
As a newly proposed secure transport protocol, QUIC aims to improve the transport performance of HTTPS traffic and enable rapid deployment and evolution of transport mechanisms. QUIC is currently in the IETF standardization process and will potentially carry a significant portion of Internet traffic in the emerging future. An important safety goal of QUIC protocol is to provide effective data service for users. To aim this safety requirement, we propose a formal analysis method to analyze the safety of QUIC handshake protocol by using model checker SPIN and cryptographic protocol verifier ProVerif. Our analysis shows the counterexamples to safety properties, which reveal a design flaw in the current protocol specification. To this end, we also propose and verify a possible fix that is able to mitigate these flaws.

1. Introduction

As a newly proposed secure transport protocol, QUIC aims to improve the transport performance of HTTPS traffic and enable rapid deployment and evolution of transport mechanisms. In the OSI reference architecture, QUIC is above the network layer and spans the transport layer, session layer, presentation layer, and application layer. It uses UDP instead of TCP in the transport layer. In the session layer and presentation layer, QUIC abandons the TLS1.2 protocol and self-encapsulates the TLS stack for protocol encryption. In the application layer, HTTP/2 is only responsible for HTTP protocol parsing, and QUIC can fulfill the functions of HTTP/2 multiplexing and link management. The position of QUIC in the HTTPS protocol stack is shown in Figure 1. Different from the traditional HTTP/2 + TLS + TCP scheme, QUIC can run completely in the user space rather than the system kernel based on UDP protocol. Therefore, QUIC can be rapidly deployed like an application program and continuously updated iteratively according to the usage requirements.

Being a key part of QUIC protocol, the QUIC handshake protocol is responsible for authenticating the identities of participants and establishing secure connection for subsequent communications. QUIC handshake protocol performs encryption in the transport layer, reducing the number of round trips required for setting up a secure connection. QUIC initial connections are common 1-RTT, meaning that all initial connection data can be sent immediately without waiting for a reply from the server, which is more efficient compared to the 3 round trips required for TCP/TLS before application data can be sent. QUIC handshake protocol is functionally equivalent to TCP/TLS/HTTP2, but implemented on top of UDP.

QUIC is still under review for standardization, which usually takes the format of an RFC: a natural language (normally English) document that offers implementation advice to protocol engineers. However, a natural language document is nonetheless ambiguous and open to various interpretations, some of which are even contradicting. As for the current QUIC handshake protocol, it is still unclear whether or not it conforms to the properties claimed in the IETF standardization documents. Safety and security are two types of properties that shall be accommodated in the design of cryptographic protocols. Safety refers to the capacity of accommodating expected functions for cryptographic protocols, while security refers to the capacity of avoiding hostile attack in the public environment for cryptographic protocols. In order to ensure correct implementation, the cryptographic protocols shall have both safety and security before deployment.

As reported in [1], a possible way to resolve the ambiguities and rigorously validate the protocol design is through formal verification, where a formal model of the protocol is first constructed and then analyzed with respect to the specified properties. Symbolic model checking [2] has been a popular method for the formal verification of cryptographic protocols. Since the pioneering work in [3] that discovered the Needham–Schroeder protocol’s design flaws, symbolic model checking has been widely and actively used to formally analyze cryptographic protocols [411].

However, most of the current works focus on security verification, which still lack consideration for safety verification of cryptographic protocols. Now, safety is mainly based on typical model checking for modeling and verification, while security mainly uses specific modeling and analysis technology such as process calculation for verification. In our work, we propose a new safety modeling and verification method for cryptographic protocols which lazily combines a typical model checker and a cryptographic protocol verifier. We also perform the safety verification of QUIC handshake protocol based on this method. The principle employed by our method is to be tool-agnostic, that is, it can be instantiated through any generic typical model checker and cryptographic protocol verifier. To achieve our goal, however, we need to address the following challenges. (C1) Modeling and verification cannot be implemented directly for safety property of cryptographic protocols with specific modeling and analysis technology such as process calculus. (C2) Safety verification of cryptographic protocols results from typical model checking may be not true or feasible for practical cryptographic protocols, that is to say, verification results may be fake counterexamples. (C3) The QUIC protocol lacks a formal specification and hence is prone to ambiguity and underspecification. To this end, we have made the following contributions in the work:(1)We propose a method to solve the problem of fake counterexamples in safety verification.(2)Based on the IETF standardized documents, we construct the formal model of the QUIC handshake protocol in applied pi calculus and give the transition system model of the QUIC handshake protocol. Through the transition system model, we present a enhance attacker model and construct the Promela [12] model of QUIC handshake protocol, which is used to verify the safety property of QUIC handshake protocol.(3)We use our method to verify the QUIC handshake protocol and successfully find the real design flaw of QUIC handshake protocol.(4)According to our verification results, we discuss the possible causes of the defects and suggest potential fixes of QUIC handshake protocol.

