stem mainly from the Al iii λ1860 line being overstrong with respect to Si iii] λ1892. The observed Al iii λ1860/Si iii] λ1892 line ratio is inconsistent with density ∼1011 cm−3 that would make some C iii] λ1909 emission possible. Low ionization is inferred from the intrinsic weakness of C iv λ1549 in these Pop. A sources with respect to C iv λ1549 that is observed in Pop. B objects (Sulentic et al. 2007).

While there is little doubt about the identification of the Al iii λ1860 line doublet (a resonance line with large transition probability; in several NLSy1s the doublet is resolved with ratio ∼1–1.2, suggesting large optical depth), this line could be enhanced with respect to Si iii] λ1892 by some special mechanism. We can conceive two ways of increasing Al iii λ1860 with respect to Si iii] λ1892: (1) a selective enhancement of the Al abundance with respect to Si or (2) collisional ionization due to a heating mechanism different from photoionization.

6.1.1. Anomalous Chemical Composition

Evidence based on the strength of the N v λ1240 line relative to the C iv λ1549 and He ii λ1640 lines indicates that chemical abundances may be 5–10 times solar (Dhanda et al. 2007) in high-redshift quasars, with Z ≈ 5 Z reputed typical of high-z quasars (Ferland et al. 1996). The [Si/C] enhancement (over solar) is supported by both starburst 99 simulations (Leitherer et al. 1999) and supernova yields (Woosley & Weaver 1995).

The production factors for progenitors reported by Woosley & Weaver (1995) indicate that there should be little [Al/C] enhancement for 11–20 M supernova progenitors of solar metallicity of Z. Massive progenitors are needed to raise the [Al/C] enrichment as they are the most efficient producers of aluminum. We integrate the production factors over a top-loaded mass function Φ(M)∝Mx. If x = 1.3 (for M ⩽ 8 M, a value held canonical for the IMF of young star-forming systems), we obtain production factor ratios of ≈3.0 and ≈2.5 for aluminum over carbon and silicon over carbon, respectively. We also try changing the high-mass end of the IMF. With x = 2.1, we obtain a factor of two enhancement for both aluminum and silicon. With x = 1.1, we obtain a significantly larger enhancement in aluminum than in silicon over carbon, with production factor ratios ≈3.5 and ≈2.7. This condition is, however, rather extreme and the change in enrichment is rather small and will not affect significantly our diagnostic ratios.

The observed values are more consistent with the assumption of a starburst. A factor of ≈3 enhancement of Si and Al over C indicates that BLR is made of gas whose chemical composition might reflect the enrichment due to a "young" starburst (≲ few 107 yr): a starburst 99 simulation indicates that ejecta from a stellar system formed in an instantaneous burst should be enriched in Si in between 2 × 107 and 4 × 107 yr.

6.1.2. Mechanical Heating and Fe ii Emission

NLSy1s of spectral types A3 and A4 are the sources for which pure photoionization models are deficient as far as the prominence of Fe ii emission is concerned (Joly et al. 2008). Since Al iii λ1860 prominence correlates with Fe ii prominence along the E1 sequence, there might be a mechanical heating contribution to the thermal and ionization balance that is often invoked to explain Fe ii emission (Collin & Joly 2000; Baldwin et al. 2004). This second possibility reopens the issue of LIL formation, which is too complex to be discussed in the present paper.

We can consider whether gas in collisional equilibrium at a fixed electron temperature could give rise to a spectrum accounting for the strong Fe ii λ4570 and Al iii λ1860 emission lines, as well as the line ratio Si iii] λ1892/C iii] λ1909 ≈ 2 as observed in I Zw 1. We cannot ignore, however, that Balmer-line-emitting gas appears to be pre-eminently photoionized, also in NLSy1 objects, as convincingly demonstrated by several reverberation mapping campaigns, and that the width of Fe ii is consistent with the width of the Hβ rms spectrum (Sulentic et al. 2006a). Continuity arguments along the E1 sequence and monitoring studies indicate that photoionization cannot be fully dismissed. Also, I Zw 1 is among the strongest emitter along the E1 "main sequence" of Sulentic et al. (2000), but not an ultrastrong Fe ii emitter as defined by Lipari et al. (1993). Ultrastrong Fe ii emitters are outliers in the E1 optical plane (Sulentic et al. 2006b), and often ultra-luminous IR galaxies and extreme broad absorption line sources. It is legitimate to suspect very different physical conditions in that case.

