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Publicly Available Published by De Gruyter November 23, 2017

New Approaches to Analyse Axon-Oligodendrocyte Communication in vivo

  • Tim Czopka

    Tim Czopka (*1980) studied biology at the Ruhr University Bochum, where he also obtained his PhD in neurosciences in 2009 (summa cum laude). After a postdoctoral stay at the University of Edinburgh (2010-2014), he moved to the Technical University of Munich where he is currently leading a junior research group. His work is currently funded by the Emmy-Noether programme of the DFG, the Munich Cluster of Systems Neurology (SyNergy), and an ERC Starting Grant (ERC-StG).

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    and Franziska Auer

    Franziska Auer (*1991) studied Pharmaceutical Sciences at the Ludwig-Maximilian Universität (LMU) Munich, and is currently PhD student in the group of Tim Czopka. She is part of the LMU Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences (GSN) and holds a scholarship of the Gertrud-Reemtsma Foundation of the Max Planck Society.

From the journal e-Neuroforum


A major challenge for understanding our nervous system is to elucidate how its constituting cells coordinate each other to form and maintain a functional organ. The interaction between neurons and oligodendrocytes represents a unique cellular entity. Oligodendrocytes myelinate axons by tightly ensheathing them. Myelination regulates speed of signal transduction, thus communication between neurons, and supports long-term axonal health. Despite their importance, we still have large gaps in our understanding of the mechanisms underlying myelinated axon formation, remodelling and repair. Zebrafish represent an increasingly popular model organism, particularly due to their suitability for live cell imaging and genetic manipulation. Here, we provide an overview about this research area, describe how zebrafish have helped understanding mechanisms of myelination, and discuss how zebrafish may help addressing open questions related to the control of axon-oligodendrocyte interactions.


Our central nervous system comprises myriads of cells, which continuously communicate with each other to form a functional organ. Individual nerve cells (neurons) are connected via long process extensions (axons) to exchange information. In doing so, neurons form a gigantic and highly complex network. Here, one important aspect for precise information processing is the speed, and thus the temporal timing, with which signals are exchanged between neurons.

The regions in which axons exchange information between different brain areas are called the ‘white matter’ (the grey matter being the areas where neuronal cell bodies reside). White matter appears white due to the presence of myelin, a fatty coating that surrounds most axons. Myelin is an evolutionary acquisition of vertebrates, which electrically insulates axons and enables rapid and energy efficient signal transmission. It is likely that these properties have in fact enabled the evolution of our complex nervous system with its high cell number. In the central nervous system (CNS), myelin is produced by specialised glial cells, the Oligodendrocytes. Genetic defects that perturb formation or maintenance of myelin (e.g. in Leukodystrophies) lead to severe motoric and cognitive symptoms. Similarly, degenerative myelin diseases lead to sensory-motor impairments and eventually paralysis, for example in Multiple Sclerosis (MS), an autoimmune disease in which myelin is selectively destroyed. Furthermore, there is increasing evidence that dynamic myelination is even involved in the regulation of brain plasticity and forms of learning, indicating that myelinating glia may play additional roles for nervous system function, beyond their role as electrical insulator.

We want to provide an overview of this area of research and emphasise how fundamental principles of the interaction between neurons and oligodendrocytes can be investigated using zebrafish as model organism.

Myelination of axons – more than static isolation

Architecture of myelinated axons

The term myelin as the ensheathment of axons dates back to 1854 by the German pathologist Rudolf Virchow. However, the identification of oligodendrocytes as the cellular source of myelin did not happen until 1922 by Pio Del Rio-Hortega. Since then, the structural, molecular and physiological properties of myelinated axons have been defined quite well (Fig. 1). Each oligodendrocyte forms dozens of myelin segments (internodes), each of which consists of tightly packed cell membranes, that are iteratively ‘wrapped’ around the axon. The consecutive alignment of individual internodes covers the axon along its length, leaving only short unmyelinated gaps between each internode, the nodes of Ranvier, which are highly enriched in voltage gated Na+ channels (Fig. 1). The tight stacking of myelin membrane electrically insulates the axon. This insulation increases membrane resistance, so that axon depolarisation spreads over a longer distance with a lower potential drop than along an unmyelinated axon. In consequence, the axon membrane is still sufficiently depolarised at distant nodes of Ranvier, so that resident Na+ channels can initiate a new action potential. This way, the action potential seems to ‘jump’ from node to node. This type of saltatory conduction enables action potential propagation with up to 100m/s, whereby thickness and length of the myelin amongst other factors affect conduction speed.

