
Aim: The purpose of this article is to present the results of ongoing theoretical research – the evaluation of normative and legal documents in the area of emergency voice communication. The research was aimed at analysing and comparing the operation of emergency communication systems (SKA) in selected countries and the possibility of their wider use in construction objects in Poland. The utilitarian purpose of the publication is a discussion that should contribute to the development of appropriate standards for ensuring the proper level of reliability of such installations and the safety of those who use them.

Introduction: Emergency communication systems enable communication between locations in a building that are critical for conducting evacuation and rescue, as well as firefighting operations and a central location in the building object (e.g. the fire equipment service room) that provides control and support for these processes. They can be used to communicate with people with different types and degrees of disabilities, who are in survival areas, firefighters/rescuers in the fire vestibules of lifts for rescue teams or stairwells, and stewards at sporting events. Their use in Poland is not common, but increasingly required by the investors.

Methodology: The authors used theoretical research, such as analysis of literature and legal documents, synthesis, generalization, inference, comparison and analogy. Documents from Poland, the United Kingdom, Germany and the United States were analysed. The selection of individual countries was guided by the level of development of these systems in the given country and the availability of source documents.

Conclusions: Up until now SKA installations are not widespread in our country. However, an increasing demand for such installations is to be expected, especially given changes in the attitudes toward ensuring the safety of people with various disabilities, as well as, perhaps to a somewhat lesser extent, the emerging need to support the communication of the rescue teams, especially in buildings with very high heights. So far, emergency communication systems have been used mainly for utility purposes under normal operating conditions of a construction object. Thus there are no national regulations or standards on the requirements for such installations to function under fire conditions.

Keywords: evacuation of buildings, safety of evacuation, fire intercoms, emergency communication systems

Type of article: review article


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