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고객센터 제휴문의

The Perry Process and the Influence of the Kim Dae-jung Government




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This article examines South Korean influence on the U.S. in the post-Cold era. It argues that South Korea can exert influence effectively on U.S. policy by virtue of the liberal approach. In particular, it emphasizes the importance of consultation norms, consistency of policy, leadership beliefs and international organizations in the process of influence.
Traditional realists and liberals admit room for small states' impact vis-a-vis large states. However, most research in small-large state relations has been confined to the Cold War era and to Western states. This article expands the range of small-large state studies to the post-Cold War era and to East Asia. The world order in the post-Cold War era is totally different from that of the Cold War era. The ideological blocs collapsed and small states' foreign policy needs to be adjusted in this new world order. By enquiring into South Korean foreign policy in the-post Cold War era, this article shows that South Korea came to have a more balanced security relationship with the U.S. by adopting liberal mechanisms in the post-Cold War era. This article analyzes the 1999 Perry process. It involves policy towards North Korea as well as the nuclear issue. This paper tries to put forward a convincing explanation for South Korea to have an impact on the U.S. by exploring the significant issue for U.S. foreign policy. This paper scrutinizes newly declassified documents and is based upon semi-structured elite interviews.
This study measures influence by assessing ROK-U.S. interaction and U.S. policy changes. It concludes that small states can wield influence on large states and that the liberal approach is effective for small states' influence on large states in the post Cold War era. It also confirms that South Korea is no longer a client who complies with the patron, namely the U.S.


Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Realist and Liberal Approach
Ⅲ. Divergence between the ROK and the U.S.
Ⅳ. Compromise between the ROK and the U.S and the Perry Process
Ⅴ. Influence of the ROK
Ⅵ. Factors and Circumstances for the ROK Influence
Ⅶ. Conclusion

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UCI(KEPA) : I410-ECN-0101-2009-349-014769767