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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter September 14, 2016

Kähler–Einstein metrics and the Kähler–Ricci flow on log Fano varieties

  • Robert J. Berman EMAIL logo , Sebastien Boucksom , Philippe Eyssidieux , Vincent Guedj and Ahmed Zeriahi


We prove the existence and uniqueness of Kähler–Einstein metrics on -Fano varieties with log terminal singularities (and more generally on log Fano pairs) whose Mabuchi functional is proper. We study analogues of the works of Perelman on the convergence of the normalized Kähler–Ricci flow, and of Keller, Rubinstein on its discrete version, Ricci iteration. In the special case of (non-singular) Fano manifolds, our results on Ricci iteration yield smooth convergence without any additional condition, improving on previous results. Our result for the Kähler–Ricci flow provides weak convergence independently of Perelman’s celebrated estimates.

Award Identifier / Grant number: MACK

Funding statement: The authors are partially supported by the French ANR project MACK.

A An Izumi-type estimate

Let X be a normal complex space with a given point xX and let φ be a psh function on X. Choose local generators (fi) of the maximal ideal 𝔪x of 𝒪X,x and define the slope of φ at x by


Since logi|fi| only depends on the choice of generators up to a bounded term, it is clear that s(φ,x) is independent of the choice of (fi). For f𝒪X,x we have




Remark A.1.

By [27, p. 50, Corollaire 6.6] the non-decreasing function


is convex (generalized three-circle theorem), and we have


This implies in particular that the supremum in (A.1) is attained.

Izumi’s theorem [41] states that for every resolution of singularities π:X~X and every prime divisor EX~ lying above xX, there exists a constant C>0 such that


for all f𝒪X,x. Our goal here is to prove the following extension of this result to psh functions:

Theorem A.2.

Let π:X~X be any resolution of singularities and let EX~ be a prime divisor above xX. Then there exists C>0 such that


for all psh functions φ on X.



is the generic Lelong number of φπ along E. Note that ordE(fπ)=ν(φπ,E) with φ=log|f|.

Corollary A.3.

If φ is a psh function with s(φ,x)=0 for some xX, then


for every resolution of singularities and every pπ-1(x).


Let b:XX~ be the blow-up of X~ at point pX~. Then π=πb:XX is yet another resolution of singularities. Set E=β-1(p). This is a prime divisor to which we can apply Theorem A.2. The conclusion follows then by recalling the following classical interpretation of Lelong number: ν(φπb,E)=ν(φπ,p). ∎

Proof of Theorem A.2.

By Hironaka’s theorem we may assume that π:X~X dominates the blow-up of X at x, so that the scheme-theoretic fiber π-1(x) is an effective divisor iaiEi. Note that iEi is connected by Zariski’s “main theorem”.

Set bi:=ν(π*φ,Ei). Using the Siu decomposition of the positive current T:=ddcπ*φ we may write T=R+B, where B=ibiEi is an effective -divisor and R is a positive current such that ν(R,Ei)=0 for all i. We first claim that


Indeed, if we write 𝔪x=(fi) as above, then π*logi|fi| has analytic singularities described by the divisor π-1(x), i.e. locally on X we have


where zi is a local equation of Ei. We thus see that


locally on X~, and the positivity of R=T-B shows that this holds if and only if

bi=ν(π*φ,Ei)saifor all i,

hence the claim.

In view of (A.2), the desired statement amounts to an estimate maxibiCminibi for some C>0 independent of φ. Thanks to Lemma A.4 below, this will hold if we can show that -B|Ei is pseudoeffective for all i. Since the restriction to each Ei of the cohomology class of T=π*ddcφ is trivial, we are reduced to showing that {R}|Ei is pseudoeffective. Since ν(R,Ei)=0, this follows from Demailly’s regularization theorem. Let us recall the standard argument: by [28], after perhaps shrinking X slightly about 0 we may write R as a weak limit of closed positive (1,1)-currents Rk with analytic singularities such that {Rk}={R}, Rk-εkω for some εk0 and Rk is less singular than R. In particular, ν(Rk,Ei)=0 for all i, which means that the local potentials of Rk are not entirely singular along Ei, so that Rk|Ei is a well-defined closed (1,1)-current. We thus see that ({R}+εk{ω})|Ei is pseudoeffective for all k, and the claim follows. ∎

Lemma A.4.