The organization of this paper is as follows. Section 2 gives the related works on formal analysis of cryptography protocols. Section 3 presents a thorough description and the safety requirement of QUIC handshake protocol. Section 4 presents the formal verification of QUIC handshake protocol. Section 5 reports the verification results. Finally, Section 6 concludes this paper.

The properties considered in model checking of cryptographic protocols can be divided into 2 kinds: based on temporal properties and based on cryptographic properties. Previously, a lot of work focused on analyzing these properties of cryptographic protocols. In this section, we review the most relevant works.

Babenko et al. [13] used the formal verifier SPIN to analyze the temporal properties of the cryptographic protocol for e-voting. They found that the e-voting protocol correctly handles the case of an active attack on the parties’ authentication.

Ninet et al. [14] performed a formal analysis of the IKEv2 specification using the SPIN. Their analysis showed that the reflection attack is not possible, due to IKEv2’s Initiator and Response flags. And, they confirmed that IKEv2-Sig does not satisfy weak agreement.

In [15, 16], the authors used Tamarin [17] to model and analyze the cryptographic properties of the 5G AKA protocol. They found that the 5G AKA protocol lacks integrity protection for the identity of the server network.

Zhang et al. [18] used ProVerif to model and analyze the cryptographic properties of the 5G EAP-TLS protocol. Their analysis revealed several design flaws of authentication properties of 5G EAP-TLS protocol. They also proposed several strategies to repair these vulnerabilities.

Hussain et al. [19] proposed a systematic model-based adversarial testing approach LTEInspector that leverages the combined power of a symbolic model checker and a protocol verifier for analyzing the critical procedures of the 4G LTE network. They exposed ten new attacks.

Hussain et al. [20] proposed a property-guided formal verification of 5G control-plane protocols. Their evaluation of the 5G protocol model against 187 properties revealed 11 new exploitable protocol design weaknesses. They also discovered 5 prior attacks which 5G inherits from 4G LTE.

The security analysis for cryptographic protocols also includes some complexity-based formal methods, such as [2123]. In this paper, our main consideration is whether there are defects in the design of cryptographic protocol. We conduct formal verification of the cryptographic protocol based on the symbolic model checking. This method relies on the symbolic model of cryptography and the Dolev–Yao attacker model [24]. The protocol messages are abstracted by terms, and the cryptographic primitives are abstracted by function symbols and assumed to be perfect (i.e., unbreakable). The algebraic properties of cryptographic primitives are described by equational relations over function symbols. Compared with complexity-based formal methods, the symbol model checking has the characteristics of automation.

In our previous work [25, 26], we verified the security of the QUIC handshake protocols with the cryptographic protocol verifiers ProVerif and Verifpal. However, in addition to the authentication and confidentiality of the QUIC handshake protocol, researchers may pay more attention to whether a certain function of the protocol can be realized. For example, in the scene of streaming media content transmission, the purpose of QUIC protocol is to handle more connections under the premise of ensuring security, so as to meet the function of providing content transmission quickly. Therefore, it becomes an important functional safety requirement of QUIC handshake protocol to ensure that the client can normally obtain the content transmitted by the server. Therefore, how to analyze and verify the temporal property of cryptographic protocols has become a significant research work.

3. The QUIC Handshake Protocol

In this section, we present a detailed review of the QUIC handshake protocol described in the IETF document [27].

