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Discursive representation: Semiotics, theory, and method

  • Pablo Matus EMAIL logo
From the journal Semiotica


Although representation may be a recurrent theme in research on journalism and advertising, as well as in studies of other social discourses, there may be less clarity regarding its epistemological and methodological aspects. One example is the frequent use of Social Representations Theory (Moscovici), despite its research object is a cognitive phenomenon. Beginning with a literature review in which I examine several sources (for example, sign theory, the philosophy of language, and rhetoric), the following article presents a theory of discursive representation, as well as associated semiotic, epistemological, and methodological theories. My aim is to provide a conceptual framework to help guide and prompt further research in this area.

A preliminary version of this article, entitled “Hacia una teoría de la representación discursiva” (Towards a theory of discursive representation), was presented at the 9th International Chilean Congress of Semiotics, Pucón, Chile (October 2015).


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Article note:

Translator of the article: Nick Charlesworth.

Published Online: 2018-10-31
Published in Print: 2018-11-06

© 2018 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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