Hepatitis D Virus: Introduction and Epidemiology

  1. Mario Rizzetto
  1. Division of Gastroenterology, University of Torino, 10126 Torino, Italy
  1. Correspondence: mrizzetto{at}cittadellasalute.to.it


Hepatitis D is caused by the hepatitis D virus (HDV), a unique RNA pathogen that requires the hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) to infect. Hepatitis D is transmitted by the parenteral route. The main susceptible group is patients with chronic HBsAg infection who become superinfected with the virus. Hepatitis D occurs throughout the globe, but control of hepatitis B virus (HBV) in the last two decades has consistently diminished the circulation of HDV in industrialized countries. However, hepatitis D remains a medical issue for injecting drug users (IDUs), as well as immigrants from endemic HDV areas, who are reintroducing the infection in Europe.

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