The client of QUIC handshake protocol represents a subscriber’s device (e.g., mobile phone or computer) that intends to start a secure connection to the network. The server of QUIC handshake protocol is where the client may connect to obtain a service. We assume that the public channel through which the client communicates with the server is under the control of malicious attackers.(1)The flow of the QUIC handshake process as defined in the IETF document [27] is shown in Figure 2.(2)Since the client does not cache the server configuration information in the beginning, the client needs to send a hello message (CHLO) to the server to get the reject message (REJ) from the server.(3)When the server receives a CHLO message, it sends the REJ message to the client. The REJ message contains the following parts: (1) the config information including the server’s long-term Diffie–Hellman public value, (2) a certificate chain authenticating the server, (3) a signature of the server config using the private key from the leaf certificate of the chain, and (4) a source address token (as an authenticated encryption block).(4)If the handshake is successful, the server calculates the initial keys using the client’s ephemeral Diffie–Hellman public value and its long-term Diffie–Hellman private value. Moreover, it calculates its own ephemeral Diffie–Hellman public value using its ephemeral Diffie–Hellman private value and calculates its final keys using the client’s ephemeral Diffie–Hellman public value and its ephemeral Diffie–Hellman private value. It sends its ephemeral Diffie–Hellman public value encrypted with the initial secret key as a server hello message (SHLO) to the client. Finally, the server encrypts subsequent communication data using its forward-secure key.(5)When the client receives the SHLO message, it sends the packet encrypted with its forward-secure key.

The detailed steps of the QUIC handshake process are depicted in Figure 3 and Table 1.

As an important function of the QUIC protocol, we consider whether the client of the protocol will eventually be able to obtain the data provided by the server. Based on the protocol state machine model, the functional requirements of the QUIC handshake protocol can be expressed by temporal property : the client will eventually reach the received data state when it reached the waiting data state. The linear temporal logic LTL formula of property is expressed as

4. Formal Verification of QUIC Handshake Protocol

4.1. Overview of Our Approach

The design framework for safety verification of QUIC handshake protocol is realized based on typical model checker SPIN and cryptographic protocol verifier ProVerif. Promela, as input to SPIN, is the formal model describing the state transfer of QUIC handshake protocol. Temporal properties are used to describe the safety requirements of QUIC handshake protocol. We give two strategies ( and ) to process to get the security properties . We use ProVerif to verify the applied PI calculus [6] model and properties of QUIC handshake protocol so as to judge the counterexamples of SPIN. The design framework of our method is shown in Figure 4.

4.2. Formal Models of QUIC Handshake Protocol

A. State transfer models of the QUIC handshake protocol.

Firstly, according to the process of QUIC handshake protocol, we present the state transfer models of the QUIC handshake protocol, as shown in Figures 5 and 6.

Initially, the client is at the initial state, and when it receives , it sends an initial Hello message to the server. The client then enters the waiting configuration message (REJ) state. In this state, when the client receives the or message, the initial Hello message is resent, and there is no state transition for the client. The message indicates that the server rejected the client’s handshake request. When the client receives the configuration message sent by the server, there are two possibilities. One is that the client receives the configuration message from the server, and the server certificate or the signature of the configuration information is incorrect; then, the client will resend the initial Hello message , and the client state will not change. The other is that the client receives the configuration message of the server, and the server certificate and the signature of the configuration information are correct; then, the client will send the completed Hello message and the ciphertext of the request data to the server, and the client transfers to the waiting data state. At this point, if the client receives the message sent by the server, it means that the server rejected the handshake message of Hello completed by the client. Then, the client will resend the initial Hello message to the server and transfer to the waiting state. When the client receives the server’s Hello message and the ciphertext of the server’s reply data, there are also two situations. One is that the client cannot decrypt the ciphertext sent by the server correctly; then, the client will send the initial Hello message to the server again. In the other case, the client can correctly decrypt the ciphertext sent by the server, indicating that the client has correctly obtained the data provided by the server. Then, the client sends the confirmation message to the server, and the client transfers to the state of receiving the data. The annotations of state transfer messages are shown in Table 2.

