Interferencias de otras lenguas observadas en estudiantes polacos de filología española


  • Ewa Palka Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków


Palabras clave:

language teaching, language interference, Spanish studies, student’s profile, multilingualism


Other Languages Interference in Polish Speaking Students of Spanish Philology

Although a lot has been written about the interference of other languages different from the mother tongue in learning a new foreign language, the observation of the signs of this phenomenon in a specific group of students may still lead to interesting conclusions. A study on other languages interference performed in 2011 regarding students attending the 1st course of Spanish Philology at the Jagiellonian University, has revealed an important change in the characteristics of this group of learners in comparison to the one analysed in 2003. The evolution may be attributed to the change in the political situation of the country in the international arena and also to the politics of education in Poland. Besides, it has been proved that for the correct interpretation of the data, it is essential to take into consideration the whole context of the study, i.e. not only the languages learned before, but also those studied simultaneously. Another key factor is the number of languages known by the investigator himself. The samples of interference gathered during the study can be discussed in order to find the possible ways to prevent this phenomenon before it occurs.

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Cómo citar

Palka, Ewa. 2011. «Interferencias De Otras Lenguas Observadas En Estudiantes Polacos De filología española». Studia Iberystyczne 10 (junio):225-36.