There is convincing evidence that Fe ii is responding to continuum changes, although measurements are very difficult and the response of Fe ii might be more erratic than Hβ (Vestergaard & Peterson 2005; Peterson 2011). PG 1700 + 518 is a strong Fe ii emitter, and monitoring of Fe iiopt indicates a response on a timescale consistent with the one obtained for Hβ (Bian et al. 2010; Peterson et al. 2004; note that Bian et al. 2010 are not able to derive a reverberation radius for Hβ, unlike previous monitoring campaigns). On the converse Akn 120, a source with significant Fe ii (Marziani et al. 1992; Korista 1992) shows a response that may be consistent with a region more distant than the one of Hβ, or with a region that is not photoionized (Kuehn et al. 2008). A recent work suggests that the large range of observed $R_{\rm Fe\,{\textsc {ii}}}$ values can be explained by photoionization, if the variation of iron abundance in dusty gas is taken into account (Shields et al. 2010).

The (nH, U) solution we find falls below the ionization level that maximizes Fe ii λ4570 emission. Adopting the suggestion of S. Collin and Collaborators (e.g., Joly 1987), a simulation computed in the case of a very weak photoionizing continuum and dominance of collisional ionization at T = 7000 K would enhance the $R_{\rm Fe\,{\textsc {ii}}}$ ratio to levels even in excess of the one observed, leaving, however, unaffected the intermediate- and high-ionization lines (since there are few electrons with energies sufficient to ionize their parent ionic species).

A system dominated by collisions at a fixed, single temperature higher than ≈10, 000 K would yield contradictory results. For example, a collisional equilibrium solution at T = 20, 000 K and log nH = 10 would imply $R_{\rm Fe\,{\textsc {ii}}}$ exceeding by a factor of two the observed value. Ratios involving the Al iii λ1860, Si iii] λ1892, and Si iv λ1397 emission lines would be consistent with the observed ones, but the solution overpredicts the intensity of intermediate-ionization emission lines by a factor of ∼100, with little C iii] λ1909 and no C iv λ1549. If any such region exists, it must contribute little to Ca ii and Fe ii emission. Another paradox of this case would be that Si iv λ1397 and C iv λ1549 require different T to account for their intensity ratio. Reverberation mapping of Seyfert nuclei indicates, however, that the two lines are most close in response times (Korista et al. 1995; Wanders et al. 1997), which is thus inconsistent with a different temperature of the emission-line gas.

If the only and dominant source of ionization were mechanical deposition of energy due to shocks and/or friction (shear), our analysis based on photoionization would not be valid. Clearly, an ad hoc solution can be found invoking a range of temperatures. However, considering the low EW of all lines in the sources of this paper, and the continuity with the other sources in the E1 sequence, we conclude that there is no convincing evidence that shocks are dominating the emission of HIL and intermediate-ionization lines. An additional heating source might significantly affect only the low-T PIZ, where most Fe ii is emitted (Collin & Joly 2000).

6.2. Implications

In Section 5 we estimate the product nH · U, and now we can compute the distance of the BLR (rBLR) from the central continuum source and the black hole mass (MBH). They are key parameters that allow us to better understand gas dynamics in the emitting region, as well as quasar phenomenology and evolution. The dependence of U on rBLR was used to derive black hole masses assuming a plausible average value of the product nH · U. We also use FWHM(HβBC) under the assumption that the BC arises from a virialized medium (Padovani et al. 1990; Wandel et al. 1999). Equation (1) can be rewritten as

Equation (2)

and also as

Equation (3)

where dC is the total line-of-sight comoving distance (Hogg & Fruchter 1999):

Equation (4)

where we adopt the Hubble constant H0 = 70 km s−1 Mpc−1. The function ζ has been interpolated as a function of redshift:

Equation (5)

with ΩM = 0.3 and $\Omega _\Lambda = 0.7$, given by Sulentic et al. (2006b).

In Equation (3), we transformed the integral from units of frequency to wavelength and rewrote the expression for rBLR in terms of the rest-frame specific flux fλ that can be easily derived from the observed flux, namely,

Equation (6)

with dL the luminosity distance that is related to dC by the formula dL = dC(1 + z).

Note that

Equation (7)

where λ0 = 1700 Å. $\tilde{Q}_{{\rm H}}$ depends on the shape of the ionizing continuum for a given specific flux with the integral carried out from the Lyman limit to the shortest wavelengths. We use $\tilde{s}_\lambda$ to define the spectral energy distribution (SED) following Mathews & Ferland (1987) and Laor et al. (1997a) conveniently parameterized as a set of broken power laws. $\tilde{Q}_{\rm H}$ is ≈0.00963 cm Å in the case of the Laor et al. (1997a) continuum and ≈0.02181 cm Å for Mathews & Ferland (1987). We use an average value because the two SEDs give a small difference in estimated number of ionizing photons (see below).