Let E=iEi be a reduced compact connected divisor on a Kähler manifold M. Let B=biEi be an effective R-divisor supported in E, and assume that -B|Ei is pseudoeffective for all i. Then there exists a constant C>0 only depending on E such that maxibiCminibi.

The proof to follow is directly inspired from [14, Section 6.1].


Let ω be a Kähler form on M. Thanks to the connectedness of E, we may index the Ei such that B=i=1NbiEi with b1=minibi, br=maxibi for 1rN, and EiEi+1 for all i=1,,r-1. For each i we have






Now ci,j0 if ji, and ci,i+1>0 for all i since Ei meets Ei+1. It follows that


for all i, hence maxibi=brCb1=minibi with C:=i=1r-1|ci,i|ci,i+1

Remark A.5.

Besides the slope s(φ,x) considered above, Demailly introduced in [27] a different generalization of Lelong numbers on normal complex spaces, defined as the intersection multiplicity


where (fi) are generators of 𝔪x, the definition being independent of that choice. When 𝔞=(g1,,gr) is an 𝔪x-primary ideal and φ=logi|gi|, then ν(φ,x) computes the mixed (Hilbert–Samuel) multiplicity 𝔞,𝔪x,,𝔪x. In particular, for φ=ψ we have ν(ψ,x)=m(X,x), the multiplicity of X at x. By Demailly’s comparison theorem we have


and the inequality is strict in general. Using the notation of the proof of Theorem A.2 and recalling that -π-1(x) is π-nef, we conjecture by analogy with the algebraic case that


By Theorem A.2 this would imply in particular that conversely ν(φ,x)Cs(φ,x) for some C>0 independent of φ.

B Laplacian estimate

The goal of this section is to present an explicit version of the main result of [50], in order to make it suitable to our purpose.

In what follows (X,ω) denotes a compact Kähler manifold, Δ=trωddc is the (analysts’) Laplace operator with respect to the reference Kähler form ω, and θ0 is a semipositive closed (1,1)-form such that Xθn>0, where n=dimX. We let Amp(θ) denote the ample locus of (the cohomology class of) θ.

Theorem B.1.

Let μ be a positive measure on X of the form μ=eψ+-ψ-dV with ψ± quasi-psh and e-ψ-Lp for some p>1. Assume that φ is a bounded θ-psh function such that (θ+ddcφ)n=μ. Then we have Δφ=O(e-ψ-) locally in Amp(θ).

More precisely, assume given a constant C>0 such that

  1. ddcψ+-Cω and supXψ+C,

  2. ddcψ--Cω and e-ψ-LpC.

Let also UAmp(θ) be a relatively compact open subset. Then there exists A>0 only depending on θ, p, C and U such that


on U.

This result recovers in particular [70, Theorem 7, p. 398].


We may of course assume that φ is normalized. During the proof A,A1, will denote positive constants that may vary from line to line, but are under control in the sense that they only depend on θ, p, C and U. Since U is contained in Amp(θ), we may choose a Zariski open set ΩU and a θ-psh function ψ such that (θ+ddcψ)|Ω is the restriction of a Kähler form ω~ on a higher compactification X~ of Ω, so that

ω~δω on Ω for some δ>0 and ψ- near Ω.

The proof of Theorem B.1 is divided into two steps. In the first and main one, an a priori estimate for smooth solutions of non-degenerate perturbations of the equation is established. In the second step we conclude using a regularization argument.

Step 1: A priori estimates. For 0<ε1 we set ωε:=ω~+εω, viewed as a Kähler form on Ω. Note that ωεδω, so that


for every positive (1,1)-form α. Assume that ψ+ and ψ- are smooth functions satisfying (i) and (ii) of Theorem B.1, and assume given a smooth normalized θε-psh function φε such that


The goal of Step 1 is to establish that |Δφε|Ae-ψ- on U with A>0 under control. Since we have ωεAω over U with A under control, it will be enough to prove that


satisfies trωε(ωε)Ae-ψ- on U.

We first recall the Laplacian inequality obtained in [57, pp. 98–99]: if τ,τ are two Kähler forms on a complex manifold, then there exists a constant B>0 only depending on a lower bound for the holomorphic bisectional curvature of τ such that


We remark that Siu’s argument uses the fact that τ and τ are ddc-cohomologous. But the general case is valid as well since Siu’s computations are purely local and any Kähler form is even locally ddc-exact. This being said, let us apply this inequality to the two Kähler forms ωε and ωε on Ω.

