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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter May 3, 2018

On cohomological Hall algebras of quivers: Generators

  • Olivier Schiffmann and Eric Vasserot


We study the cohomological Hall algebra Y of a Lagrangian substack Λ of the moduli stack of representations of the preprojective algebra of an arbitrary quiver Q, and their actions on the cohomology of Nakajima quiver varieties. We prove that Y is pure and we compute its Poincaré polynomials in terms of (nilpotent) Kac polynomials. We also provide a family of algebra generators. We conjecture that Y is equal, after a suitable extension of scalars, to the Yangian 𝕐 introduced by Maulik and Okounkov. As a corollary, we prove a variant of Okounkov’s conjecture, which is a generalization of the Kac conjecture relating the constant term of Kac polynomials to root multiplicities of Kac–Moody algebras.

A Appendix

A.1 Proof of Proposition 3.1

The proposition is proved in the literature under the assumption that Q does not carry oriented cycles (or edge loops). The following argument which works in full generality was explained to us by W. Crawley-Boevey. Let us begin by sketching the proof that Π is of homological dimension two. We may and will restrict ourselves to the case of a connected quiver. For any vertex iI we denote by ei the corresponding idempotent of Π. Consider the complex of (Π,Π)-bimodules


where all the tensor products are taken over , and where the maps are defined as follows: k is the multiplication map, g(aeh′′ehb)=ahehehb-aeh′′eh′′hb and


where ϵh=1 if hΩ and ϵh=-1 if hΩ*. The fact that (A.1) is a complex is a direct consequence of the defining relations of Π. We claim that it is in addition exact. This exactness everywhere except for the leftmost term may be checked using standard arguments. Recall that we have assumed that Q is not of finite Dynkin type. Equipping Π with the -grading obtained by assigning degree 1 to any edge hΩ¯ we then have that Π is a Koszul algebra and that its Hilbert series


is equal to HQ(t)=(Id+t(𝐐+𝐐t)+t2Id)-1, where 𝐐 is the adjacency matrix of Q, see [23, 14]. Observing that f,g,k are of respective degrees 1,1,0, we deduce that


as wanted. This proves that Π is of homological dimension two. Next, let M, N be any finite-dimensional Π-modules. Tensoring (A.1) by M yields the projective resolution of M


Applying the functor Hom(N,), we obtain the following complex computing Ext(N,M):


It remains to observe that this complex is canonically isomorphic to the dual of the same complex in which the roles of M and N are exchanged.

A.2 Proof of Lemma 3.9

Being the fiber of the moment map 𝔤𝔩(v)2q𝔰𝔩(v), the set M(v) has all its irreducible components of dimension at least (2q-1)v2+1. Note also that M(v) is defined over and may be therefore reduced to any finite field. By the Lang–Weil theorem the irreducibility of M(v) will thus be a consequence of the estimate as l


By [26, Theorem 5.1] the number of points of M(v)(𝔽l) is given by the generating series


where Exp is the plethystic exponential and Av(l) is the Kac polynomial, see, e.g., [37, Section 2]. It is well known that Av(l) is a monic polynomial of degree 1-v,v=1+(g-1)v2. The coefficient of zv in (A.2) reads


where the sum ranges over all r-tuples ((n1,v1),,(nr,vr)) satisfying inivi=v. We claim that only the first term on the right-hand side of (A.3) contributes to the leading term. Indeed, ll-1Av(l)l1+(q-1)v2 while for any r2 and tuple (ni,vi)i we have


and it is elementary to check that ini(1+(q-1)vi2)<1+(q-1)v2 whenever r2. It now follows by taking the leading term of (A.3) that #M(v)(𝔽l)l(2q-1)v2+1 as wanted.

Remark A.1.

One may alternatively use Beilinson and Drinfeld’s notion of a very good stack, see [1, Section 1.1.1.], and show that Rep(kQ,v)/G(v) is very good for any v and any Q=𝒬(i,q) with q>1.

