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Audee: automated testing for deep learning frameworks

Published:27 January 2021Publication History


Deep learning (DL) has been applied widely, and the quality of DL system becomes crucial, especially for safety-critical applications. Existing work mainly focuses on the quality analysis of DL models, but lacks attention to the underlying frameworks on which all DL models depend. In this work, we propose Audee, a novel approach for testing DL frameworks and localizing bugs. Audee adopts a search-based approach and implements three different mutation strategies to generate diverse test cases by exploring combinations of model structures, parameters, weights and inputs. Audee is able to detect three types of bugs: logical bugs, crashes and Not-a-Number (NaN) errors. In particular, for logical bugs, Audee adopts a cross-reference check to detect behavioural inconsistencies across multiple frameworks (e.g., TensorFlow and PyTorch), which may indicate potential bugs in their implementations. For NaN errors, Audee adopts a heuristic-based approach to generate DNNs that tend to output outliers (i.e., too large or small values), and these values are likely to produce NaN. Furthermore, Audee leverages a causal-testing based technique to localize layers as well as parameters that cause inconsistencies or bugs. To evaluate the effectiveness of our approach, we applied Audee on testing four DL frameworks, i.e., TensorFlow, PyTorch, CNTK, and Theano. We generate a large number of DNNs which cover 25 widely-used APIs in the four frameworks. The results demonstrate that Audee is effective in detecting inconsistencies, crashes and NaN errors. In total, 26 unique unknown bugs were discovered, and 7 of them have already been confirmed or fixed by the developers.


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  1. Audee: automated testing for deep learning frameworks



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      ASE '20: Proceedings of the 35th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering
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