Fig. 1: Cellular architecture of myelinated axons in the CNS A Cartoon showing a neuron with a myelinated axon (magenta), a myelinating oligodendrocyte (green) and an oligodendrozyte precursor cell (blue). B Schematic cross-sectional view of a myelinated axon. C Comparison of continuous (top) and saltatory (bottom) nerve conduction. In saltatory conduction, action potentials are only initiated at the nodes of Ranvier, which then ‘jumps’ from node to node. D Cartoon showing a longitudinal section through a myelinated axon around the node of Ranvier region.
Fig. 1:

Cellular architecture of myelinated axons in the CNS A Cartoon showing a neuron with a myelinated axon (magenta), a myelinating oligodendrocyte (green) and an oligodendrozyte precursor cell (blue). B Schematic cross-sectional view of a myelinated axon. C Comparison of continuous (top) and saltatory (bottom) nerve conduction. In saltatory conduction, action potentials are only initiated at the nodes of Ranvier, which then ‘jumps’ from node to node. D Cartoon showing a longitudinal section through a myelinated axon around the node of Ranvier region.

Adapted and adaptive myelination to regulate nervous system function

It is possible to mathematically determine the optimal parameters for fastest action potential propagation, which are primarily affected by the thickness of the axon, the thickness of the myelin, and the distance between the nodes of Ranvier. In nature, however, myelination patterns can greatly differ from the theoretically optimal parameters in order to precisely coordinate temporal control of information flow. For example, it has been shown that in the auditory system of the gerbil, action potential arrival times in the auditory brainstem are regulated by variation in internodal length. This enables precise control of spatial hearing (Ford et al., 2015), and very nicely exemplifies that myelination patterns can be used to regulate network function.

In addition to highly specific myelination, completely atypical patterns of myelinated axons have been described recently. For example, axons of pyramidal neurons in the adult cortex often show only discontinuous myelination with long, unmyelinated gaps (Tomassy et al., 2014). The functional repercussions of such patchy myelination are currently totally unclear. However, in this context, it is interesting to note that adaptive myelination is involved in forms of learning. Acquisition of motor skills such as juggling involves white matter changes in humans. Similarly, mice fail to learn complex motor tasks when the formation of new myelin was genetically prevented (McKenzie et al., 2014). Together, these findings are indicative that active communication between neurons and oligodendrocytes may represent an additional regulatory element of higher nervous system function.

Support of axon survival

Enabling fast action potential propagation is not the only role of myelinating glia. The tight cellular interaction between an axon and surrounding oligodendrocytes does not only provide electrical insulation, but also generally isolates the axon from surrounding cells like astrocytes, an important intermediate cell type for coupling neurons to vasculature. Neurons can have very long axons so that the corresponding cell body can be over one meter away (in large animals). In order to meet the local energy demands during action potential generation, myelinating oligodendrocytes supply axons with glycolysis metabolites (Saab et al., 2013). This ensures long-term axon survival. Indeed, it is plausible that lack of metabolic supply by oligdendrocytes contributes to axon degeneration in disease, for example when demyelinated axons do not get repaired in MS.

The current state of research shows how important oligodendrocytes are for support and modulation of axon function. However, what controls if and how an axon gets myelinated? How plastic are these processes and what are the causes of their deregulation in disease? Here, we still lack fundamental understanding of the principles that underlie communication between these two cell types.

