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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter April 4, 2018

Targeted Advertising on Competing Platforms

  • Qiang Gong , Siqi Pan and Huanxing Yang EMAIL logo


This paper studies targeted advertising in two-sided markets. Two platforms, with different targeting abilities, compete for single-homing consumers, while advertising firms are multi-homing. Ads overall impose negative externalities on consumers. When the targeting ability of the advantaged platform increases, (i) the advantaged platform will have more advertising firms, attract more consumers, and become more profitable, but its ad price and total volume of ads could either increase or decrease; (ii) the disadvantaged platform will have fewer advertising firms, attract fewer consumers, have fewer ads in total, increase its ad price, and become less profitable; (iii) all consumers will be better off. Finally, we compare social incentives and equilibrium incentives in investing in targeting ability, and find that underinvestment is most likely to occur.

JEL Classification: D43; L13; L15


Proof of Lemma 1

proof. Part (i). Recall that the logconcavity of f implies that vˆi1F(vˆi)f(vˆi) is strictly increasing in vˆi. By the definition of v˜ and μ˜ , we have vˆi1F(vˆi)f(vˆi)0 if μ[μ˜,1], with the strict inequality if μμ˜. Since xivˆi[1F(vˆi)]0 for any μ, we reach the conclusion that Πiμi<0 if μ(μ˜,1].

Part (ii). A necessary condition for an equilibrium μi is Πiμi(μi)=0. Following part (i) we must have μi[0,μ˜], if equilibrium exists.

Part (iii). We first show that 2Πiμi2<0 for μi[0,μ˜). By eq. (5),


Now inspect each term in the above expression. Recall that, for μi[0,μ˜),vˆi1F(vˆi)f(vˆi)>0 and is strictly decreasing in μi. The term mi(μi,μj) is also positive and strictly decreasing in μi. By previous analysis, vˆi[1F(vˆi)]=R(μi) is strictly increasing in μi for μi[0,μ˜). Therefore, 2Πiμi2<0 for μi[0,μ˜).

Next we show that 2Πiμiμj>0. Again by eq. (5),


which is strictly greater than 0 for μi[0,μ˜).

Claim 1.Let W(v)vv1F(v)f(v) and Z(v)v[1F(v)]v1F(v)f(v). Both W(v) and Z(v) are strictly decreasing invforv[v˜,v),and hence are strictly increasing inμforμ[0,μ˜).

proof. Taking derivatives, we get


where the inequality uses the fact that (1F(v)f(v))<0 by the logconcavity of f(). Similarly,


where the inequality uses the fact that [v1F(v)f(v)] is strictly increasing in v.

Proof of Lemma 2

proof. Recall that, by part (iii) of Lemma 1, μi and μj are strategic complements. And the domain of [0,μ˜] is compact. By Theorem 4.2(ii) of Vives (1990), the set of Nash equilibria is non-empty. To show the uniqueness of Nash equilibrium, we add eqs (6) and (7), and get


Using the definition of Z(v), the above equation can be written compactly as xAZ(vˆA)+xBZ(vˆB)=1. Now suppose there are two Nash equilibria: (μA1,μB1) and (μA2,μB2). By Theorem 4.2(ii) Vives (1990), the two Nash equilibria can be ordered. Without loss of generality, suppose (μA1,μB1)\lt(μA2,μB2). But by the monotonicity of Z(v), according to Claim 1, we have


which contradicts eq. (12). Therefore, there is a unique equilibrium.

Proof of Proposition 1

proof. Part (i). Suppose, to the contrary, μBμA. Since xA>xB, we have xAμA>xBμB. Taking the difference between eqs (6) and (7), we have


The RHS of the above equation, (13), is strictly greater than 0, which follows from the presumption that μBμA, and the facts that Z(v)>0 and is increasing in μ (by Claim 1) for μ[0,μ˜), and xA>xB. This contradicts the result that the LHS of eq. (13) is strictly less than 0. Thus we must have μB>μA. It immediately follows that vˆA>vˆB.

To show xAμA>xBμB, suppose, to the contrary, xAμAxBμB. This means that the LHS of eq. (13) is greater than or equal to 0. Now consider the RHS of eq. (13). By the fact that μ˜>μB>μA and by Claim 1, we have W(vˆB)\gtW(vˆA)>0. Combined with the presumption that xAμAxBμB, we draw the conclusion that the RHS of eq. (13) is strictly less than 0, a contradiction. Therefore, we must have xAμA>xBμB. It follows immediately that mA(μA,μB)<mB(μA,μB).

