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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter May 29, 2018

Intersections of two Grassmannians in ℙ9

  • Lev A. Borisov , Andrei Căldăraru and Alexander Perry


We study the intersection of two copies of Gr(2,5) embedded in 9, and the intersection of the two projectively dual Grassmannians in the dual projective space. These intersections are deformation equivalent, derived equivalent Calabi–Yau threefolds. We prove that generically they are not birational. As a consequence, we obtain a counterexample to the birational Torelli problem for Calabi–Yau threefolds. We also show that these threefolds give a new pair of varieties whose classes in the Grothendieck ring of varieties are not equal, but whose difference is annihilated by a power of the class of the affine line. Our proof of non-birationality involves a detailed study of the moduli stack of Calabi–Yau threefolds of the above type, which may be of independent interest.

Award Identifier / Grant number: DMS-1201466

Award Identifier / Grant number: DMS-1601907

Award Identifier / Grant number: DMS-1200721

Award Identifier / Grant number: DMS-1606460

Funding statement: Lev A. Borisov was partially supported by NSF Grants DMS-1201466 and DMS-1601907. Andrei Căldăraru was partially supported by NSF grant DMS-1200721. Alexander Perry was partially supported by an NSF postdoctoral fellowship, DMS-1606460.

A Borel–Weil–Bott computations

The purpose of this appendix is to collect some coherent cohomology computations on Grassmannians and GPK3 threefolds, which are invoked in the main text. The key tool is Borel–Weil–Bott, which we review in Section A.1.

A.1 Borel–Weil–Bott

For this subsection, we let V denote an n-dimensional vector space over k (in the rest of the paper n=5). The Borel–Weil–Bott Theorem for GL(V) allows us to compute the coherent cohomology of GL(V)-equivariant bundles on a Grassmannian Gr(r,V) (in the rest of the paper we only need the case r=2). To state the result, we need some notation. Our exposition follows [19, Section 2.6].

The weight lattice of GL(V) is isomorphic to n via the map taking the d-th fundamental weight, i.e. the highest weight of dV, to the sum of the first d basis vectors of n. Under this isomorphism, the dominant integral weights of GL(V) correspond to nonincreasing sequences of integers λ=(λ1,,λn). For such a λ, we denote by ΣλV the corresponding irreducible representation of GL(V) of highest weight λ. The only facts we shall need about these representations are the following:

  1. If λ=(1,,1,0,,0) with the first d entries equal to 1, then ΣλV=dV.

  2. If λ=(λ1,,λn) and μ=(λ1+m,,λn+m) for some m, then there is an isomorphism of GL(V)-representations ΣμVΣλVdet(V)m.

  3. Given λ=(λ1,,λn), set λ=(-λn,-λn-1,,-λ1). Then there is an isomorphism of GL(V)-representations ΣλV(ΣλV).

The construction VΣλV for a dominant integral weight λ globalizes to vector bundles over a scheme, and the above identities continue to hold. We are interested in the case where the base scheme is the Grassmannian Gr(r,V). Denote by 𝒰 the tautological rank r bundle on Gr(r,V), and by 𝒬 the rank n-r quotient of V𝒪Gr(r,V) by 𝒰, so that there is an exact sequence


Then every GL(V)-equivariant bundle on Gr(r,V) is of the form Σα𝒰Σβ𝒬 for some nonincreasing sequences of integers αr and βn-r.

The symmetric group Sn acts on the weight lattice n by permuting the factors. Denote by :Sn the standard length function. We say λn is regular if all of its components are distinct; in this case, there is a unique σSn such that σ(λ) is a strictly decreasing sequence. Finally, let


be the sum of the fundamental weights.

The following result can be deduced from the usual statement of Borel–Weil–Bott by pushing forward equivariant line bundles on the flag variety to the Grassmannian. For a vector space L and an integer p, we write L[p] for the single-term complex of vector spaces with L in degree -p.

Proposition A.1.

Let the notation be as above. Let αZr and βZn-r be nonincreasing sequences of integers, and let λ=(α,β)Zn be their concatenation. If λ+ρ is not regular, then


If λ+ρ is regular and σSn is the unique element such that σ(λ+ρ) is a strictly decreasing sequence, then


For r=2 we express the normal bundle of the Plücker embedding Gr(2,V)(2V) in a form that is well suited to applying Proposition A.1.

