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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter December 19, 2019

Capacity, quasi-local mass, and singular fill-ins

  • Christos Mantoulidis ORCID logo , Pengzi Miao ORCID logo and Luen-Fai Tam ORCID logo


We derive new inequalities between the boundary capacity of an asymptotically flat 3-manifold with nonnegative scalar curvature and boundary quantities that relate to quasi-local mass; one relates to Brown–York mass and the other is new. We argue by recasting the setup to the study of mean-convex fill-ins with nonnegative scalar curvature and, in the process, we consider fill-ins with singular metrics, which may have independent interest. Among other things, our work yields new variational characterizations of Riemannian Schwarzschild manifolds and new comparison results for surfaces in them.

Award Identifier / Grant number: DMS-1906423

Award Identifier / Grant number: #2016-06596

Award Identifier / Grant number: #CUHK 14301517

Funding statement: Research of the first author was partially supported by NSF Grant DMS-1905165, and completed at Institut Mittag-Leffler’s “General relativity, geometry and analysis” workshop, supported from grant #2016-06596 of the Swedish Research Council. Research of the second author was partially supported by NSF Grant DMS-1906423. Research of the third author was partially supported by Hong Kong RGC General Research Fund #CUHK 14301517.

A Asymptotically flat manifolds and capacity

We recall the definition of an asymptotically flat manifold.

Definition 1.

A Riemannian 3-manifold ( M , g ) is called asymptotically flat (of order τ) if there is a compact set K such that M K is diffeomorphic to 3 minus a ball and, with respect to the standard coordinates on 3 , the metric g satisfies

(A.1) g i j = δ i j + O ( | x | - τ ) , g i j = O ( | x | - τ - 1 ) , g i j = O ( | x | - τ - 2 )

for some τ ( 1 2 , 1 ] , and the scalar curvature R ( g ) satisfies

R ( g ) = O ( | x | - q )

for some q > 3 . Here denotes partial differentiation on 3 .

In asymptotically flat manifolds of order τ, we have precise control of the boundary capacity potential from Definition 1, (1.4). Namely:

Lemma 2.

If ( M 3 , g ) is asymptotically flat of order 1 2 < τ < 1 , then in Euclidean coordinates x near infinity,

ϕ ( x ) = 𝒞 g ( Σ , M ) | x | + O 2 ( | x | - 1 - τ )

for a constant C g ( Σ , M ) > 0 .


We will write Δ 0 for the Euclidean Laplacian and use the notation u i = i u , etc. Here and below, C will denote positive constant which is independent of x and r. Let ψ = a r - 1 - r - 1 - ϵ , with a , ϵ > 0 . Then

(A.2) Δ g ψ = Δ 0 ψ + σ i j ψ i j + κ i ψ i = - ( 1 + ϵ ) ( 3 + ϵ ) r - 3 - ϵ + O ( r - 3 - τ ) .

with σ i j = O 2 ( r - τ ) , κ i = O 1 ( r - 1 - τ ) . Choosing ϵ < τ , there is R > 0 independent of a so that Δ g ψ 0 on 3 B R ( 0 ) . Choose a 1 so that ψ > ϕ on the complement of 3 B R ( 0 ) in M. We conclude, from the maximum principle, that ϕ ψ a r - 1 on M. Similarly, ϕ - a r - 1 , giving the required bound on | ϕ | . By the interior Schauder estimates, [13, Theorem 6.2] we have

| ϕ | C | x | - 1 , | ϕ | C | x | - 2 , | ϕ | C | x | - 3 .

Extending ϕ to be a smooth function on in a compact set, we may assume that ϕ is defined in 3 so that f = Δ 0 ϕ = O ( r - 3 - τ ) by (A.2) because Δ g ϕ = 0 near infinity. Let

w ( x ) := - 1 4 π 3 1 | x - y | f ( y ) 𝑑 y .

By the decay rate of f, this is well defined and Δ 0 w 0 .