As the interactions between axon and oligodendrocyte are likely to be under the control of cell intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms, it is important to study them under physiological conditions in vivo. Myelination is a slow and long lasting process that only starts relatively late during ontogenesis. This provides technical challenges for studying dynamics of cellular interactions and their genetic control in many experimental models. Here, zebrafish represent a model organism with which one can overcome many of the technical limitations, as we will describe in the second part of this article.

A small (zebra-)fish of great value for neuroscience

Nowadays, zebrafish are used in almost all areas of biomedical research. One of the reasons for their increasing popularity is due to the fact that they share many genes and functions with those of higher vertebrates, so that many findings are easily transferable between species. In contrast to higher vertebrates, however, zebrafish develop very rapidly outside the mother. Within no more than five days, a freely swimming and independent organism of only a few millimetres develops from the fertilised egg (Fig. 2). Furthermore, zebrafish are relatively easy to maintain and they produce high numbers of offspring, which is why they were initially used mainly in mutagenesis screens to discover gene functions that underlie specific phenotypes.

Young zebrafish represent a preeminent model organism for neuroscience research. They have a relatively ‘simple’ nervous system, which does, however, control complex behaviours such as prey capture during their early larval life. This necessitates the integration of sensory information for the generation of an according behaviour. Zebrafish are relatively easy to manipulate genetically. Fertilised eggs can be injected with genetic constructs to express any desired gene or to perturb its function. Due to the optical transparency of young zebrafish, it is possible to investigate their CNS without the need of surgical intervention. Together, this allows to address neurobiological questions from gene to behaviour in an intact organism.

Fig. 2: Zebrafish as in vivo model to study axon-glia interactions A Major developmental stages of zebrafish from the fertilised egg to the adult animal. B Transgenesis in zebrafish to visualise different CNS cell types. Gene regulatory elements specific for different cell types can be used to express any protein of interest. Microinjection of such reporter constructs into fertilised eggs can be used to specifically label individual cells with fluorescent proteins, for example oligodendrocyte precursor cells (yellow), myelinating oligodendrocytes (green) and neurons (red). C When the transgene has been integrated into the germline of the injected animals, outcrossing of adults will lead to the generation of full transgenics in which all cells of a cell type are labelled.
Fig. 2:

Zebrafish as in vivo model to study axon-glia interactions A Major developmental stages of zebrafish from the fertilised egg to the adult animal. B Transgenesis in zebrafish to visualise different CNS cell types. Gene regulatory elements specific for different cell types can be used to express any protein of interest. Microinjection of such reporter constructs into fertilised eggs can be used to specifically label individual cells with fluorescent proteins, for example oligodendrocyte precursor cells (yellow), myelinating oligodendrocytes (green) and neurons (red). C When the transgene has been integrated into the germline of the injected animals, outcrossing of adults will lead to the generation of full transgenics in which all cells of a cell type are labelled.

Visualising cellular dynamics using in vivo microscopy of fluorescent reporters

The small size and optical translucency of young zebrafish make them ideally suited for in vivo microscopy. Continuous technological advances enable us to look into the nervous system of living animals with unprecedented resolution. This also allows to carry out longitudinal studies of the same cell in the same animal in order to obtain information about dynamics of structural changes (see excursion box for an overview of most relevant microscopy setups, Fig. 3). Subtypes of neurons and glial cells can be labelled with transgenic reporter constructs. A typical transgene consists of a gene regulatory sequence that drives the expression of a reporter protein (Fig. 2). The latter can be fluorescent proteins like the green fluorescent protein GFP and its variants, which fluoresce in different colours of the visual spectrum. However, it is equally possible to express any other protein, for example mutant proteins to manipulate cell function. Microinjection of transgenesis constructs into zebrafish eggs allows visualisation of specific cells and cell types in different colour combinations in the resulting organism. When a transgene is integrated in cells of the germline, breeding from these adults will give rise to a full transgenic animal in the daughter generation and all cells of e.g. a certain cell type are labelled (Fig. 2). This way, we and others have in the past generated a series of transgenic reagents and lines to specifically label myelin, myelinated axons, oligodendrocytes and their precursors with different fluorescent proteins (see (Czopka, 2016) for a detailed overview of published lines used to study oligodendrocyte biology in zebrafish). Using in vivo live cell microscopy in zebrafish, we have been able to address the long-standing question of how oligodendrocytes form a multi-layered myelin sheath. Even though the structure of myelin is well known, the principles of myelin morphogenesis remained totally unclear. When we followed individual nascent internodes, we could show that each new layer of membrane is added at the centre of the myelin sheaths, from where it extends laterally to form the multi-layered internode (Snaidero et al., 2014). This was the first demonstration of myelin morphogenesis in vivo, and also provides a good example of how live cell microscopy in zebrafish – together with genetic and ultrastructural analyses – can help understand fundamental biological questions.

