A Novel Modulation with Parallel Combinatory and High Compaction Multi-Carrier Modulation

Yafei HOU

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences   Vol.E90-A    No.11    pp.2556-2567
Publication Date: 2007/11/01
Online ISSN: 1745-1337
DOI: 10.1093/ietfec/e90-a.11.2556
Print ISSN: 0916-8508
Type of Manuscript: PAPER
Category: Spread Spectrum Technologies and Applications
PC-OFDM,  HC-MCM,  bandwidth efficiency,  multiple access,  frequency hopping,  PAPR reduction,  

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In this paper, we propose a new modulation named parallel combinatory/high compaction multi-carrier modulation (PC/HC-MCM) using the techniques of parallel combinatory orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (PC-OFDM) and high compaction multi-carrier modulation (HC-MCM). Two types of PC/HC-MCM systems, which are named as modulated PC/HC-MCM system and (unmodulated) PC/HC-MCM system, can be designed. The modulated PC/HC-MCM system achieves better bit-error rate (BER) performance than that of HC-MCM system with equal bandwidth efficiency (BWE). The PC/HC-MCM system can obtain the better peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) characteristics by selecting appropriate constellation for each subcarrier. On the other hand, since PC/HC-MCM can divide the PC-OFDM symbol duration into multiple time-slots, the advantages of frequency hopping (FH) can be applied in the PC/HC-MCM system. Therefore, we also combine the PC/HC-MCM and frequency hopping multiple access (FHMA) to propose a novel multiple access (MA) system. It can simultaneously transmit multiple users' data within one symbol duration of PC-OFDM.

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