Since ω~ extends to a Kähler form on a higher compactification X~ of Ω, the holomorphic bisectional curvature of ωε=ω~+εω is obviously bounded over Ω by a constant B>0 under control, and (B.3) yields


On the other hand, applying ddclog to (ωε)n=eψ+-ψ-ωn yields


where A is under control thanks to (i). Using trωε(ω)nδ-1 and the trivial inequality


we thus infer from (B.4) that


with A under control.

We next argue along the lines of [50, Lemma 3.2] to take care of the term Δωεψ-. By (ii) we have Aωε+ddcψ-0 with A under control. Applying trωε to the trivial inequality




Plugging this into (B.6) and using again (B.5), we thus obtain


where A is under control. Now set


so that ωε=ωε+ddcρε. We then have n=trωε(ωε)+Δωερε, and we finally deduce from (B.7) that


on Ω, with A1,A2 under control.

We are now in a position to apply the maximum principle. On the one hand, ρε=φε-ψ tends to + near Ω. On the other hand, trωε(ωε)δ-1trω(ωε) is bounded above on Ω since ωε is smooth over X. The function


therefore achieves its maximum at some x0Ω, and (B.8) yields trωε(ωε)(x0)A2. On the other hand, trivial eigenvalue considerations show that


for any two Kähler forms τ1,τ2, whence


by (B.2). Using ωδ-1ωε it follows that


where A3,A4 are under control, and we obtain


with A5 under control, since ρε=φε-ψ and ψ0. By the L-estimate provided by [34], we now obtain


on Ω for some constant A under control. Since φε is normalized, we conversely have


over UΩ, and we finally infer as desired trωε(ωε)Ae-ψ- on U.

Step 2: Regularization. We now consider the set-up of Theorem B.1. By Demailly’s regularization theorem [28], there exist two decreasing sequences of smooth functions ψj± such that

  1. limjψj±=ψ± on X,

  2. ddcψj±-Aω for some A>0 under control.

In fact, the constant A>0 depends in principle on the Lelong numbers of the quasi-psh functions ψ± according to Demailly’s result, but these Lelong numbers can be uniformly bounded in terms of the lower bound -Cω for ddcψ± by a standard argument, see for instance [12, Lemma 2.5].

For each 0<ε1 the closed (1,1)-form θ+εω is Kähler, and Yau’s theorem [70] yields smooth normalized θε-psh functions φε,j such that


where cε,j is a normalizing constant. Since eψj+-ψj-eC-ψ- is uniformly bounded in Lp, cε,j is under control and Step 1 of the proof shows that


over U, with A>0 under control.

Now for each fixed j it follows from [13, Lemma 5.3] that φε,j converges weakly as ε0 to the normalized solution φj of


which therefore satisfies as well |Δφj|Ae-ψj- on U. But we also have eψj+-ψj-eψ+-ψ- in Lp by dominated convergence, and it follows that φjφ weakly on X by [34, Theorem A], which concludes the proof of Theorem B.1. ∎

C A version of Berndtsson’s convexity theorem

The goal of this section is to extract from [9] the proof the following result.

Theorem C.1.

Let X be a compact Kähler manifold and L a line bundle on X such that

  1. h0(X,KX+L)=1 and h1(X,KX+L)=0,

  2. L=M+Δ, where M is a semipositive -line bundle, Δ=iaiDi is an effective -divisor with SNC support and ai(0,1).

Set S:={tC0<Ret<1} and consider a psh metric ϕ on the pull-back of L to X×S of the form ϕ=τ+ϕΔ, where

  1. τ is a bounded psh metric on the pull-back of M to X×S, with tτt only depending on Ret and Lipschitz continuous,

  2. ϕΔ=iailog|si|2 with si the canonical section of 𝒪(Di), so that ddcϕΔ=[Δ].

For each generator u of H0(X,KX+L), viewed as an L-valued holomorphic n-form on X, the function


is then convex on (0,1). If it is further affine, then there exists a holomorphic vector field V on {u0}X such that


on X×S, with LV the Lie derivative along V.

The situation here is a slight variant of [9, Section 6.2], which corresponds to the case where u is nowhere zero (and hence L=-KX). The arguments given in that part of the paper are rather brief, and a more precise exposition of the proof is presented in [22, Appendix 1]. However, the latter still suffers from some minor oversights, having to do with the negative part of the curvature in the regularization and the possibly non-uniform convergence of the curvature formula. We therefore take the opportunity to present here a proof with full details. We are very grateful to Bo Berndtsson who kindly answered our questions on his proof and carefully checked our arguments. We also mention [71, 26] for other illustrations of Berndtsson’s technique.

