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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter August 5, 2014

Quantifying the multi-scale performance of network inference algorithms

  • Chris J. Oates EMAIL logo , Richard Amos and Simon E.F. Spencer


Graphical models are widely used to study complex multivariate biological systems. Network inference algorithms aim to reverse-engineer such models from noisy experimental data. It is common to assess such algorithms using techniques from classifier analysis. These metrics, based on ability to correctly infer individual edges, possess a number of appealing features including invariance to rank-preserving transformation. However, regulation in biological systems occurs on multiple scales and existing metrics do not take into account the correctness of higher-order network structure. In this paper novel performance scores are presented that share the appealing properties of existing scores, whilst capturing ability to uncover regulation on multiple scales. Theoretical results confirm that performance of a network inference algorithm depends crucially on the scale at which inferences are to be made; in particular strong local performance does not guarantee accurate reconstruction of higher-order topology. Applying these scores to a large corpus of data from the DREAM5 challenge, we undertake a data-driven assessment of estimator performance. We find that the “wisdom of crowds” network, that demonstrated superior local performance in the DREAM5 challenge, is also among the best performing methodologies for inference of regulation on multiple length scales.

Corresponding author: Chris J. Oates, Department of Statistics, Zeeman Building, University of Warwick, Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry, CV4 7AL, UK, e-mail:


The authors are grateful to the Associate Editor and three anonymous reviewers whose comments greatly improved this manuscript. In addition the authors thank Gustavo Stolovitzky and Sach Mukherjee for their feedback at an earlier stage of this research. This work was supported by the Centre for Research in Statistical Methodology grant (EPSRC EP/D002060/1). CJO was involved in designing the DREAM8 Challenge. CJO, RA, SEFS were not involved in the DREAM5 Challenge.

Appendix A: Proofs

Proof of Theorem 1.S-optimality of the benchmark network G follows immediately from the definition of each score. To prove nonuniqueness we begin by considering MSS1. For this, take G to be the network ABCA and take G′ to be the network ABCA; then both networks entail the same descendancy relationships. It follows from (D3; consistency) that both G and G′ maximise SMSS1ROC and SMSS1PR, demonstrating that the maximiser will be non-unique in general. The argument for MSS2 is analogous, using the same pair of networks.

Proof of Theorem 2. (a) Given ε>0. We proceed by constructing a sequence of pairs (G, Ĝ) indexed by p, the number of vertices, such that the scores associated with Ĝ end simultaneously to the required limits as p→∞. Define a data-generating network G on p vertices by the edge set

(9)E(G)={(1,i):2ip1}{(i,p):2ip1} (9)

and consider an unweighted network Ĝ with topology E(Ĝ)=E(G)∪{(p, 1)}. i.e., Ĝ differs to G in the addition of a single edge (p, 1). The ROC curve corresponding to Ĝ is defined by the three points

(10){(0,0),(FPR,TPR),(1,1)} (10)

so that by linear interpolation the area under the curve is 12(1+TPRFPR). The PR curve is similarly defined by

(11){(0,0),(TPR,PPV),(1,Tp(p1))}. (11)

Here T is the number of true examples; for local scores this is E(G), for MSS1 this is #{(i, j):G(ij)≠∅, ij} and for MSS2 this is ∑i,jei, j. To compute the area under this curve we must use nonlinear interpolation (Goadrich et al., 2004). Specifically, interpolation between the two points A, B with true/false positive values (TPA, FPA), (TPB, FPB) respectively we create new points for each of TPA+1, TPA+2, …, TPB–1, increasing the false positives for each new point by (FPB–FPA)/(TPB–TPA). By direct calculation we have that the area under this interpolated curve is

(12)TP2T(TP+FP)+1Tj=1TTP(TP+j)(TTP)(TP+FP)(TTP)+j[p(p1)TPFP]. (12)

Fix ε>0. For (i), since Ĝ differs to G by just a single edge we have TP=2(p–2), FP=1, T=2(p–2), TPR=1, FPR=1(p1)(p2),PPV=2p42p3. It is then easily checked that

(13)SlocalROC=12(1+11(p1)(p2))1asp, (13)
(14)SlocalPR=[2(p2)]2[2(p2)][2(p2)+1]1asp. (14)

Thus P1:pP1,SlocalROC>1e,SlocalPR>1e.