A.3 Proof of Proposition 3.11

A simple representation S of Π~ will be called rigid if Ext1(S,S)={0}. Since


a simple representation S is rigid if and only if (dimS,dimS)=2. Alternatively, a representation S is rigid if and only if every other simple representation of the same dimension is isomorphic to S. On the other hand, if S is non-rigid, then there are infinitely many non-isomorphic simple representations of the same dimension (recall that we work over the field k=), and we have (dimS,dimS)0 (note that (u,u)2 for any dimension vectors u,u). For any dimension type d there exists a unique representation type τ=τ(d) of dimension type d in which all non-rigid simple representations occur with multiplicity one. The stratum 𝔐0(τ) is open and dense in 𝔐0((d)). Since π is proper, the set Im(π) is closed and the proposition will be proved once we show that for any d we have 𝔐0(τ)Im(π) as soon as there exists τ of dimension type d such that 𝔐0(τ)Im(π). By definition, the existence of such a τ means that there exists a stable representation MMs(v,w) of semisimple type τ. In other words, there exists a collection of simple Π~-modules S1,S2,,Sr such that #{i:dimSi=u}=du for any u, and an iterated extension


which is stable. Note that we automatically have dimS1I×{w} and dimSiI×{0} for any i>1. Our aim is then to prove, under the above hypothesis, the existence of a similar iterated extension N1N2Nr which is stable, for which Ti:=Ni/Ni-1 is simple, satisfies dimTi=dimSi and in which all non-rigid simple factors Ti are non-isomorphic. We will use the following simple observation, which might be of independent interest.

Lemma A.2.

Let N1N2Nr be a filtration with simple factors Ti:=Ni/Ni-1 such that dimT1NI×{0} while dimTiNI×{0} for any i>1. Let ξiExtΠ~1(Ti,Ni-1) be the associated elements. Then Nr is stable if and only if ξi0 for all i.


The module Nr is stable if and only if it contains no submodule whose dimension vector belongs to I×{0}, and hence if and only if HomΠ~(Ti,Nj)={0} for all i,j. This in turn is equivalent to the condition that HomΠ~(Ti,Ni)={0} for all i. From the exact sequence


and the fact that ξi=(id) we see that Ni is stable if and only if ξi0 and Ni-1 is stable. The claim follows. ∎

Let us fix some w and prove the proposition by induction on v. Let us also fix a dimension type d such that udu=(v,w). Let us assume that Proposition 3.11 is proved for (w,v) for any dimension vector v<v. Let τ be a representation type of dimension type d¯, and of dimension (v,w). Let M1M2Mr be a filtration as above of representation type τ, and set Si=Mi/Mi-1. If r=1, there is nothing to prove, so we assume that r>1. There are two cases to consider.

Case 1: Sr is not rigid

By our induction hypothesis, there exists a filtration


such that Ti:=Ni/Ni-1 is a simple Π~-module of dimension dimSi, Nr-1 is stable and all non-rigid simple factors Tj are non-isomorphic. Let us choose a simple object Tr of the same dimension as Si, but non-isomorphic to all the Tj for j<i. This is possible since there are infinitely many non-isomorphic simples of dimension dimSr. We have to show that Ext1(Tr,Nr-1){0}. Let i0i be the smallest index for which dimTi0=dimSr. Since (dimTr,dimTr)0 and (dimTr,dimS)=-dimExt1(Tr,S)0 for any S which is not isomorphic to Tr, we have


therefore (dimTr,dimNi-1)<0 and hence Ext1(Tr,Ni-1){0}. We choose any nonzero ξExt1(Tr,Ni-1) to define Nr. By Lemma A.2 the representation Nr is stable, and by construction it is of representation type τ.

