Inequities in the Freedom to Lead a Flourishing and Healthy Life: Time for a Progressive Social Protections Framework; Comment on “Inequities in the Freedom to Lead a Flourishing and Healthy Life: Issues for Healthy Public Policy”

Document Type : Commentary


National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, School of Population Health, College of Medicine, Biology and Environment, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia


Evidence now shows that the key drivers of poor health are social factors, such as education, employment,
housing and urban environments. Variations in these social factors—or the conditions in which we live our
lives—have lead to a growth in health inequalities within and between countries. One of the key challenges
facing those concerned with health equity is how to effect change across the broad policy areas that impact
these social conditions, and create a robust ‘social protections framework’ to address and prevent health


Main Subjects


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  • Receive Date: 08 September 2014
  • Revise Date: 24 September 2014
  • Accept Date: 23 September 2014
  • First Publish Date: 23 September 2014