Yra1-bound RNA–DNA hybrids cause orientation-independent transcription–replication collisions and telomere instability

  1. Andrés Aguilera1
  1. 1Andalusian Center of Molecular Biology and Regenerative Medicine (CABIMER), Universidad de Sevilla-Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)-Universidad Pablo de Olavide, 41092 Seville, Spain;
  2. 2Marseille Cancer Research Center (CRCM), U1068, Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM), UMR7258, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Aix Marseille University, Institut Paoli-Calmettes, Equipe Labellisée Ligue, 13273 Marseille, France
  1. Corresponding authors: aguilo{at}us.es, ana.rondon{at}cabimer.es
  1. 3 These authors contributed equally to this work.


R loops are an important source of genome instability, largely due to their negative impact on replication progression. Yra1/ALY is an abundant RNA-binding factor conserved from yeast to humans and required for mRNA export, but its excess causes lethality and genome instability. Here, we show that, in addition to ssDNA and ssRNA, Yra1 binds RNA–DNA hybrids in vitro and, when artificially overexpressed, can be recruited to chromatin in an RNA–DNA hybrid-dependent manner, stabilizing R loops and converting them into replication obstacles in vivo. Importantly, an excess of Yra1 increases R-loop-mediated genome instability caused by transcription–replication collisions regardless of whether they are codirectional or head-on. It also induces telomere shortening in telomerase-negative cells and accelerates senescence, consistent with a defect in telomere replication. Our results indicate that RNA–DNA hybrids form transiently in cells regardless of replication and, after stabilization by excess Yra1, compromise genome integrity, in agreement with a two-step model of R-loop-mediated genome instability. This work opens new perspectives to understand transcription-associated genome instability in repair-deficient cells, including tumoral cells.



  • Received December 28, 2017.
  • Accepted May 16, 2018.

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