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Abstract. Food security is urgently needed in 2050. Facing current conditions, the agricultural industry in Indonesia no longer appeals to the younger generation, and many farmers are elderly; the challenge of limited land, human resources, and falling farmer regeneration is a global one. This study investigates the desire of tertiary students in West Java, Indonesia, to pursue a profession in agriculture. The study's goal is to identify the elements influencing tertiary students' intentions to contribute or pursue a profession in agriculture, the correlation between those factors, and the things that may boost tertiary students' desire in continuing their career in agriculture. The study will look at the effects of a student's income, land availability and ownership, the student's parents' background in a specific demographic, and the influence of contemporary agricultural technology and data. Using quantitative research design and ordinal logistic regression analysis method, the study found that the father's education, willingness lives in the village, and the data-driven agriculture variable influenced tertiary students' interest in the agricultural industry. 

Keywords:  Agricultural sector, food security, intention, technology usage, tertiary students.


Agricultural Sector Food Security Intention Technology usage Tertiary Students

Article Details

Author Biographies

Halida Ulfah, School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

Halidah Ulfah is a Master student majoring Business Administration at Bandung Institute of Technology

Ayu Furoidah, School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

Ayu Furoidah is a Master student majoring Business Administration at Bandung Institute of Technology

Teuku Muhammad Zahid Zuhair Aulia, School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

Teuku Muhammad Zahid is a Master student majoring Business Administration at Bandung Institute of Technology

Agnesia Candra Sulyani, Research and Innovation Management, Telkom Corporate University Centre, Indonesia

Agnesia Candra Sulyani is a Manager Support Research & Innovation of Indonesia Telecommunication & Digital Research Institute (TCUC-ITDRI)

Niken Larasati, Research and Innovation Management, Telkom Corporate University Centre, Indonesia

Niken Larasati is a Off 2 Research Support Research & Innovation of Indonesia Telecommunication & Digital Research Institute (TCUC-ITDRI)

How to Cite
Ulfah, H., Furoidah, A., Zuhair Aulia, T. M. Z., Sulyani, A. C., & Larasati, N. (2023). Tertiary Student Intention in Agricultural Sector Using Technology in Order to Maintain Food Security in West Java. The Asian Journal of Technology Management (AJTM), 16(3), 189–200.


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