
Ena/VASP proteins are a conserved family of actin regulatory proteins made up of EVH1, EVH2 domains, and a proline-rich central region. They have been implicated in actin-based processes such as fibroblast migration, axon guidance, and T cell polarization and are important for the actin-based motility of the intracellular pathogen . Mechanistically, these proteins associate with barbed ends of actin filaments and antagonize filament capping by capping protein (CapZ). In addition, they reduce the density of Arp2/3-dependent actin filament branches and bind Profilin at sites of actin polymerization. Vertebrate Ena/VASP proteins are substrates for PKA/PKG serine/threonine kinases. Phosphorylation by these kinases appears to modulate Ena/VASP function within cells, although the mechanism underlying this regulation remains to be determined.


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