Case 2: Sr is rigid

Set n=dimHom(Mr,Sr). We claim that there exists a filtration


of Mr for which Mr-j/Mr-j-1Sr for j=0,1,,n-1 and


Indeed, let M be any Π~-module satisfying


Applying Hom(,Sr) to any exact sequence


yields a short exact sequence


from which we get dimHom(K,Sr)=dimHom(M,Sr)-1. Similarly, applying Hom(Sr,), we get the short exact sequence


from which we deduce that dimExt1(Sr,K)=dimExt1(Sr,M)+1. Iterating this process n times starting with M, we get a filtration of Mr with the required properties. The representation type ν of Mr-n is obtained from τ by decreasing the multiplicity of Sr by n. By the induction hypothesis, there exists a stable representation Nr-n of type ν, obtained from τ by decreasing the multiplicity of Sk by n. Now, we have


hence dimExt1(Sr,Nr-n)n. Reversing the process above, we may now consider n successive non-split extensions of Nr-n by Sr. The resulting module Nr is stable by Lemma A.2 and is of type τ as wanted.

The induction step is completed, and Proposition 3.11 is proved.

A.4 Kirwan surjectivity for local quiver varieties

In this subsection, we provide an independent proof of the Kirwan surjectivity for the fixed point quiver varieties used in this paper.

A.4.1 Local quiver varieties

We define a new quiver Q#=(I#,Ω#) defined as follows:

  1. I#={(i,l)}=I×,

  2. Ω#={(h,l):(h,l)(h′′,l-1)hΩ}{(h,l):(h,l)(h′′,l)hΩ*}.

For each dimension vectors v, w of Q# we define


where we abbreviate V=kv, W=kw and (V[-1])i,l=Vi,l-1. The group G(v)×G(w) acts in the obvious way on R(v,w)#. The map


is G(v)×G(w)-equivariant. Let


The affine variety 𝔐0(v,w)# carries an action of the group T×G(w). Let s be the character of G(v) defined by


The local quiver variety associated with Q, v, w is the quasiprojective variety given by


We may abbreviate 𝔐(v,w)#=𝔐s(v,w)#. There is a natural projective morphism


A representation (x¯,a¯) in M(v,w)# is said to be semistable if and only if it does not admit any nonzero subrepresentation whose dimension vector belongs to I#×{0}. Let


be the open subset consisting of the semistable points. Observe that this set is preserved by the T×G(v)×G(w)-action on R(v,w)#. The same arguments as in [28, 31] imply that 𝔐(v,w)# is the geometric quotient of Ms(v,w)# by G(v) and is smooth quasi-projective with an action of T×G(w). If Q# (or equivalently Q) has no oriented cycles, then 𝔐0(v,w)# is reduced to a single point and thus 𝔐(v,w)# is projective. However, this is not the case in general.

Note that the varieties 𝔐(v,w)# arise as a union of fixed point connected components for some suitable 𝔾m-actions on the Nakajima quiver varieties attached to the quiver Q, see Section 3.7.4. More precisely, fix dimension vectors u, y in I and consider the -action on 𝔐(u,y) in (4.2). We have


where the union ranges over the elements v, w in I# such that


This decomposition is compatible with the T-action.

A.4.2 The homology of local quiver varieties

For any vertex (i,l)I# the universal and the tautological T×G(w)-equivariant vector bundles over 𝔐(v,w)# are denoted by


They are defined as in (5.22). Consider the subspace


generated by the action of the Chern character components chk(𝒱i,l) and chk(𝒲i,l), for all possible i,l,k, on the fundamental class [𝔐(v,w)#].

Theorem A.3.

For any v, w we have Mv,w#=M*T×G(w)(M(v,w)#).

When Q has no oriented cycle, then Q# has no oriented cycle either, hence 𝔐(v,w)# is projective. In this case, the theorem follows from Nakajima’s resolution of the diagonal as in [30, Section 7.3]. We will prove the theorem by constructing a suitable compactification of the local quiver variety. A very similar construction has independently appeared in McGerty and Nevins’ recent proof of Kirwan surjectivity for (non-graded, non-local) quiver varieties, see [25].

Corollary A.4.

For any v,wNI#, the variety M(v,w)# is connected.

A.4.3 The quivers Q and Q¯

Consider a new quiver Q=(I,Ω) defined as follows:

  1. I={i1:iI}{i2:iI}I×{1,2},

  2. Ω={h:(h)1(h′′)2hΩ}{i:i1i2iI}.