Fig. 3: Major microscopy setups used for in vivo live cell microscopy
Fig. 3:

Major microscopy setups used for in vivo live cell microscopy

Where does new myelin come from?

Myelination of CNS axons is a long-lasting process. More and more axons can get myelinated over time – in some brain regions in humans up until our mid 30’s. At the same time, each individual oligodendrocyte can generate many internodes (the number seems primarily determined by axonal parameters). This raises the question of where new myelin comes from during long-term development? Elegant in vivo imaging studies in zebrafish have revealed highly dynamic behaviour of oligodendrocyte precursor cells (Kirby et al., 2006). However, dynamics of myelinating cells, particularly when oligodendrocytes determine their internode number, remained elusive. One plausible scenario would be that oligodendrocytes can plastically regulate the myelin they produce to dynamically adjust it to axonal demands. To test this hypothesis, we have carried out high-resolution time-lapse imaging and long-term analyses of oligodendrocytes in the zebrafish. In this work, we could show that individual oligodendrocytes initiate all their future internodes in the very short time window of no more than six hours during their differentiation (Fig. 4) (Czopka et al., 2013). After this time, myelinating oligodendrocytes lose their capability to form new internodes.

Fig. 4: Insights and open questions regarding the formation, maintenance and repair of myelinated axons
Fig. 4:

Insights and open questions regarding the formation, maintenance and repair of myelinated axons

The existence of such a short time window for each individual oligodendrocyte to form new myelin segments has important implications. It means that new internodes during long-term development can only come from newly differentiating oligodendrocyte precursor cells. These cells represent a substantial fraction of about 5% of all cells in the adult brain (in the mouse). Oligodendrocyte precursors are also the cellular source during regeneration of damaged myelin (remyelination). Remyelination is an endogenous regenerative process in the CNS, which is, however, often less efficient than primary myelination. This is also evident in diseases like MS, where remyelination often gets progressively worse and eventually fails. If the same oligodendrocyte precursor cells are responsible for primary myelination and secondary remyelination of axons, why is remyelination less efficient? There is probably no simple answer to this question, particularly because many diseases have multiple causes and influencing factors. However, it is possible to test aspects of such questions in the zebrafish model to obtain insights into fundamental principles of cellular behaviours, their intrinsic molecular control, and to disentangle the roles of surrounding cell types.


Oligodendrocytes play diverse important roles for the function and maintenance of axons, ranging from electrical insulation, regulation of transmission speed between neurons, to the metabolic support of axons and even being involved in regulation of learning and memory. We are only beginning to understand the importance of these functions and how they are regulated. It is still not understood what controls whether an axon is myelinated or not. It is quite possible that there is no sole mechanism by which myelination in the CNS is controlled, but rather that multiple parallel cascades co-exist, and activation of different combinations may be sufficient to initiate myelination. The existence of a combinatorial code is not unlikely, especially with regard to adaptive myelination. In addition to the question whether an axon is myelinated or not, how this axon is myelinated is equally important. Which factors regulate different myelination patterns along axons? Can these plastically change? And how do these cellular changes affect nervous system function?