In what follows we fix a reference Kähler metric ω on X.

Step 0: Preliminary facts. Assume for the moment that ϕ is a fixed smooth metric on L. The (1,0)-part of the induced Chern connection is given by


in any local trivialization of L. It is related to the adjoint ¯ϕ* of ¯ by the Kähler commutation identity iϕ=[¯ϕ*,ω]. For an L-valued (p,0)-form v, this becomes


which shows in particular that the image of ϕ on (p,0)-forms is orthogonal to the kernel of ¯. For p=n-1, vωv is a pointwise isometry between L-valued (n-1,0) and (n,1)-forms, and the Hodge star operator satisfies (ωv)=i(n-1)2v. In particular,


for any L-valued (n,1)-form α.

Lemma C.2.

For each L-valued (n,0)-form η on X, there exists a unique L-valued (n-1,0)-form v such that

  1. ϕv=Pη, the projection of η orthogonal to the kernel of ¯,

  2. ω¯v=0.


The image of ¯ is closed, since it has finite codimension in Ker¯. As a result, Pη(Ker¯)=Im¯ϕ* may be uniquely written as Pη=¯ϕ*β for an L-valued (n,1)-form β(Ker¯ϕ*)=Im¯, and β=ωv for a unique L-valued (n-1,0)-form v.

Since we are assuming that Hn,1(X,)=H1(X,KX+L)=0, β above is in fact unique in Ker¯, which concludes the proof. ∎

Remark C.3.

For later use, note that any L-valued (n-1,0)-form v for which (ii) holds satisfies


for all L-valued (n,1)-form α, by (C.3).

Step 1: Regularization. As in [9, Section 2.3], we rely on [11] to write the bounded psh metric τ on the pull-back of M to X×S as the decreasing limit of a sequence of smooth metrics τν over X×Sν for a slightly smaller strip


with δν0 such that


on X×Sν for some sequence εν0. We denote by ddc the operator on the product; an additional index z or t will indicate partial derivatives. Note that shrinking the time interval is necessary in the regularization process, since we are working over the non-compact product manifold X×S.

Since tτt is Lipschitz continuous and only depends on Ret, we can further arrange that tτtν is uniformly Lipschitz continuous and only depends on Ret (by averaging).

We also introduce a regularization of ϕΔ by setting


with ψi a smooth metric on 𝒪(Di). It satisfies:

  1. ddcϕΔν-Cω for some uniform constant C>0,

  2. for each neighborhood U of suppΔ, there exists εUν0 such that ddcϕΔν-εUνω outside U.

Setting ϕν:=τν+ϕΔν defines a smooth metric on the pull-back of L to X×S, only depending on Ret, with time derivative ϕ˙tν=τ˙tνC(X) uniformly bounded and converging a.e. to ϕ˙t.

Step 2: Hodge theoretic estimates. For each t,ν, we denote by ηϕtν the L2-norm of an L-valued (p,q)-form η on X with respect to the fixed Kähler metric ω and the hermitian metric ϕtν on L. We write Ptνη for the projection of η orthogonal to the kernel of ¯, and zϕtν for the (1,0)-part of the Chern connection associated to ϕtν. As explained in [9, Remark 3.2 and Lemma 6.3], the equation in Lemma C.2 satisfies the following uniform estimate:

Lemma C.4.

There exists a constant C>0 such that for each t,ν and each L-valued (n,0)-form η, the unique L-valued (n-1,0)-form v solving

  1. zϕtνv=Ptνη,

  2. ω¯zv=0.

satisfies vϕtνCηϕtν.

We will also rely on the following estimate, which follows from (the proof of) [9, Lemma 6.5].

Lemma C.5.

For each δ>0, there exists a neighborhood UδX of suppΔ such that


for all L-valued (n-1,0)-forms v on X, all ν and tSν.

Combining these facts, we obtain the following key technical result.

Lemma C.6.

For each ν, there exists a unique smooth family vν=(vtν)tSν of L-valued (n-1,0)-forms such that

  1. zϕtνvtν=Ptν(ϕ˙tνu),

  2. ω¯zvtν=0.