We have

The quiver Q is strongly bipartite: all arrows go from a vertex in I×{1} to one in I×{2}. In particular, it contains no oriented cycles. The moduli stacks of representations of Q and Q are related in the following fashion. For each vI we define vI such that




be the open subset consisting of the representations x such that xi is invertible for all i. Then the assignment x(x,g), where


gives an isomorphism


hence an isomorphism of Artin stacks


This allows us to view Rep(kQ,v)/G(v) as an open substack of Rep(kQ,v)/G(v).

We will now perform a similar construction for the double quiver. Let Q¯ be the double quiver of Q. For each v, w in I we define v, w in I such that


The group G(v) acts in a Hamiltonian fashion on


and we denote by μ:R(v,w)𝔤(v) the associated moment map. Let R(v,w) be the open subset of R(v,w) consisting of pairs (x¯,a¯) such that xi is an isomorphism for all i. We also put


Now, let R(v,w) and M(v,w) be as in Section 3.7.1. Consider the map


defined, for all hΩ and iI, by


A direct computation gives:

Lemma A.5.

Given v,w let v,w be as in (A.5). Then the map ϕ gives an isomorphism M(v,w)×G(v)M(v,w). ∎

We will next consider appropriate stability conditions on R(v,w). Given a tuple of integers (θi), let θ be the character of G(v) defined by θ(g)=iIdet(gi)-θi. We set


which is a quasi-projective T×G(w)-variety equipped with a projective morphism


We can describe the set of closed points of 𝔐θ(v,w) explicitly. Set


We say that an element (x¯,a¯) is θ-semistable if the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. For any (x¯,a¯)-stable I-graded subspace UV we have

  2. For any I-graded subspace UV such that UW is (x¯,a¯)-stable we have


We will further say that (x¯,a¯) is stable if the above inequalities are strict for proper subspaces U. Let us denote by Rθ(v,w) the open subset of R(v,w) consisting of θ-semistable elements and by Mθ(v,w) its intersection with M(v,w). Then [32, Proposition 2.9] yields


We also set


We say that θ is generic if neither equations


have integer solutions (ui) satisfying 0uivi other than the trivial solutions


If θ is generic, then any semistable pair (x¯,a¯) is stable and in that case the map


is a G(v)-torsor, hence the variety 𝔐θ(v,w) is smooth.

Lemma A.6.

Given v,w let v,w be as in (A.5). Let θZI be generic and such that

(A.7)θi10,θi20,θi1+θi2=1for all iI.

Then the map ϕ restricts to an isomorphism


Fix a tuple z=(x¯,a¯) in M(v,w). We will prove that


Let U be an I-graded subspace of V.

Let us first assume that U is z-stable and nonzero. Since xi is invertible, we have


If there exists jI such that dim(Uj1)<dim(Uj2), then


because θj20. Thus U is not destabilizing. On the other hand, if xi is an isomorphism Ui1Ui2 for all i, then we have


hence U is destabilizing.

Assume now that UW is z-stable and proper. As above, we have


for all i. Thus


for otherwise dim(Ui1)=dim(Ui2)=vi for all i and U is not a proper subspace of V. Therefore U is not destabilizing.

By the above, we conclude that z is θ-semistable if and only if there does not exist a nonzero z-stable UV stable under all the maps xi-1. This is easily seen to be equivalent to the condition that ϕ-1(z) belongs to Ms(v,w)×T×G(v). ∎

Corollary A.7.

Given v,w let v,w be as in (A.5). Let θ be a generic character as in (A.7). Then we have an isomorphism ψ:M(v,w)Mθ(v,w) and an open immersion i:M(v,w)Mθ(v,w).∎

A.4.4 The compactification of local quiver varieties

From now on we fix u, y, u, y and θ as above. The existence of such a character θ is clear. For simplicity, we abbreviate


It is straightforward to check from (A.6) that the -actions on 𝔐 and 𝔐 given by


are compatible with the open embedding i in Corollary A.7. Applying (A.4) to the quivers Q and Q, we get the decompositions into smooth disjoint subvarieties


where v, w, v, w run over the sets of dimension vectors in I# and I,# such that


The variety 𝔐(v,w)# is realized in the same way as 𝔐(v,w)# by replacing the quiver Q by the quiver Q throughout. By taking the fixed points under the -actions, the map i yields an open immersion


where v,w are defined by


Since the quiver Q has no oriented cycle, each 𝔐,# is projective and we have obtained in this way the desired compactification of 𝔐#.