Expressing rBLR in units of lt-day, and scaling the variables to convenient units, Equation (3) becomes

Equation (8)

In this equation, $f_{\lambda _0,-15}$ is the specific rest-frame flux (measured on the spectra) in units of 10−15 erg s1 cm−2 Å−1, and $\tilde{Q}_{{\rm H},0.01}$ is normalized to 10−2 cm Å. The product nHU is normalized to 1010 cm−3, ζ(z, 0.3, 0.7) is derived from Equation (5), and rBLR is now expressed in units of lt-day.

Knowing rBLR, we can calculate the MBH assuming virial motions of the gas

Equation (9)


Equation (10)

with the geometry term f ≈ 0.75, corresponding to f0.75 ≈ 1.0 (Graham et al. 2011). The factor f depends on the details of the geometry, kinematics, and orientation of the BLR and is expected to be of order unity. This factor converts the measured velocity widths into an intrinsic Keplerian velocity (Peterson & Wandel 2000; Onken et al. 2004; Graham et al. 2011).

Resultant rBLR and MBH estimates are reported in Table 3. Errors in this table are at 2σ confidence level. They are not symmetrical around this value. They were propagated quadratically, following Barlow (2003, 2004). We consider three sources of uncertainty in the rBLR computations.

  • 1.  
    The error in the determination of nH and U, which is described in detail in Section 5.1. We use the average value for all of the crossing points in Figure 6 to define a single nH · U value that is used in Equation (3) to compute the rBLR.
  • 2.  
    The error derived from the shape of the ionizing continuum, which is used in the computation of the rBLR. The two SEDs that we assumed as extreme yield a difference in ionizing photons of a factor 0.17 dex. At a 2σ confidence level this corresponds to an uncertainty in the number of ionizing photons of ±0.057 dex.
  • 3.  
    Errors in the specific fluxes (at λ = 1700 Å, Column 3 of Table 2), intrinsic to the spectrophotometry. We also consider the error in the continuum placement (discussed in Section 3.2.1).

In the determination of MBH we consider two sources of error:

  • 1.  
    The combined error of the three sources of uncertainties on the rBLR computation described above.
  • 2.  
    The error on the determination of the FWHM, which is discussed at the end of Section 3.2.1.

Using our derivations for nH and U, we obtain the rBLR and MBH values listed in Table 3. The last two columns give virial black hole masses following our method and using the MBH–luminosity correlation from Vestergaard & Peterson (2006), respectively. Note that Vestergaard & Peterson (2006) used a different value for the geometry term, which is f = 1.4 (Onken et al. 2004; Woo et al. 2010), and the implication in the mass computation is that our masses are lower by a factor of two. This was taken into account, making the correction ${\rm log}(f_{{\rm ours}}/f_{V\&P}) = {\rm log}(0.75/1.4) = -0.27$. We subtract this quantity from the Vestergaard & Peterson (2006) MBH formula used to compute the masses in Column 7 of Table 3.

The intrinsic dispersion in the Vestergaard & Peterson (2006) relation is ±0.66 dex in black hole mass at a 2σ confidence level. We are not considering here the scatter in the relation rBLRL derived by Bentz et al. (2009) that involves sources, where rBLR was derived from reverberation mapping. The scatter in the rBLRL correlation is ≈0.2 dex in rBLR. These rBLR determinations are, in spite of many caveats recently summarized in Marziani & Sulentic (2012), probably the best ones available. Kaspi et al. (2007) were able to derive one point in the rBLRL correlation directly from reverberation mapping of a high-z (2.17) object. Additional observations will allow us to check whether the Kaspi empirical relationship holds at high redshift. At the moment we cannot rely on the mass derivation of one source only. The UV extrapolation for single-epoch virial-broadening estimates in Vestergaard & Peterson (2006) shows a much larger scatter but is the only relation that provides an MBH suitably comparable with our result. Errors obtained with our method are a factor of ∼3 smaller than the dispersion in the Vestergaard & Peterson (2006) relation. However, the latter errors are statistical, making the comparison not very straightforward. In a forthcoming paper (C. A. Negrete et al. 2012, in preparation) we will give the results of a statistical analysis applying our method to a larger number of quasars than reported here (8 at high z and 14 at low z, belonging to both Pops. A and B). Preliminary results are given in Negrete (2011). These are all Type 1 (broader line) quasars.