4.3. QUIC Handshake Protocol in Promela

Based on the state machines of the client and server, we use Promela to model the state machines of the QUIC handshake protocol. Firstly, we define and assign the type of data involved in the protocol. The data types are defined as and , and the named set is represented as follows:

We preassign a fixed value to each type message, which is used by the client, server, and attacker to identify the message. We initially assign false to all variables. and assign true when the client and server successfully reach the final state, respectively. The assignment of the message is defined as follows:

For the communication between the client and server, we define two channels to carry the message transmission between the client and server. In the model, messages are sent and received synchronously. The message types in the channel are and . Variables of type , which have values ranging from 0 to 255, represent the data for protocol interactions. Variables of type have values ranging from 0 to 1. This type represents the correct value of protocol interaction data, where 1 means correct and 0 means incorrect:

According to the client state machine model shown in Figure 5, we used Promela to model the state transition of client, as shown in Figure 7.

In the client model, we define two temporary variables, and , to receive messages from the channel for the client. The value of represents the message sent by the server, and the value of indicates whether the message of is correct. For example, if the client expects to receive the configuration message sent by the server, the client will determine whether the currently received value is 2 and whether the value is 1. The client chooses the next state transition based on the result of the judgment.

According to the server state machine model shown in Figure 6, we used Promela to model the state transition of the server, as shown in Figure 8.

In the server model, we also defined two temporary variables, and , to receive messages from the channel. The value of represents the message sent by the client, and the value of indicates whether the message is correct. For example, when the server receives a message in its initial state, it determines the value of the message . If the message value is 1, the server thinks it received a message. At the same temporal, if the value of is 0, then the server thinks the initial Hello message sent by the client is incorrect and sends the rejection message and 0 to the channel. If the value of is 1, then the server thinks it received a correct initial Hello message from the client. The server then sends the configuration information and 1 into the channel and changes its state to the waiting data state. In addition, we output a message (0, 1) at the beginning of the server model to simulate the environment sending the message to the client.

The attacker’s behavior based on the Dolev–Yao model is modeled, as shown in Figure 9. The attacker model receives messages from the channel through variables and . When the attacker receives the messages, it determines the value of . If it is a rejected message, the attacker will resend the message to the channel. If the value of is a data message, the attacker will change the value of the message from 1 to 0 and then sends and to the channel. For example, when the value of is 3 and the value of is 1, it means that the attacker intercepted the correct message. Then, the attacker will send the messages and 0 to the channel. If the server receives these messages from the attacker, it means that the server cannot decrypt the ciphertext of . Therefore, the server will send a rejection message to the client.

4.4. QUIC Handshake Protocol in Applied PI Calculus

Client process is shown in Figure 10. First, the client sends a message on the channel . We remark that an attacker can access this public channel. Then, it waits for the message including five variables bounded to variables and respectively. After that, the client checks if the variables and are, respectively, certificate and public key of the server. Then, the client checks the signature of using variable , which is the public key belonging to the server. If the result of the signature check is equivalent to , then the client calculates its initial key using and its ephemeral private value . Subsequently, it sends the ephemeral public value and the ciphertext of the request message on the channel. Then, it waits for a message of form (). When the client captures the message, it decrypts the variable using its initial key and then bounds the return to variable . Normally, the variable should be the server’s ephemeral public value. Finally, the client calculates its forward-secure key using variable and its ephemeral private value and decrypts the ciphertext using the forward-secure key .

The server process is shown in Figure 11. First, the server bounds the message of its input to variable . It checks whether is the legal inchoate client hello . Then, the server sends its certificate , the long-term public value (), the signature of and , and its public key on the channel . Next, the server waits for the message including two parts which are, respectively, bounded to and . It obtains its initial key using and the long-term private value . The server checks if the ciphertext is the request message using . Then, the server calculates with and obtains its forward-secure key with and . Finally, it sends the ciphertext of and response message on the channel .

4.5. Our Verification Approach

In this section, we propose a verification approach to verify the safety property of QUIC handshake protocol. In this approach, we consider the existence of an attacker who has complete control over the message on the public channel. In other words, the attacker can intercept, tamper, and replay the information on the public channel. However, the attacker cannot decrypt the ciphertext without knowing the correct secret key. This attacker model is called the Dolev–Yao model and denoted by . In addition, we define a stronger attacker model called , which does not consider cryptographic operations.