A.4.5 Proof of Theorem A.3

Now, let us consider the resolution of the diagonal. The smooth variety 𝔐×𝔐 carries T×G(w)×𝔾m-equivariant universal and tautological bundles given, for all iI, by


Note that 𝒲i={0} for iI2 and that 𝒲i,1=𝒲i,2 is trivial as a vector bundle. We will simply denote this bundle by 𝒲i. We set also 𝒱=iI𝒱i and 𝒲=iI𝒲i. Consider the complex of equivariant bundles on 𝔐×𝔐 given by



  1. C=hΩ¯Hom(𝒱h,1,𝒱h′′,2)[εh]HomI(𝒱,1,𝒲)[1]HomI(𝒲,𝒱,2),

  2. εh=1 if hΩ,* and 0 otherwise,

  3. [1] denotes a grading shift with respect to the 𝔾m-action,

  4. the maps 𝐚,𝐛 are defined as




Lemma A.8.

Over the open subset M,×M the map a is injective and the map b is surjective.


Fix tuples z1𝔐, and z2𝔐. Set z1=(x¯1,a¯1) and z2=(x¯2,a¯2). We will first prove that the map 𝐚 is injective over the point (z1,z2). Let (ξi)ker(𝐚) and put


Since (ξi)ker(𝐚), the space K is a subrepresentation of z1 while I is a subrepresentation of z2. Since z1𝔐,, we have dim(Ki1)dim(Ki2) and hence dim(Ji1)dim(Ji2) for all iI. We deduce that


with a strict inequality if there exists j such that Jj2{0} or dim(Jj1)>dim(Jj2), i.e., if J{0}. By θ-semistability of z2 we conclude that J={0} and that 𝐚 is injective.

To prove that 𝐛 is surjective, we dualize the previous argument. Using the trace pairing, we may view the transpose 𝐛* of 𝐛 as a map




Let (ξi)ker(𝐛*) and set


Because (ξi)ker(𝐛*), the spaces J and K are respectively subrepresentations of z1 and z2. Since z1𝔐,, it follows that dim(Ji1)dim(Ji2), hence dim(Ki1)dim(Ki2) for all i. If dim(Kj1)>dim(Kj2) for some j, then we have


which would contradict the semistability of z2. Thus dim(Ji1)=dim(Ji2) for all i. But then


with strict inequality as soon as Ji{0} for some i. By the semistability of z1, this forces Ji={0} for all i, i.e., we have (ξi)=0 as wanted. Lemma A.8 is proved. ∎

By Lemma A.8 the restriction of the complex (A.9) to 𝔐,×𝔐 is quasi-isomorphic to an equivariant vector bundle =ker(𝐛)/Im(𝐚). Moreover, the bundle carries a section which vanishes precisely on the diagonal Δ𝔐, in


Observe that Δ𝔐, is a closed subset of 𝔐,×𝔐. Indeed, see [28], the map


defines a section of the vector bundle which vanishes precisely over the set of pairs (z1,z2) such that Hom(z1,z2){0} as kQ¯-modules. By the semistability condition, both z1 and z2 are simple so that Hom(z1,z2){0} if and only if z1=z2. Thus the zero set of s is Δ𝔐,.

As a consequence, we have the following equality in A*T×G(w)×𝔾m(𝔐,×𝔐):


Let us now fix dimension vectors v, w for Q# and denote by v, w the associated dimension vectors for Q. We abbreviate 𝔐#=𝔐(v,w)# and 𝔐,#=𝔐(v,w)# as before. Let # be the restriction of to 𝔐#×𝔐,# under the map (A.8). We have


Consider the diagram

in which δ:𝔐#𝔐#×𝔐# is the diagonal embeddings and p1 is the projection onto the first factor. The three maps δ, δ and p1 are proper.

