Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the 2017-18 and 2018-19 academic years, in Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after V.I. Surikov a two-year experiment for architecture students on determination variances in different approaches to teaching methods for geometric education was conducted. The experiment was caused by the fact that many teachers believe that if there are computers in the Institute, it is necessary to use graphic programs as soon as possible – immediately introduce students to work on the computer even without allocating hours for this. No one wants to prevent implementation of computers, but we must not forget some nuances related to high technology. As in any case connected with complex hardware unknown for future users, here at the University, at the beginning it is also necessary to teach students how to work with the graphics program itself, and only then allow them perform geometric problems. You can give such an example: put an untrained person at the control panel of interceptor missiles and force him to shoot down a border trespasser in combat conditions. They will notify us that we are engaged in voluntarism. However to put an untrained student at a computer and forcing him to solve a purely geometric problem immediately is not voluntarism. Is it? The experiment had showed that a student, even if he knows how to solve a particular problem, is not ready at all to perform it immediately on a computer in a graphic software. He begin to lose a lot of time getting familiar with the program and only after obtaining at least a minimum of knowledge about working with this program becomes ready to start the task.

geometry; descriptive geometry; higher education; geometric education

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