The algorithm of the QUIC handshake protocol safety verification method is shown in Table 3.

According to Table 2, the input and are, respectively, the Promela model and the applied PI calculus model of the QUIC handshake protocol. is the counterexamples of the verification of and temporal properties by the model checker SPIN. In the process of verification for the Promela model, attacker’s capacity follows attacker model . The attacker can capture and change message in the public channel or privately falsify the encrypted message without the secret key and without influence from the encryption mechanism. Therefore, verification counterexample created by the attacker cannot be realized in the process of implementing specific protocol. For example, the attacker falsifies an encrypted message which is sent by an honest participant so that the receiver cannot decode encrypted message or obtain correct instruction for decryption, leading to a counterexample from model verification. However, the attacker cannot falsify encrypted message in practice due to lack of the secret key.

For the above uncertainty in verification counterexample of the Promela model, this paper classifies counterexamples based on involvement of attacker behavior in cryptogrammic operation. The counterexample from temporal property verification based on the Promela model can be classified into(1)Counterexample π where attacker creation cannot be determined(2)True counterexample π where creation can be made by the attacker(3)False counterexample π where creation cannot be made by the attacker

First, for counterexample classification, this paper proposes a refining strategy with the temporal property based on the counterexample:

1: if counterexample with temporal property is classified into Class 1, then it is impossible to create counterexample for attacker behavior which shall be determined in formal verification for cryptographic protocols accommodating attacker model . Therefore, temporal property is simplified into security constraint to be verified under which the attacker cannot create the existing counterexample.

2: if counterexample with temporal property is classified into Class 2 or Class 3, then the counterexample is a true or false counterexample which is created by the attacker and not consistent with the temporal property of cryptographic protocols. In order to find other true counterexamples in protocol, it is necessary to simplify current temporal property and eliminate attacker’s behavior of creating the current counterexample based on existing temporal property to obtain new temporal property .

When analyzing functional safety of cryptographic protocols, this section considers whether the attacker can falsify message sent by the honest participant in protocol. If the attacker can falsify such message, then the attacker also can send false message to protocol as an honest participant; as a result, cryptographic protocols cannot be executed normally in accordance with standards. Therefore, security constraint in refining strategy 1 can be described as message that cannot be falsified and captured by the attacker. Based on standard Dolev–Yao model , security constraint can be classified into 1. message falsification not related to cryptogrammic operation; 2. message falsification related to cryptogrammic operation. According to classification for , the security constraint can be transformed into security strategy :

1: Class 1 security constraint is transformed into confidentiality based on ProVerif:where is the plaintext message sent by the honest participant. If an attacker can obtain message , then this attacker can falsify the plaintext message . Therefore, it is necessary to determine whether the attacker can obtain message , i.e., whether message is confidential.

2: Class 2 security constraint is transformed into confidentiality and consistency based on ProVerif:where is the secret key for creating message . When capturing , the attacker can falsify message so that it is necessary to determine whether is confidential. In addition, in key exchange protocol, the attacker may exchange key with other honest participants and then send falsified and false encrypted message to other honest participants as an honest participant so that cryptographic protocols cannot be implemented normally. Therefore, it is necessary to verify consistency of for the Class 2 security constraint.

Based on the above property refining strategy and constraint transformation strategy, this paper proposes a temporal property verification method based on counterexamples:(1)If is a temporal property of protocol to be verified, then Promela model and property are verified by SPIN to obtain counterexample , and property is transformed into security constraint for analyzing attacker behavior with property refining strategy 1.(2)The type of security constraint is determined based on constraint transformation strategy to give security property .(3)The applied PI calculus model is added with declaration of confidentiality and event of the consistency relationship based on security property . Then, property is verified with the cryptographic protocol verifier ProVerif based on model .(4)If verification results of ProVerif are false, then the attacker can create counterexample , and is classified into Class 2, i.e., is a true counterexample. If verification results are true, then the attacker cannot create counterexample , and is classified into Class 3, i.e., is a false counterexample. Then, the Promela model is modified with property refining strategy 2, and attacker behavior of creating existing counterexample is eliminated to obtain simplified temporal property . Besides, Promela model and property are verified again with SPIN. If new counterexample exists in verification results of property , then property is simplified with property refining strategy 1, and Step 2 is jumped to. If there is no new counterexample in verification results, then verification is ended.