Zebrafish are perfectly suited to contribute answers to all of these questions. Cell labelling with fluorescent reporters in the living animal enables to carry out long-term longitudinal analyses of single cells, and to manipulate these cells to elucidate principles of cellular behaviour. The continuous development of genetic reagents to manipulate physiology, biomolecular sensors, combined with improved optical imaging methods will not only allow us to investigate cells with unprecedented resolution, but also to research into the dynamic communication between cells. Furthermore, such analyses do not need to be restricted to axon-oligodendrocyte interactions but can equally include astrocytes, immune cells and the vasculature – areas of active research in zebrafish (see for example the following reviews (Gore et al., 2012; Sieger and Peri, 2013). Together, this will help to obtain a deeper understanding of how cells influence one another to regulate structure and function of the nervous system.

Excursion: in vivo microscopy

In order to understand biological processes, it is important to investigate cells in their physiological environment (in vivo). This reveals important information about temporal dynamics of cellular behaviour. However, when performing in vivo live cell microscopy, the experimenter is confronted with various obstacles.

  1. Blurring by out-of-focus information

  2. Optical aberrations / scattering

  3. Toxicity of light

Different optical microscopy systems have been developed to tackle these obstacles. Here, we want to want to provide an overview about the most commonly used principles.

In order to get rid of out-of-focus information (a), all setups presented here generate ‘optical sections’ through the tissue.

Confocal laser scanning microscope (Fig. 3, left). The illumination light is focussed on a single point through a pinhole in the light path to the sample. During detection, only emitted light that comes from the volume of the illumination plane can pass through a second pinhole that is in the light path to a detector. Light in the path above and below the focal plane is blocked at the pinhole. To obtain a multidimensional image, the sample is scanned in the focal plane point by point in the x- and y-axis (also in the z-axis for three-dimensional images).

Spinning disk confocal microscope (Fig. 3, second from left). Different to the point scanning confocal microscope, this system uses multiple pinholes localised on a disk that rotates above the sample (spinning disk). This allows simultaneous illumination and detection of multiple points in the focal plane, which are captured by a camera.

Two-photon microscope (Fig. 3, second from right). Here, excitation only occurs in the focal plane. Excitation occurs by simultaneous absorption of two photons of a higher wavelength when they have the same summed energy as single photon excitation (two-photon effect).

Lightsheet microscope (Fig. 3, right). In this system, special lenses generate a thin lightsheet that is sent through the entire focal plane. Detection occurs orthogonally to the illumination plane.

Optical aberrations (b) in the tissue are directly related to the wavelength used for illumination and detection. Generally: the higher the wavelength, the lower the scattering and the deeper it can penetrate the tissue. For this reason, illumination with infrared light used in two-photon microscopy enables much deeper imaging than illumination with visible light.

Regarding phototoxicity (c): the shorter the wavelength used, the more energy it has and the more toxic it is. Long wavelength illumination used in two-photon microscopy preserves the sample better than visible light. However, short illumination times as well as fast detection with visible light also reduce phototoxicity and bleaching, as it is the case in lightsheet and spinning disc confocal microscopy.

Lastly, the choice of the model organism has big impact on the spatial and temporal resolution that can be achieved. Young zebrafish are very small and thus almost translucent, so that tissue penetration and scattering are much less of an issue than with larger model organisms.

About the authors

Tim Czopka

Tim Czopka (*1980) studied biology at the Ruhr University Bochum, where he also obtained his PhD in neurosciences in 2009 (summa cum laude). After a postdoctoral stay at the University of Edinburgh (2010-2014), he moved to the Technical University of Munich where he is currently leading a junior research group. His work is currently funded by the Emmy-Noether programme of the DFG, the Munich Cluster of Systems Neurology (SyNergy), and an ERC Starting Grant (ERC-StG).

Franziska Auer

Franziska Auer (*1991) studied Pharmaceutical Sciences at the Ludwig-Maximilian Universität (LMU) Munich, and is currently PhD student in the group of Tim Czopka. She is part of the LMU Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences (GSN) and holds a scholarship of the Gertrud-Reemtsma Foundation of the Max Planck Society.


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Published Online: 2017-11-23
Published in Print: 2017-11-27

© 2017 by De Gruyter

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