The difference in equilibrium profits can be written as


Since αBmB>αAmA,vˆB[1F(vˆB)]vˆA[1F(vˆA)]0 implies that ΠBΠA>0. Recall that v[1F(v)] is decreasing in v for v[v˜,v]. Combining with the result in part (i) that vˆA>vˆB, we have vˆB[1F(vˆB)]vˆA[1F(vˆA)]0. This proves that ΠA<ΠB.

Part (ii). The sign of pBpA can be expressed as


By the above expression, pBpA>0 is equivalent to


Recall that μvˆ is strictly decreasing in vˆ for vˆ[v˜,v), which means that μBvˆB>μAvˆA , or μAμB<vˆBvˆA. Thus, to prove pA<pB, it is enough to show that 1+1αBαB1qq1+1αAαA1qqμAμB. The fact that xAμA>xBμB implies that μAμB>xBxA. Thus it is sufficient that 1+1αBαB1qq1+1αAαA1qqyByA.

Part (iii). When both xA and xB goes to 0, we have mi12 and μiμ˜, for i=A,B. Therefore,


where the last inequality follows the fact q\lt1/2.

Proof of Proposition 2

proof. Part (i). A consumer’s total net nuisance cost incurred on platform i is yiμi. The fact that yAμA>yBμB follows directly from the result that xAμA>xBμB (part (i) of Proposition 1).

Part (ii). Consider a type v firm advertising on both platforms: vvˆA>vˆB. Its profit per consumer and total profit on platform i are αiq(vvˆi) and αiq(vvˆi)mi, respectively. Since αA<αB,vˆA>vˆB, and mA<mB, we conclude that αAq(vvˆA)\ltαBq(vvˆB) and αAq(vvˆA)mA<αBq(vvˆB)mB.

Proof of Proposition 3

proof. Part (i). Since an increase in αB implies a decrease in xB, it is sufficient to show that μAxB>0 and μBxB<0. Define WiW(vˆi). Differentiating eqs (6) and (7) with respect to xB, we get


From the above two equations, we can solve for μBxB as follows:


where the inequality follows dWAdμA>0 and dWBdμB>0. From eqs (14) and (16), the sign of μAxB can be expressed as


Part (ii). It is sufficient to show that (xAμAxBμB)xB<0. More explicitly,


where the inequality follows eq. (14), which implies that μB+xBμBxB>xAμAxB.

Part (iii). Recall that vˆμ>0 and it is increasing in μ for μ[0,μ˜]. Thus by part (i), we have vˆAμA<vˆAμA and vˆBμB>vˆBμB. By eq. (4), Πiαimivˆiμi. Since αA remains the same, mA<mA by part (ii), and vˆAμA<vˆAμA, it must be the case that ΠA<ΠA. Similarly, since αB>αB,mB>mB by part (ii), and vˆBμB>vˆBμB, we must have ΠB>ΠB.

Part (iv). To show pA>pA, it is sufficient to show that pAxB<0. By eq. (1), pAxBdvˆAdμAμAxB<0, where the inequality follows μAxB>0 in part (i).

The sign of pBpB can be expressed as


By the above expression, pBpB>0 is equivalent to


Since vˆμ>0 and it is increasing in μ for μ[0,μ˜], we have vˆBμBvˆBμB>0, or μBμB<vˆBvˆB. Thus to show that pBpB<0, it is enough to show that 1+1αBαB1qq1+1αBαB1qqμBμB. Note that xBμB<xBμB. To see this, by eqs (16) and (17), we have


This implies that (xBμB)αB<0 and xBμB, since μB>μB by part (i) of Proposition 3. The fact that xBμB<xBμB implies yByB<μBμB. Therefore, to show pBpB<0 it is sufficient that 1+1αBαB1qq1+1αBαB1qqyByB.

Part (v). Since αA remains the same, mA<mA, and μA<μA, the total number of ads on platform A decreases. Regarding platform B, when t, we have mB12,mB12,μBμ˜, and μBμ˜. Therefore,


since q\lt1/2. This means that for t big enough, the total number of ads on platform B decreases.

Now we show that the total combined relevant ads increase if the distribution of v is either uniform or exponential. Define uivˆi1F(vˆi)f(vˆi) and nivˆiμi. Note that niμi=ui>0, and uiμi<0. Now the FOCs of eqs (6) and (7) can be written as:


Taking derivatives w.r.t. αB, we get


where k=12tλq+γ12q>0. The total combined relevant ads are given by αAqμAmA+αBqμBmB. Taking derivatives w.r.t. αB and using the above equations, we get


Since μAαB<0, it is enough to show that the term in the braces is negative, which is equivalent to


Using the facts that, αA<αB,xA>xB,mA<mB, and uiμi<0, the following condition is sufficient


Suppose v is uniformly distributed on [0,1], then ui=12μi, and uiμi=2. The inequality eq. (18) becomes


which obviously holds.