Let αA*T×G(w)(𝔐#) and choose αA*T×G(w)(𝔐,#) such that i*(α)=α. We have, on the one hand,


On the other hand, using the Giambelli formula we may write


for some classes ak belonging to the subring of AT×G(w)*(𝔐#) generated by the classes of the tautological bundles 𝒱i,l and 𝒲i,l as the pair (i,l) runs over I#, and some classes bk belonging to the subring of AT×G(w)*(𝔐,#) generated by the classes of the tautological bundles 𝒱i,l and 𝒲i,l as (lδi) runs over I,#. We have isomorphisms i*(𝒱ik,l)𝒱i,l and 𝒲i,l𝒲i,l. Further, we have


where p:𝔐,# is the map to a point.

Combining (A.10) and (A.11), we deduce that


The statement for the equivariant homology groups can be deduced from that for the Chow homology groups. Indeed, by the same argument as in Proposition 4.3 (c), since there is a contracting 𝔾m-action on 𝔐# whose fixed point subvariety is a projective graded quiver variety, the cycle map


is surjective. This map preserves the tautological subrings. Hence, we have


Theorem A.3 is proved.

Index of notations

  1. H*, A*, M*, ε=1 or 2, H*G, A*G, M*G,

  2. f,

  3. (f,f)!, cl:A*G(X)H2*G(X), ch=l0chl,

  4. Q, Q*, Q¯, Ω, Ω*, Ω¯, ε(h), h, h′′, qij, q¯ij, qi, Ωij, Ω¯ij, ,, (,), dv, δi, kQ, x¯=(x,x*), R(v),

  5. G(v), 𝔤(v), μ:R(v)𝔤(v), M(v), Π, ,Π,

  6. θ(z), θ*(z), T=Tsp×Tdil,

  7. ΛW, Λν, Λ(v), =0 or 1,

  8. ΛW, Λν ,ΛF, Λν, Λ(v),

  9. J(i,q), μν,

  10. R(v,w), HomI(V,W), G(w), x¯, a¯, M(v,w), ρθ, Rθ(v,w), Mθ(v,w), Ms(v,w), dv,w, 𝔐0(v,w), 𝔐(v,w), πθ:𝔐θ(v,w)𝔐0(v,w), 𝔐(v,w)𝔸1, 𝔐0(v,w)𝔸1, v~, τ, κv,w, Q~=(I~,Ω~), RT(v,w), 𝔐0(τ), M(τ), Ms(τ), 𝔐(τ), 𝔏(v,w), M[ρ], L[ρ], 𝔐[ρ], 𝔏[ρ],

  11. H[v1,v2:w], 𝔥[v1,v2:w], H[v1,S:w], 𝔥[v1,S:w], H[v1,S], 𝔥[v1,S],

  12. Ls(v,w), 𝔏(v,w), :𝔾m×𝔐(v,w)𝔐(v,w), :𝔾m×𝔐(v,w)𝔐(v,w),

  13. H(w)G(w),

  14. 𝕜, 𝕜[v],

  15. H(v)G(v), 𝕜v, K,

  16. 𝕏, 𝕏+, Y, YA, YM, Y(v), Y(v,k),

  17. Y

  18. λ(q,z), τ=rank(T), Av(t),

  19. εi(x¯), R(v)l,i, Λ1(v)l,i, Y1(v)l,i, xi,l, xl,

  20. 𝐘, 𝕜(), 𝐘(0), 𝐘K, 𝒰i, Ir, Ie, Ih,

  21. Fw, Fw(v), Fw(v,k), Aw, Aw(v), Aw(v,k), (v1,v2:w), i,l(w), i,l, 𝔐(w), 𝒱i, ψi,l.


We would like to thank T. Bozec, F. Charles, M. McBreen, B. Davison, H. Nakajima, A. Negut and A. Okounkov for useful discussions and correspondences. Special thanks are due to B. Crawley-Boevey for providing us the proof of Proposition 3.1.


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Received: 2017-06-24
Revised: 2018-01-22
Published Online: 2018-05-03
Published in Print: 2020-03-01

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