6.2.1. Caveats

Our estimation of rBLR assumes that the continuum incident on the line-emitting gas is "as observed" by us. Leighly (2004) suggests (for two I Zw 1-like sources: IRAS 13224-3809 and 1H0707-495) that a high-ionization wind producing the BLUE component (we fit to the HILs; Marziani et al. 2010) intercepts most of the ionizing flux—leaving only a small fraction available for photoionizing the LIL-emitting region. The empirical analysis of their UV spectra is similar to ours with separation of unshifted BC and BLUE components (Leighly & Moore 2004). While continuum absorption should not strongly influence the determination of nH and U (they are set by line ratios dependent on physical conditions in the gas), the rBLR value will be affected (Equation (8)). Absorption as extreme as hypothesized by Leighly (2004, a factor of 10) would lead to a decrease of rBLR by ≈0.5 dex. However, any consideration is highly dependent on the assumed geometry. The configuration envisaged by Leighly (2004) suffers from an immediate observational difficulty. If the LIL-emitting regions were being hit by a wind, then the LILs should be emitted by gas ablated from a thick structure and with some of the wind momentum transferred to the ablated gas. There is no observational (kinematical) evidence for this: the LILs and intermediate-ionization lines show stable, unshifted (to within a few hundred km s−1), and symmetric profiles. It is worth noting that the LILs are even unaffected by the presence of a powerful radio jet in RL quasars (Marziani et al. 2003). In summary, current evidence suggests that the LIL-emitting region is not strongly affected by quasar outflows.


Diagnostic line ratios for estimation of density, ionization, and metallicity can be found and exploited for NLSy1-like sources at high redshift. Accurate diagnostics require high-S/N and moderate-dispersion spectra but in principle can be applied to very high z (>6.5) using data from IR spectrometers. The product (nH · U) yields the possibility of deriving rBLR and MBH for a significant number of sources for comparison with estimates derived from extrapolation of the Kaspi relation. C. A. Negrete et al. (2012, in preparation) will present an analysis of the applicability of the photoionization method described here to the general population of quasars starting from the sources with reverberation mapping determinations of rBLR.

It is important to stress, however, that the line deblending that allows us to obtain the line fluxes used to compute nH and U is not a trivial task. There is a wide diversity in the quasar spectra, and one must consider previous results that allow us to predict and/or expect the presence and shape of various components in the broad lines (as discussed in Section 3.1). One also has to take into account expectations on certain line ratios (e.g., the extreme Pop. A sources show the lowest C iii] λ1909/Si iii] λ1892 ratio among all quasars in the E1 sequence; see Section 3.2.2).

The results of this study are preliminary in many ways. Several issues remain open: (1) Is there a "universal" nH · U product that can be used for all AGNs? The consistency among our results, the ones reviewed in Section 5.2 and the rBLRL relation, suggest that this might be the case, at least to a first approximation and especially for Pop. A sources. (2) A grid of simulations could be refined considering more intermediate-metallicity cases. (3) Application of this method has been carried out without considerations about the geometry and kinematics of the BLR. A more refined treatment should consider likely scenarios and investigate their influence on derived physical parameters. (4) Considerations of geometry and kinematics could lead to a physical model accounting for non-thermal heating and production of Fe ii emission in a context more appropriate than that of pure photoionization.

As a final remark, we stress that values of MBH derived from photoionization considerations, even assuming an average (nH · U), are probably more accurate than the ones derived from the mass–L relation. The main reason is that we are using each individual quasar luminosity (and not a correlation with large scatter) and the properties of a region that remains similar to itself over a wide range of luminosity.

D. Dultzin acknowledges support from grant IN111610 PAPIIT UNAM. Funding for the SDSS and SDSS-II has been provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the Participating Institutions, the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Energy, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Japanese Monbukagakusho, the Max Planck Society, and the Higher Education Funding Council for England. The SDSS Web site is The SDSS is managed by the Astrophysical Research Consortium for the Participating Institutions listed at the


  • In a fully ionized medium ne ≈ 1.2 nH. We prefer to adopt a definition based on nH because it is the one employed in cloudy computations.

  • It can be retrieved from the Web site at

  • For more information about the Legacy survey, see the SDSS Web site at

  • Note that the Galactic line of Mg i at 2026 Å can contribute to the split appearance of the redshifted λ1910 feature (Figure 2). This absorption line is included in the specfit analysis, but its resulting equivalent width is very small. The line separation between C iii] λ1909 and Fe iii λ1914 is mostly intrinsic.

  • This is not true for the BLUE component. The physical properties derived for the BLUE component (0 ≳ log U ≳ −1, log n ≲ 9; Leighly 2004; Marziani et al. 2010) indicate that both Si iv λ1397 and O iv] λ1402 should contribute to the BLUE intensity.

  • The value of Nc = 1025 cm−2 was needed to show that the Strömgren depth is less than the size of the clouds for the ionic states we are considering, i.e., that clouds are radiation bounded. In Figure 4 we show that if we assume Nc = 1025 cm−2, the clouds become optically thick to electron scattering and we use them just to show the ionization structure and the line emissivity. Figure 4 reproduces also the structure and emissivity of a typical log Nc = 1023 slab (in this case the limit of geometrical depth is log h ≈ 10.5).

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