Next-Generation Sequencing Strategies

  1. Braden E. Boone
  1. HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology, Huntsville, Alabama 35806
  1. Correspondence: slevy{at}


More than a decade ago, the term “next-generation” sequencing was coined to describe what was, at the time, revolutionary new methods to sequence RNA and DNA at a faster pace and cheaper cost than could be performed by standard bench-top protocols. Since then, the field of DNA sequencing has evolved at a rapid pace, with new breakthroughs allowing capacity to exponentially increase and cost to dramatically decrease. As genome-scale sequencing has become routine, a paradigm shift is occurring in genomics, which uses the power of high-throughput, rapid sequencing power with large-scale studies. These new approaches to genetic discovery will provide direct impact to fields such as personalized medicine, evolution, and biodiversity. This work reviews recent technology advances and methods in next-generation sequencing and highlights current large-scale sequencing efforts driving the evolution of the genomics space.

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