Original paper

Evolutionary dynamics of algal traits and diversity

Verbruggen, Heroen; Marcelino, Vanessa R.; Costa, Joana F.

Perspectives in Phycology Vol. 1 No. 1 (2014), p. 53 - 60

published: Jun 1, 2014
manuscript accepted: Mar 12, 2014
manuscript received: Jan 14, 2014

DOI: 10.1127/2198-011X/2014/0007

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Abstract Algae have a particularly rich evolutionary history that has not yet been comprehensively explored. We review statistical techniques to infer patterns of trait evolution and species diversification from phylogenies. We illustrate these methods using the evolution of algal thermal niches and its interaction with species diversification as a case study. We offer some perspectives for the application of these methods in other fields of phycology and the integration of micro- and macroevolutionary approaches.


algaecomparative phylogenetic methodsdiversificationmacroevolutionniche evolution