
This research investigated the moderating effects of organizational cynicism and resilience in the relations between mobbing in organization and employees’ turnover intention and between mobbing in organization and employees’ job involvement in hotel industry. In terms of methodology, this research was initiated by setting mobbing in organization(threat to professional status and social isolation) as an independent variable, turnover intention and job involvement as an dependent variable, and finally organizational cynicism and resilience as a moderating variable. The Purposes of this study are 1) to examine the relationship between mobbing in organization(threat to professional status and social isolation) and turnover intention, 2) to examine the relationship between mobbing in organization(threat to professional status and social isolation) and job involvement, and 3) to explore the effect of moderating effect of organizational cynicism and resilience. To obtain data for a practical analysis, 300 copies of questionnaires were distributed among employees in hotel industry(10 hotel company) for two weeks. The number of questionnaire that were really used for the analysis is 279 copies with valid response rate of 93.0%. The findings of hypothesis tests can be summed up as follows. First, the analysis shows that mobbing in organization(threat to professional status and social isolation) makes positive effects on turnover intention. Second, the analysis shows that mobbing in organization(threat to professional status and social isolation) makes negative effects on job involvement. Third, the analysis shows that organizational cynicism has the moderating effects on the relations between mobbing in organization(threat to professional status and social isolation) and turnover intention. and finally, the analysis shows that resilience has the moderating effects on the relations between social isolation between types of mobbing in organization and turnover intention. The above results will provide various implications for CEO and managers.


Hotel Industry, Mobbing in Organization, Turnover Intention, Job Involvement, Organizational Cynicism, Resilience


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