(A.3) 3 f ( y ) | x - y | 𝑑 y = B r / 2 ( x ) f ( y ) | x - y | 𝑑 y = : 𝐈 + B r / 2 ( 0 ) f ( y ) | x - y | 𝑑 y = : 𝐈𝐈
+ 3 ( B r / 2 ( x ) B r / 2 ( 0 ) ) f ( y ) | x - y | 𝑑 y = : 𝐈𝐈𝐈 .

Since | y | r 2 for y B r / 2 ( x ) ,

| 𝐈 | C r - 3 - τ B r / 2 ( x ) d y | x - y | C r - 1 - τ .

Outside B r / 2 ( x ) , | x - y | r 2 . Hence

| 𝐈𝐈𝐈 | C r - 1 3 B r / 2 ( 0 ) | y | - 3 - τ 𝑑 y C r - 1 - τ .

To estimate 𝐈𝐈 , let

a ~ := - 3 f ( y ) 𝑑 y .

Note that a ~ is a finite number by the decay rate of f. For r = | x | > 1 ,

𝐈𝐈 + a ~ r = - 1 r 3 B r / 2 ( 0 ) f ( y ) 𝑑 y = : 𝐈𝐕 + B r / 2 ( 0 ) ( 1 | x - y | - 1 | x | ) f ( y ) 𝑑 y = : 𝐕 .

By direct integration it is easy to see that

| 𝐈𝐕 | C r - 1 - τ .

Since | x - y | r 2 for y B r / 2 ( 0 ) , we have

(A.4) | 𝐕 | = | B r / 2 ( 0 ) ( 2 x y - | y | 2 | x | | x - y | ( | x | + | x - y | ) ) f ( y ) 𝑑 y | C r - 1 - τ .

By (A.3)-(A.4), we have w = a r - 1 + O ( r - 1 - τ ) . Thus, by the maximum principle, w ϕ .

The higher order estimates, again, follow from [13, Theorem 6.2]. This completes the proof of the lemma. ∎

It will often prove to be useful in this paper to invert coordinates on our asymptotic end. The inversion map is defined to be:

Φ : 3 { 0 } 3 { 0 } , y = Φ ( x ) = | x | - 2 x .

Using the inversion y = x | x | 2 , the point will correspond to the origin y = 0 . Suppose g is a metric outside a compact set of the x-space in 3 and g i j = g ( x i , x j ) such that

g i j = δ i j + σ i j .

Using the above inversion, let h i j = g ( y i , y j ) and g i j = g ( x i , x j ) . Then

(A.5) h i j = | y | - 4 { δ i j + σ i j + | y | - 2 [ 4 y i y j y k y l σ k l - 2 | y | 2 ( y i y k σ j k + y j y k σ i k ) ] } .

In particular, if g i j = δ i j , then h i j = | y | - 4 δ i j .

B ̊ ( Σ , γ ) , Λ ̊ ( Σ , γ ) for disconnected Σ

We revisit ̊ , Λ ̊ from [21, Definition 1.2] where Σ had been assumed connected for simplicity. We will generalize results about ̊ , Λ ̊ from [21] to match the revised Definition 4 of the current paper.

The following two lemmas generalize verbatim – the connectedness of Σ did not play a role.

Lemma 1 (Filling, cf. [21, Lemma 2.2]).

Suppose ( Ω , g ) F ̊ ( Σ , γ ) is such that:

  1. Σ H = Ω Σ O is nonempty,

  2. R ( g ) > 0 on Σ H Ω , and

  3. every component of Σ H is a stable minimal 2 -sphere.

Then for every η > 0 , there exists ( D , h ) F ̊ ( Σ , γ ) with H h > H g - η on its boundary S O , which corresponds to Σ O .

Lemma 2 (Doubling, cf. [21, Lemma 2.3]).

