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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter December 17, 2015

Great migration: epigenetic reprogramming and germ cell-oocyte metamorphosis determine individual ovarian reserve

  • Onder Celik EMAIL logo , Banu Kumbak Aygun , Nilufer Celik , Suleyman Aydin , Esra Tustas Haberal , Levent Sahin , Yasemin Yavuz and Sudenaz Celik


Emigration is defined as a synchronized movement of germ cells between the yolk sack and genital ridges. The miraculous migration of germ cells resembles the remigration of salmon traveling from one habitat to other. This migration of germ cells is indispensible for the development of new generations. It is not, however, clear why germ cells differentiate during migration but not at the place of origin. In order to escape harmful somatic signals which might disturb the proper establishment of germ cells forced germ cell migration may be necessary. Another reason may be to benefit from the opportunities of new habitats. Therefore, emigration may have powerful effects on the population dynamics of the immigrant germ cells. While some of these cells do reach their target, some others die or reach to wrong targets. Only germ cell precursors with genetically, and structurally powerful can reach their target. Likewise, epigenetic reprogramming in both migratory and post-migratory germ cells is essential for the establishment of totipotency. During this journey some germ cells may sacrifice themselves for the goodness of the others. The number and quality of germ cells reaching the genital ridge may vary depending on the problems encountered during migration. If the aim in germ cell specification is to provide an optimal ovarian reserve for the continuity of the generation, then this cascade of events cannot be only accomplished at the same level for every one but also are manifested by several outcomes. This is significant evidence supporting the possibility of unique individual ovarian reserve.

Corresponding author: Onder Celik, M.D., Professor, Metin Oktay Mah, 52/ 96 Sokak No 3/39, Kat:7, Karabağlar, İzmir, Turkey, Phone: +905304203566, E-mail: ; and Obstetrics and Gynecology, Usak, Turkey


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Received: 2015-10-12
Accepted: 2015-10-30
Published Online: 2015-12-17
Published in Print: 2016-1-1

©2016 by De Gruyter

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