The L2-norm vtνϕtν is bounded independently of t and ν. After perhaps passing to a subsequence, we can further find a sequence of smooth cut-off functions 0χν1 on X (with χν0 on some neighborhood of suppΔ) such that

  1. χνddcϕtν-ενω,

  2. X(1-χν)|vtν|ϕtν2εν(1+¯zvtνϕtν2),

for some sequence εν>0 converging to 0.

Step 3: Subharmonicity of L. Our goal here is to show that L(t)=-loguϕt2 is subharmonic on S. This function is the decreasing limit of


which may be viewed as the weight of the L2-metric induced by ϕtν on the trivial line bundle Sν×H0(X,KX+L). By [9, Theorem 3.1] (see also [22, Lemma 14] for a direct computation), we thus have the curvature formula


where we have set




and X denotes fiber integration.

First, we observe that the left-hand coefficient satisfies


for some uniform constant C>0. This is a consequence of e-ϕtνe-ϕt=e-τt-ϕΔ, since e-ϕΔ is integrable while e-τtCe-τt0 for any fixed t0 by Lipschitz continuity of tτt.

Next, as in [9, Section 6.2], we note that


thanks to the L2-bound vtνϕtνC and the curvature lower bound χνddcϕtν-ενω. On the other hand, the global curvature bound ddcϕtν-Cω combined with (iv) in Lemma C.6 yields


Injecting these estimates in the curvature formula (C.4), we obtain


for some uniform constant c>0 and εν0. In particular, we get as desired ddtcL0 in the limit, thereby proving that L is subharmonic.

Step 4: Holomorphy of v. From now on, we assume that L is harmonic, so that ddcLν0 weakly on S. As a first consequence, we obtain the following estimates:

Lemma C.7.

The following fiber integrals converge weakly to zero on S as ν:

  1. X|¯zvtν|ϕtν2,

  2. XχνΘν,

  3. X(1-χν)Θν,

  4. X(1-χν)|vtν|ϕtν2.


Part (i) follows directly from (C.9). Another application of the curvature formula (C.4) then yields XΘν0. Now let fCc(S) be a non-negative test function. Injecting (i) in (C.8) yields X×Sf(1-χν)Θν-εKν, while (C.7) gives X×SfχνΘν-εKν. Since the sum converges to zero by what we just saw, we get (ii) and (iii). Finally, (iv) is a consequence of (i) and point (iv) of Lemma C.6. ∎

By the uniform L2-bound on vtν, the corresponding sequence vν on X×S is bounded in Lloc2 (with respect to a smooth reference metric on L). After passing to a subsequence, we may assume that vν converges weakly in Lloc2(X×S) to a section v. Our goal is to show that v is in fact holomorphic on X×S.

As a direct consequence of estimate (i) in Lemma C.7, we have ¯zv=0 weakly. The hard part is to prove that v/t¯=0 holds weakly. We first observe that it is enough to show


for all compactly supported Lipschitz continuous families αt of bounded L-valued (n,1)-forms on X. Indeed, choosing αt supported in a local coordinate chart in which L is trivialized and identifying metrics on L with functions, we can write


and it is then enough to choose αt of the form


with gCc.

Let KS be a compact set such that αt=0 for tK. Using again Hn,1(X,L)=0, we get for each t,ν a unique L-valued (n,0)-form βtν, orthogonal to the kernel of ¯z and such that


By [9, Lemma 4.2], tβtν is uniformly Lipschitz continuous as a map from S to L2, again with respect to any choice of a reference smooth metric on L. We will rely on the following identity.

Lemma C.8.

For each t,ν, we have


Recall that we have set wν=u-dtvν.


By construction, vν satisfies ω¯zvν=0, and hence ¯z(vνt¯)ω=0 as well. As noted in Remark C.3, it follows that


and hence


Next, we claim that


Indeed, (C.3) gives


using the Kähler identity (C.2). The claim follows since in2+1-(n-1)2=(-1)n.

Now, a simple computation shows that




To see this, recall that ηtν:=zϕνvν-ϕ˙tνu satisfies by construction ¯zηtν=0. Using the local description


we apply /t¯ to get


The desired identity follows since the left-hand side is in the kernel of ¯z while


is orthogonal to the kernel of ¯z. Finally, writing


and using the fact that βtν¯ has type (0,n) on X shows that


As a result, we get


where the second equality uses that βtν is orthogonal to the kernel of ¯z and the third one comes from (C.13). Lemma C.8 now follows in view of (C.11) and (C.12). ∎

Thanks to the previous lemma, the desired estimate (C.10) boils down to the following.

