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Abstract. Research product commercialization becomes the problem in delivering research into commercialization. The objectives of this research are to understand research product commercialization, develop a framework, and generate a refined research product commercialization model. An in-depth interview method by purposive sampling was used to gather qualitative data. Interview transcriptions were analyzed through three steps networking processes. Those processes are proposed to generate a research product commercialization framework. The R&D flow and commercialization flow were developed based on that framework. A research product commercialization model was built through gaps and solutions arrangement on commercialization flow. Research and Development- Commercialization bridge (R&D-C Bridge) model was developed based on improved commercialization flow. R&D-C Institute, as an independent institute, runs that model. R&D-C institute also interconnecting stakeholders involved in the technology commercialization process that has already established on the technology park concept. While the Goldsmith and Stage-Gate commercialization model has un-clear tasks division and un-objective commercialization process, the R&D-C bridge model gives a research product commercialization flow through R&D-C institute as a stakeholder hub. It is where the R&D-C bridge model stands on its position. This research offers insights into developing a new research product commercialization model for science and technology park development.

Keywords: A valley of death, commercialization constraints, commercialization model, research product, R&D-C bridge model


a valley of death commercialization constraints commercialization model research product R&D-C bridge model

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How to Cite
Budi, A. A., & Aldianto, L. (2020). Research and Development – Commercialization Bridge: A Refined Model. The Asian Journal of Technology Management (AJTM), 13(1), 47–62.


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