Suppose ( Ω , g ) F ̊ ( Σ , γ ) , and that the set Σ H = Ω Σ O is nonempty. Let D denote the doubling of Ω across Σ H , so that D = Σ O Σ O , where Σ O denotes the mirror image of Σ O . For every η > 0 there exists a scalar-flat Riemannian metric h on D such that ( D , h ) satisfies:

  1. Σ O with the induced metric from h is isometric to ( Σ , γ ) ,

  2. H h > H g on Σ O , and

  3. H h > H g - η on Σ O ,

where H g denotes the mean curvature of Σ O in ( Ω , g ) , and H h , H h denote the mean curvatures of Σ O , Σ O in ( D , h ) .

Lemma 3 (cf. [21, Lemma 3.1]).

If ( Ω , g ) F ̊ ( Σ , γ ) F ( Σ , γ ) , then

1 8 π Ω H g 𝑑 σ < Λ ( Σ , γ ) Λ ̊ ( Σ , γ ) .


Use the doubling lemma (see Lemma 2) to get ( D , h ) ( Σ ¯ , γ ¯ ) , where Σ ¯ = Σ Σ , Σ Σ , γ ¯ | Σ = γ , and which has

(B.1) H h > H g on  Σ .

It will be convenient to split up ( Σ , γ ) into its connected components:

( Σ , γ ) = ( Σ 1 , γ 1 ) ( Σ k , γ k ) .

Apply the cutting lemma [21, Lemma 2.1] (which did not need to be generalized) k times to the manifold ( D , h ) to isolate the boundary components ( Σ j , γ j ) and obtain ( Ω j , γ j ) ̊ ( Σ j , γ j ) , j = 1 , , k , with boundary mean curvatures H h , j = H h | Σ j > H g | Σ j . Fix j = 1 , , k . Since Σ j is connected, [21, Proposition 5.1] gives

Λ ̊ ( Σ j , γ j ) = Λ ( Σ j , γ j ) .

Together with (B.1):

Λ ( Σ j , γ j ) = Λ ̊ ( Σ j , γ j ) 1 8 π Ω j H h , j 𝑑 σ j > 1 8 π Σ j H g | Σ j d σ j .

This implies, by the additivity theorem ([21, Theorem 1.2]), that

Λ ( Σ , γ ) = j = 1 k Λ ( Σ j , γ j ) > j = 1 k Σ j H g | Σ j d σ j = Ω H g 𝑑 σ .

The result follows. ∎

As a direct corollary we get:

Proposition 4 (cf. [21, Proposition 5.1]).

We have Λ ̊ ( Σ , γ ) = Λ ( Σ , γ ) .


Take the supremum over ̊ ( Σ , γ ) ( Σ , γ ) in Lemma 3. ∎

For the sake of completeness, let us also generalize some auxiliary results from [21, Section 3], though they are not currently necessary.

Proposition 5 (cf. [21, Proposition 3.1]).

If Σ is a finite union of spheres and γ is any Riemannian metric on Σ, then Λ ̊ ( Σ , γ ) < .


From Proposition 4, Λ ̊ ( Σ , γ ) = Λ ( Σ , γ ) . The latter is known to be finite by combining the additivity theorem [21, Theorem 1.2] with the finiteness theorem for single 2-spheres [21, Theorem 1.3]. ∎

Proposition 6 (Rigidity in F ̊ , cf. [21, Proposition 3.4]).

If ( Ω , g ) F ̊ ( Σ , γ ) attains the supremum Λ ̊ ( Σ , γ ) , i.e., if

1 8 π Ω H g 𝑑 σ = Λ ̊ ( Σ , γ ) ,

then Σ is connected, ( Ω , g ) F ( Σ , γ ) , and it is isometric to a mean-convex handlebody with flat interior whose genus is that of Σ. If Σ were a sphere, then ( Ω , g ) can be isometrically immersed in ( R 3 , g 0 ) .


The fact that ( Ω , g ) ( Σ , γ ) follows from Lemma 3. The result follows from the rigidity theorem for , [21, Theorem 1.4]. ∎


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Received: 2018-08-31
Revised: 2019-09-26
Published Online: 2019-12-19
Published in Print: 2020-11-01

© 2020 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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