Lemma A.2.

The normal bundle of Gr(2,V)P(2V) satisfies


where n=dimV.


The normal bundle fits into a commutative diagram

with exact rows and columns. Here, the map 𝒰𝒰𝒪 is given by evaluation. The map 𝒰V2V𝒪(1) can be described as follows. Since det(𝒰)𝒪(1), there is a natural isomorphism 𝒰𝒰(1), and the map in question is the composition


The sheaf is by definition the cokernel of this map. Due to the exact sequence


we therefore have an isomorphism (2𝒬)(1). Hence also (n-4𝒬)(2) in view of the isomorphism det(𝒬)𝒪(1). It remains to note that NGr(2,V)/(2V) by the snake lemma. ∎

A.2 Computations on Gr

From now on, we assume dimV=5, fix an identification 2VW, and let Gr denote the corresponding embedded Grassmannian Gr(2,V).

Lemma A.3.

The ideal sheaf IGr/P of GrP admits a resolution of the form



By regarding Gr as a Pfaffian variety, this follows from [7] (see [14, Theorem 2.2] for a statement of the result in the form that we apply it). ∎

Lemma A.4.

The restriction map H0(P,TP)H0(Gr,TP|Gr) is an isomorphism.


Taking cohomology of the exact sequence


we see it is enough to show Hk(,Gr/T)=0 for k=0,1. In fact, we claim the sheaf Gr/T has no cohomology. Indeed, RΓ(,T(-t))0 for 2t9, as can be seen from the exact sequence


so the claim follows by tensoring the resolution (A.1) with T and taking cohomology. ∎

Lemma A.5.

We have



Note that 𝒬(-t)Σ(t,t,t-1)𝒬 and 2𝒬(-t)Σ(t,t-1,t-1)𝒬. Now the result follows from Proposition A.1. ∎

Lemma A.6.

For 2t6, we have RΓ(Gr,NGr/P(-t))0.


Combine Lemmas A.2 and A.5. ∎

A.3 Computations on a GPK3 threefold

Let X=Gr1Gr2 be a GPK3 threefold. We write 𝒬i for the tautological rank 3 quotient bundle on Gri, and Ni=NGri/ for the normal bundle of Gri.

Lemma A.7.

For i=1,2, the ideal sheaf IX/Gri of XGri admits a resolution of the form



Analogously to Lemma A.3, this follows by regarding XGri as a Pfaffian variety. ∎

Lemma A.8.

The class of X in the Chow ring of Gri is 5H3, where H denotes the Plücker hyperplane class.


By (A.2) there is a resolution of 𝒪X on Gri of the form


The result follows by taking ch3. ∎

Lemma A.9.

For t1 we have



From (A.3) we get a resolution


Let i be the complex concentrated in degrees [-3,0] given by the first four terms, so that there is a quasi-isomorphism


Then the resulting spectral sequence


combined with Lemma A.5 shows H0(X,𝒬i|X(-tH))=0 for t1. The same argument also proves H0(X,2(𝒬i|X)(-tH))=0 for t1. ∎

Lemma A.10.

The restriction maps


are isomorphisms.


Taking cohomology of the exact sequence


the first claim follows from the vanishing RΓ(Gri,X/Gri𝒬i)=0, which is a consequence of the resolution (A.2) combined with Lemma A.5. The second claim is proved similarly. ∎

Lemma A.11.

The restriction maps H0(Gri,Ni)H0(X,Ni|X), i=1,2, are isomorphisms.


Taking cohomology of the exact sequence


we see it is enough to show Hk(Gri,X/GriNi)=0 for k=0,1. In fact, we claim the sheaf X/GriNi has no cohomology. This follows by tensoring the resolution (A.2) with Ni and applying Lemma A.6. ∎


We are grateful to Johan de Jong for very useful conversations about this work. We also benefited from discussions with Ron Donagi, Sasha Kuznetsov, and Daniel Litt. We thank Michał Kapustka for interesting comments and for informing us about the history of GPK3 threefolds. We thank John Ottem and Jørgen Rennemo for coordinating the release of their paper with ours.


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Received: 2017-07-18
Revised: 2018-04-12
Published Online: 2018-05-29
Published in Print: 2020-03-01

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