5. Verification Results and Analysis

We use the model checker SPIN to verify the property , and the verification results are shown in Table 4.

We have listed counterexamples of violations of property in Table 3. Next, we need to determine whether the attacker is able to construct these counterexamples. The security constraints that we will need to further verify are denoted by in Table 2.

is the Class 1 security constraint, so confidentiality verification is required for the CHLO messages sent by the client. Through the security constraint transformation strategy 1, transforms to the confidentiality based on Proverif:

is the Class 2 security constraint, so confidentiality and consistency verification is required for the server’s private key . Through the security constraint transformation strategy 1 and 2, transforms to the confidentiality and consistency based on Proverif:

is the Class 1 and Class 2 security constraint, so confidentiality and consistency verification is required for the client’s initial session key , and confidentiality is required for the client’s temporary Diffie–Hellman public key . Through the security constraint transformation strategy 1 and 2, transforms to the confidentiality and consistency based on Proverif:

is the Class 2 security constraint, so confidentiality and consistency verification is required for the server’s initial session key and final session key . Through the security constraint transformation strategy 2, transforms to the confidentiality and consistency based on Proverif:

We use ProVerif to verify the above properties based on the applied PI calculus model of QUIC handshake protocol. The results for these properties are shown in Table 5.

The results show that the properties , , and are not valid and the attacker can forge the messages and because these two messages are transmitted in plaintext, so and are not satisfied. The attacker can impersonate the client to send the forged to the server and can complete the establishment of the initial session key and the final session key with the server. Therefore, the server’s initial session key and the final session key do not satisfy the confidentiality and consistency, so is not satisfied.

According to the above results, it can be found that the attacker has the conditions to attack the temporal property . That is to say, when the client is in a malicious environment, there is a possibility that the client cannot finally obtain the data provided by the server.

As a possible fix, we propose a revised QUIC handshake protocol and the newly added elements are marked in red. We use the client’s private key to sign and , and it can be guaranteed that the attacker cannot forge the client’s and message. We have verified the newly revised QUIC handshake protocol shown in Figure 12. Our analysis shows that this revised protocol satisfies the liveness property we have considered.

6. Conclusions

This paper proposes a new modeling and verification method for functional safety of cryptographic protocol to solve the problem of false counterexamples existing in verification for functional safety with typical model checking technology and that formal verification tool cannot directly conduct modeling for time property describing functional safety. This paper verifies functional safety of cryptographic protocol with the collaborative modeling method which realizes modeling for cryptographic protocol with Promela and PI calculation. In addition, this paper provides a time property refining strategy and a constraint transformation strategy based on counterexamples, as well as a functional safety verification method for cryptographic protocol based on typical model checker SPIN and formal verification tool ProVerif. With these methods, this paper conducts formal modeling and verification for safety, finds a defect of violating functional safety in design, and provides improvement actions for the design defect.

Regarding the disadvantages of the current work, we would like to remark that the analysis results by typical model checker and cryptographic protocol verifier are based on the symbolic protocol model, where we assume that the cryptography is perfect, and we do not take into account the computational strengths of the primitives. Though, this assumption is of theoretical research interest, it is too strong to be practical. Thus, if the underlying cryptographic primitives are broken, the protocol would also be faulty, even though it is proven correct and secure on the symbolic model.

In the future, we would like to go one step further to investigate the correctness of the protocol implementations, with respect to the specification. The idea is that ensuring the security of the protocol design is not enough, and we also need to ensure that the implementation of the protocol state machine is secure. We will also extend the current work to the computational cryptography model, where the probability of breaking cryptographic primitives is taken into account.

Data Availability

The data used to support the findings of this study have been deposited in the GitHub repository: https://github.com/bxk2008/Data-for-Hindawi.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.