Now suppose v has an exponential distribution with density f(v)=ξeξx,ξ>0. In this case, ui=1ξ(lnμi1) and uiμi=1ξμi. The inequality eq. (18) becomes


The above inequality holds because (μBlnμB)\gt(μAlnμA) by the facts that μilnμi=ξni,niμi>0, and μB>μA.

Proof of Proposition 4

proof. Part (i). Following Proposition 3, we have μA<μA. Since αA, and hence yA, does not change, it implies that yAμA<yAμA. The fact that mA<mA means that yBμByAμA<yBμByAμA. The above two inequalities imply that yBμByBμB<yAμAyAμA<0.

Part (ii). Firms with v(vˆB,vˆB) are clearly better off since they were not participating on any platform initially. Firms with v[vˆB,vˆA) are also better off. To see this, note that before and after the change they only participate on platform B. A type v firm’s profit on platform B equals to αBqmB(vvˆB). Since αB>αB,mB>mB,vˆB<vˆB, we have αBqmB(vvˆB)\gtαBqmB(vvˆB).

For firms participating on both platforms after the change (vvˆA), a type v firm’s total profit on two platforms is given by αAqmA(vvˆA)+αBqmB(vvˆB). Taking derivatives w.r.t. αB, and using similar logic as in the proof of part (iii), in the case of uniform distribution we get


which holds, since vvˆA1/2.

In the case of exponential distribution,


The term αAmAxBf(vˆA)αBmBxAf(vˆB)αAnAf(vˆA)uAαBnBf(vˆB)uB=αA1F(vˆA)f(vˆA)W(vˆA)αB1F(vˆB)f(vˆB)W(vˆB)<0, since the hazard rate is constant and W() is decreasing. Now the original inequality boils down to


which obviously holds.

Proof of Proposition 5

proof. Given that αA=αB=α, the equilibrium allocation must be symmetric, and we denote the equilibrium variables as μ and vˆ. By eqs (6) and (7), the equilibrium condition boils down to


where y=γ(1q)(1α)(λγ)αq, and W=vˆvˆ1F(vˆ)f(vˆ). Taking derivative with respect to α and rearranging, we get


Recall that a consumer’s total net nuisance cost incurred (on either platform) is yμ. The change in the total net nuisance cost induced by a change in α is given by


where the inequality uses the facts that W>0,dWdμ>0 (Claim 1), and yα<0.

Proof of Proposition 6

proof. Part (i). We first show that the first term in eq. (11) is positive. In particular


since dZdμ>0. But


where the last inequality uses the fact that the terms in the brackets is positive due to the logconcavity of f().

The second term in eq. (11) is clearly positive, since


Now we add the first term and the third term of eq. (11) together. Given qv1/2 and t1/2, to show the sum of the two terms is positive, it is sufficient that the following expression is positive:


Since Zμ and μdZdμZ>0, the following condition is sufficient:


But again by Zμ and μdZdμZ>0,


Therefore, when qv1/2 and t1/2,Ho(α)H(α) is strictly positive. This further implies that, by the convexity of C(),α<αo.

Part (ii). Since v is uniformly distributed, μ˜=1/2, and


Now eq. (11) becomes


It can be verified that expression eq. (19) 17μ+14μ210μ3 is decreasing in μ for μ[0,1/2]. Therefore, if μμˆ, where μˆ(0,1/2) is the solution to 17μ+14μ210μ3=0, then Ho(α)H(α)>0. Now define xˆ as 12xˆ=Z(μˆ)=μˆ(1μˆ)12μˆ. We have μμˆ if xxˆ. Since x(α) reaches its minimum at α , x(α)xˆ if x(α)xˆ. To summarize, if x(α)xˆ, then μμˆ, and Ho(α)H(α)>0, which implies α<αo.

Part (iii). Given that v is uniformly distributed, qv<1/2. Thus, by part (i), for α>αo to occur it must be the case that t\lt1/2. By part (ii), for α>αo to occur it must be the case that x(α)\ltxˆ.


We would like to thank the Editor, two anonymous referees, Yongmin Chen, the audience of the 12th Annual IIOC (Chicago, April 2014), and the seminar audience of Zhejiang University, for helpful comments.


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