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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter Mouton July 13, 2010

Balancing obligations: Bowing and linguistic features in thanking in Japanese

  • Jun Ohashi


This paper investigates how bows (formal lowering of the head or upper body) and linguistic features are integrated into conversational organizations of a thanking episode in Japanese. A role-play based on a real life thanking episode is used for the investigation. A set of role-play data involving 20 native speakers of Japanese is transcribed for both quantitative and qualitative analyses. The data shows that bows are systematically embedded into conversational organizations. The beneficiary bows with key speech formulae that acknowledge his/her debt, and the benefactor reciprocates a bow with ie ie (no, no) which plays down his/her credit. In other words, key speech formulae in balancing debt-credit equilibrium are often accompanied by a bow. The results show that bows are essential and highly predictable body movements in thanking episodes in Japanese, and they are significant in balancing debt-credit for face-maintenance.

Published Online: 2010-07-13
Published in Print: 2010-July

© 2010 Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin/New York

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