For (ii-iii) and MSS1 note that Ĝ(ij)≠∅ for all ij, so that Ĝ predicts every possible descendancy. Thus TP=2 p–3, FP=p2–3p+3, T=2p–3, TPR=1, FPR=1, PPV=2p3p(p1) and

(15)SMSS1ROC=12(1+11)12asp, (15)
(16)SMSS1PR=[2p3]2[2p3][(2p3)+(p23p+3)]0asp. (16)

Thus P2:pP2,SMSS1ROC<12+e,SMSS1PR<e. For MSS2 note that the estimated effects are e^=1p×p whereas the benchmark effects are given in the sparse matrix

(17)e=[11111(p2)1(p2)11] (17)

leading to TP =2p, FP =p(p–2), T=2p, TPR =1, FPR =1, PPV=2p and

(18)SMSS2ROC=12(1+11)12asp, (18)
(19)SMSS2PR=[2p]2[2p][2p+p(p2)]0asp. (19)

Thus P3:pP3,SMSS2ROC<12+e,SMSS2PR<e.

Taking p>max{P1, P2, P3}, we have shown that (G, Ĝ) satisfy the conclusions of the theorem.

(b) The converse result is proved similarly, taking G to be the cycle 1→2→…→p→1 and Ĝ to be the reverse 1←2←…←p←1.□

Proof of Theorem 3. Let P=(p0, …, pm) be a path from p0 to pm. Define the intermediate vertices in the path to be the vertices p1, …, pm–1. For each pair of vertices i and j we wish to calculate τi, j, the largest threshold τ for which i and j are connected by a path in HΓ.

For k=0, …, p, let τi,j(k) represent the largest value of the threshold τ for which HΓ contains a path from i to j with intermediate vertices in the set (1, …, k). From this definition, we have τi,j(0)=H, the weighted adjacency matrix and τi,j=τi,j(p). Next we show that for k=1, …, p,

(20)τi,j(k)=max{τi,j(k1),min{τi,k(k1),τk,j(k1)}}. (20)

To see this, note that τi,j(k)=τi,j(k1) unless there is a more strongly connected path which goes through k. Such a path must first connect i to k, and then connect k to j, with both paths involving intermediate vertices in {1, …, k–1}. This connection is broken in HΓ once the threshold τ is raised above the minimum of these two connections, that is when τ>min{τi,k(k1),τk,j(k1)}.

The conclusion of the Theorem follows by iterative application of Equation 20.□

Remarks on the proof of Theorem 3: To make the algorithm more memory efficient, we note that it is not necessary to store more than O(p2) values for τ at any point. This stems from the fact that each iteration is calculated only from the results of the previous one, reducing the necessary storage to 2p2. This can be improved further by noting that if i=k or j=k then k cannot be an intermediate vertex in a path connecting i to j and hence τi,j(k)=τi,j(k1). These 2k–1 index values are the only elements needed to calculate the kth iteration, and they themselves do not need to be updated. Hence, the remaining elements in the matrix are needed only for their own update and can be safely over-written. A corollary to this is that the i and j loops in the algorithm can be completed in any order or even in parallel. Note that this algorithm works whether or not the weight matrix H is allowed to contain loops. Irrespective of whether loops are permitted or not, τi, i represents the largest value of the edge threshold for which node i is contained in a cycle.

For Theorem 4 we require a series of Lemmas:

Lemma 1The effects

(21)eij=δij+PH(ij)k=1(P)1|H(,pk)| (21)

are well-defined and satisfy 0≤eij≤1.