Lemma C.9.

For each non-negative fCc(S),


The proof will rely on the following special case of the Bochner–Kodaira–Nakano identity, referred to as the “one-variable Hörmander inequality” in [9, Section 4].

Lemma C.10.

Let S be a Riemann surface and let φ (resp. u) be a smooth real-valued (resp. complex-valued, compactly supported) function on S. Then



Pick any Kähler form ω on S, and view φ (resp. u) as a metric (resp. section) of the trivial line bundle on M, so that φu=u-uφ. For bidegree reasons, the Bochner–Kodaira–Nakano identity (cf. for instance [29, Section 13.2]) gives


with Λ the pointwise adjoint of ω. For bidegree reasons again (compare (C.3)), we have


Proof of Lemma C.9.

Because of the large negative part of the curvature ddcϕν near suppΔ, we cut the integral X×Sf𝑑dcϕνwνβtν¯e-ϕν into two pieces using χν. Note that we may and do assume that fCc(S) has been chosen so that f1/2 is smooth.

First, the curvature bound χν(z)ddcϕν+ενω0 and the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality yield


The first right-hand factor


tends to 0 thanks to Lemma C.7 and the L2-bound on vtν. To show that the second factor is bounded, note that ddcϕνβtνβtν¯=ddtcϕνβtνβtν¯, since βtν is an (n,0)-form on X. Thanks to the Lipschitz bounds for tβtνL2, tϕtν and f(t)1/2, the one-variable Hörmander inequality of Lemma C.10 yields a uniform bound upper bound for


which shows that


is indeed bounded. We infer from the above that


Using now the global curvature bound ddcϕν+Cω0, we similarly write


The first factor


tends to zero by Lemma C.7, and the second factor is bounded for the same reason as above, thanks to the one-variable Hörmander inequality, and hence




tends to 0, we conclude as desired that


tends to 0. ∎

Step 5: End of the proof. Recall that v, which is now known to be holomorphic on X×S, is obtained as the weak Lloc2 limit on X×S of vν, and that uH0(X,KX+L) is the given non-zero holomorphic L-valued n-form.

Lemma C.11.

The distributional equation z¯zϕv=zϕ˙tu is satisfied on X×S.


Set hν:=Ptν(ϕ˙tνu)-ϕ˙tνu, which satisfies ¯zhν=0. These functions are uniformly bounded in Lloc2(X×S), since X|htν|ϕtν2 is uniformly bounded thanks to the uniform Lipschitz bound for tϕtν. We may thus assume that hνh weakly in Lloc2(X×S).

Since ¯zh=0, the desired result will follow from the identity


understood locally on X×S. Recall that all (pluri)subharmonic functions belong to the Sobolev space Wloc1,1, basically because the Newton kernel has the same property. In particular, (C.14) is an equality in the space Lloc1(X×S), and it will thus be enough to argue on the open set U:=(XsuppΔ)×S where the psh function ϕ is locally bounded.

Rewrite zϕνvν=Ptν(ϕ˙tνu) as


On U, we have e-ϕνe-ϕ strongly in Lloc2, and vνv and hνh weakly in Lloc2. This is enough to get


on U. Since the psh function ϕ is locally bounded on U, it satisfies the chain rule


see for instance [13, Lemma 1.9], and (C.14) thus follows from (C.15). ∎

By Lemma C.6, vtν is uniquely determined by an equation whose only dependence on t is through ϕtν. As a result, vtν is independent of Imt, and hence so is vt. Being holomorphic in t, the latter is thus independent of t.

On the open set {u0}, define a holomorphic vector field V by requiring that iVu=-v. Since θt:=ddzcϕt satisfies θtu=0 for bidegree reasons, we have


and Lemma C.11 thus gives


For bidegree reasons and since we are working over the locus where u does not vanish, it follows that iVθt+i¯zϕ˙t=0. Using the Cartan identity V=diV+iVd for the Lie derivative, we obtain the desired equation


thereby concluding the proof of Theorem C.1.


The authors would like to express their gratitude to Bo Berndtsson for uncountably many interesting discussions related to this work, and in particular for his help regarding the uniqueness theorem. We are also grateful to Tomoyuki Hisamoto and Dror Varolin for helpful discussions, and we thank the referee for useful suggestions.


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Received: 2014-08-03
Revised: 2016-05-04
Published Online: 2016-09-14
Published in Print: 2019-06-01

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