Proof. We show the sum in Equation 21 converges absolutely. Since all terms are non-negative, it is sufficient to prove that, for each ij such that H(ij)≠∅, the sum is bounded above. Consider the partial sums

(22)eij(n)=PH(ij):(P)nk=1(P)1|H(,pk)|. (22)

If Equation 21 diverges, so must limneij(n) since all paths are of finite length, so it is sufficient to prove eij(n) is bounded above by one as n→∞. We proceed inductively, with base case

(23)eij(1)={1|H(,j)|:iH(,j)0:otherwise}1. (23)

Suppose eij(n1)1. Then for iH(•, j) we have

(24)eij(n)=kH(,j)1|H(,j)|eik(n1) (24)

since a path P of length m can be decomposed into a path from p0=i to pm–1=k and an edge from pm–1=k to pm=j. Therefore eij(n)kH(,j)1|H(,j)|=1 as required. The case where iH(•, j) is similar, leading to

(25)eij(n)=kH(,j)\{i}1|H(,j)|eik(n1) (25)

from which we again conclude eij(n)kH(,j)1|H(,j)|=1. Therefore eij(n)1 for all n by induction.□

Lemma 2Effects, as defined in Equation 21, satisfy (i) eijijfor all i, j s.t. H(ij)=∅, (ii)eij=kH(,j)1|H(,j)|eikfor all i, j s.t. H(ij)≠∅.

Proof of Lemma 2. The first statement follows immediately from Equation 21. For the second statement, consider two cases: Firstly, for i≠j such that iH(•, j) we have

(26)kH(,j)1|H(,j)|eik=kH(,j)1|H(,j)|PH(ik)l=1(P)1|H(,pl)| (26)
(27)=PH(ij)l=1(P)1|H(,pl)|=eij. (27)

Note that absolute convergence (Lemma 1) ensures the manipulation of infinite sums is valid. The proof for iH(•, j) is similar but requires slightly more care:

(28)kH(,j)1|H(,j)|eik=kH(,j)1|H(,j)|{δik+PH(ik)l=1(P)1|H(,pl)|} (28)
(29)=1|H(,j)|+ki1|H(,j)|PH(ik)l=1(P)1|H(,pl)| (29)
(30)=PH(ij)p(P)1=il=1(P)1|H(,pl)|+PH(ij)p(P)1il=1(P)1|H(,pl)| (30)
(31)=PH(ij)l=1(P)1|H(,pl)|=eij. (31)

Lemma 3Define a matrixM(i) by (i)Mim(i)=δim, (ii) for H(ik)≠∅ and mH(•, k), setMkm(i)=1|H(,k)|, (iii)Mkm(i)=0 otherwise. Then the conclusions of Lemma 2 are equivalent to the following: For each i, the vectorvwhere vk=eik satisfiesM(i)v=v.

Proof. Equivalence may be verified directly.□

Lemma 4SupposevsatisfiesM(i)v=v. Then for all k we must havevk∣≤vi∣.

Proof. Suppose not. Then there exists k such that (i) ∣vk∣>vi∣ and (ii) ∣vk∣ is maximal. Without loss of generality H(ik)≠∅ since otherwise vk=jMkj(i)vj=j0vj=0. Then ∣vm∣=∣vk∣ for all mH(•, k), since vk=mMkm(i)vm=mH(,k)1|H(,k)|vm and mH(,k)1|H(,k)|=1. By induction on a path from i to K we arrive at ∣vi∣=∣vk∣, contradicting (i).□

Lemma 5There exists a unique solution toM(i)v=vwith vi=1.

Proof.Existence: The ith row of M(i) contains only zeros, except for the ith entry which is equal to 1. Hence the characteristic polynomial contains a root (eigenvalue) λ=1 with corresponding eigenvector v˜0. From Lemma 4 we must have vi≠0 (else |v˜j||v˜i|=0 for all j, implying that v˜=0). Taking v=v˜/vi proves existence.

Uniqueness: Suppose v and v′ both satisfy the criteria. Then v″=vv′ is also an eigenvector of M(i) with unit eigenvalue. From Lemma 4 we have |vk||vi|=0 for all k, implying that v=v′.□

Proof of Theorem 4. Together Lemmas 1–5 prove that the effect matrix e={eij} exists and is unique. Moreover, the ith row ei of e may be computed as the unique eigenvector of M(i) corresponding to unit eigenvalue.

For moderate dimensional matrices M(i), eigenvectors may be calculated using any valid algorithm. One such algorithm, suitable for high dimensional problems, is the “power iteration” method. Specifically we compute the leading eigenvector v of M(i) as

(32)ei=limnv(n),v(n)=M(i)v(n1)||M(i)v(n1)||,vk(0)=δik. (32)

Efficient computation in this setting is reviewed in Berkhin (2005).□


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